
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""Module for functions to traverse AiiDA graphs."""

import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Set, cast

from numpy import inf

from aiida import orm
from aiida.common import exceptions
from aiida.common.links import GraphTraversalRules, LinkType
from aiida.orm.utils.links import LinkQuadruple
from import Basket
from import RuleSaveWalkers, RuleSequence, RuleSetWalkers, UpdateRule

    from aiida.orm.implementation import StorageBackend

if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
    from typing import TypedDict

[文档] class TraverseGraphOutput(TypedDict, total=False): nodes: Set[int] links: Optional[Set[LinkQuadruple]] rules: Dict[str, bool]
else: TraverseGraphOutput = Mapping[str, Any]
[文档] def get_nodes_delete( starting_pks: Iterable[int], get_links: bool = False, missing_callback: Optional[Callable[[Iterable[int]], None]] = None, backend: Optional['StorageBackend'] = None, **traversal_rules: bool, ) -> TraverseGraphOutput: """This function will return the set of all nodes that can be connected to a list of initial nodes through any sequence of specified authorized links and directions for deletion. :param starting_pks: Contains the (valid) pks of the starting nodes. :param get_links: Pass True to also return the links between all nodes (found + initial). :param missing_callback: A callback to handle missing starting_pks or if None raise NotExistent For example to ignore them: ``missing_callback=lambda missing_pks: None`` :param traversal_rules: graph traversal rules. See :const:`aiida.common.links.GraphTraversalRules` what rule names are toggleable and what the defaults are. """ traverse_links = validate_traversal_rules(GraphTraversalRules.DELETE, **traversal_rules) traverse_output = traverse_graph( starting_pks, get_links=get_links, backend=backend, links_forward=traverse_links['forward'], links_backward=traverse_links['backward'], missing_callback=missing_callback, ) function_output: TraverseGraphOutput = { 'nodes': traverse_output['nodes'], 'links': traverse_output['links'], 'rules': traverse_links['rules_applied'], } return function_output
[文档] def get_nodes_export( starting_pks: Iterable[int], get_links: bool = False, backend: Optional['StorageBackend'] = None, **traversal_rules: bool, ) -> TraverseGraphOutput: """This function will return the set of all nodes that can be connected to a list of initial nodes through any sequence of specified authorized links and directions for export. This will also return the links and the traversal rules parsed. :param starting_pks: Contains the (valid) pks of the starting nodes. :param get_links: Pass True to also return the links between all nodes (found + initial). :param input_calc_forward: will traverse INPUT_CALC links in the forward direction. :param create_backward: will traverse CREATE links in the backward direction. :param return_backward: will traverse RETURN links in the backward direction. :param input_work_forward: will traverse INPUT_WORK links in the forward direction. :param call_calc_backward: will traverse CALL_CALC links in the backward direction. :param call_work_backward: will traverse CALL_WORK links in the backward direction. """ traverse_links = validate_traversal_rules(GraphTraversalRules.EXPORT, **traversal_rules) traverse_output = traverse_graph( starting_pks, get_links=get_links, backend=backend, links_forward=traverse_links['forward'], links_backward=traverse_links['backward'], ) function_output: TraverseGraphOutput = { 'nodes': traverse_output['nodes'], 'links': traverse_output['links'], 'rules': traverse_links['rules_applied'], } return function_output
[文档] def validate_traversal_rules( ruleset: GraphTraversalRules = GraphTraversalRules.DEFAULT, **traversal_rules: bool ) -> dict: """Validates the keywords with a ruleset template and returns a parsed dictionary ready to be used. :param ruleset: Ruleset template used to validate the set of rules. :param input_calc_forward: will traverse INPUT_CALC links in the forward direction. :param input_calc_backward: will traverse INPUT_CALC links in the backward direction. :param create_forward: will traverse CREATE links in the forward direction. :param create_backward: will traverse CREATE links in the backward direction. :param return_forward: will traverse RETURN links in the forward direction. :param return_backward: will traverse RETURN links in the backward direction. :param input_work_forward: will traverse INPUT_WORK links in the forward direction. :param input_work_backward: will traverse INPUT_WORK links in the backward direction. :param call_calc_forward: will traverse CALL_CALC links in the forward direction. :param call_calc_backward: will traverse CALL_CALC links in the backward direction. :param call_work_forward: will traverse CALL_WORK links in the forward direction. :param call_work_backward: will traverse CALL_WORK links in the backward direction. """ if not isinstance(ruleset, GraphTraversalRules): raise TypeError( f'ruleset input must be of type aiida.common.links.GraphTraversalRules\ninstead, it is: {type(ruleset)}' ) rules_applied: Dict[str, bool] = {} links_forward: List[LinkType] = [] links_backward: List[LinkType] = [] for name, rule in ruleset.value.items(): follow = rule.default if name in traversal_rules: if not rule.toggleable: raise ValueError(f'input rule {name} is not toggleable for ruleset {ruleset}') follow = traversal_rules.pop(name) if not isinstance(follow, bool): raise ValueError(f'the value of rule {name} must be boolean, but it is: {follow}') if follow: if rule.direction == 'forward': links_forward.append(rule.link_type) elif rule.direction == 'backward': links_backward.append(rule.link_type) else: raise exceptions.InternalError(f'unrecognized direction `{rule.direction}` for graph traversal rule') rules_applied[name] = follow if traversal_rules: error_message = f"unrecognized keywords: {', '.join(traversal_rules.keys())}" raise exceptions.ValidationError(error_message) valid_output = { 'rules_applied': rules_applied, 'forward': links_forward, 'backward': links_backward, } return valid_output
[文档] def traverse_graph( starting_pks: Iterable[int], max_iterations: Optional[int] = None, get_links: bool = False, links_forward: Iterable[LinkType] = (), links_backward: Iterable[LinkType] = (), missing_callback: Optional[Callable[[Iterable[int]], None]] = None, backend: Optional['StorageBackend'] = None, ) -> TraverseGraphOutput: """This function will return the set of all nodes that can be connected to a list of initial nodes through any sequence of specified links. Optionally, it may also return the links that connect these nodes. :param starting_pks: Contains the (valid) pks of the starting nodes. :param max_iterations: The number of iterations to apply the set of rules (a value of 'None' will iterate until no new nodes are added). :param get_links: Pass True to also return the links between all nodes (found + initial). :param links_forward: List with all the links that should be traversed in the forward direction. :param links_backward: List with all the links that should be traversed in the backward direction. :param missing_callback: A callback to handle missing starting_pks or if None raise NotExistent """ if max_iterations is None: max_iterations = cast(int, inf) elif not (isinstance(max_iterations, int) or max_iterations is inf): raise TypeError('Max_iterations has to be an integer or infinity') linktype_list = [] for linktype in links_forward: if not isinstance(linktype, LinkType): raise TypeError(f'links_forward should contain links, but one of them is: {type(linktype)}') linktype_list.append(linktype.value) filters_forwards = {'type': {'in': linktype_list}} linktype_list = [] for linktype in links_backward: if not isinstance(linktype, LinkType): raise TypeError(f'links_backward should contain links, but one of them is: {type(linktype)}') linktype_list.append(linktype.value) filters_backwards = {'type': {'in': linktype_list}} if not isinstance(starting_pks, Iterable): raise TypeError(f'starting_pks must be an iterable\ninstead, it is {type(starting_pks)}') if any(not isinstance(pk, int) for pk in starting_pks): raise TypeError(f'one of the starting_pks is not of type int:\n {starting_pks}') operational_set = set(starting_pks) if not operational_set: if get_links: return {'nodes': set(), 'links': set()} return {'nodes': set(), 'links': None} query_nodes = orm.QueryBuilder(backend=backend) query_nodes.append(orm.Node, project=['id'], filters={'id': {'in': operational_set}}) existing_pks = set(query_nodes.all(flat=True)) missing_pks = operational_set.difference(existing_pks) if missing_pks and missing_callback is None: raise exceptions.NotExistent( f'The following pks are not in the database and must be pruned before this call: {missing_pks}' ) elif missing_pks and missing_callback is not None: missing_callback(missing_pks) rules = [] basket = Basket(nodes=existing_pks) # When max_iterations is finite, the order of traversal may affect the result # (its not the same to first go backwards and then forwards than vice-versa) # In order to make it order-independent, the result of the first operation needs # to be stashed and the second operation must be performed only on the nodes # that were already in the set at the begining of the iteration: this way, both # rules are applied on the same set of nodes and the order doesn't matter. # The way to do this is saving and seting the walkers at the right moments only # when both forwards and backwards rules are present. if links_forward and links_backward: stash = basket.get_template() rules += [RuleSaveWalkers(stash)] if links_forward: query_outgoing = orm.QueryBuilder(backend=backend) query_outgoing.append(orm.Node, tag='sources') query_outgoing.append(orm.Node, edge_filters=filters_forwards, with_incoming='sources') rule_outgoing = UpdateRule(query_outgoing, max_iterations=1, track_edges=get_links) rules += [rule_outgoing] if links_forward and links_backward: rules += [RuleSetWalkers(stash)] if links_backward: query_incoming = orm.QueryBuilder(backend=backend) query_incoming.append(orm.Node, tag='sources') query_incoming.append(orm.Node, edge_filters=filters_backwards, with_outgoing='sources') rule_incoming = UpdateRule(query_incoming, max_iterations=1, track_edges=get_links) rules += [rule_incoming] rulesequence = RuleSequence(rules, max_iterations=max_iterations) results = output: TraverseGraphOutput = {} output['nodes'] = results.nodes.keyset output['links'] = None if get_links: output['links'] = results['nodes_nodes'].keyset return output