
"""Fixtures to interact with the daemon."""

from __future__ import annotations

import pathlib
import typing as t

import pytest

    from aiida.engine import Process, ProcessBuilder
    from aiida.orm import ProcessNode

[文档] @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def daemon_client(aiida_profile): """Return a daemon client for the configured test profile for the test session. The daemon will be automatically stopped at the end of the test session. Usage:: def test(daemon_client): from aiida.engine.daemon.client import DaemonClient assert isinstance(daemon_client, DaemonClient) """ from aiida.engine.daemon import get_daemon_client from aiida.engine.daemon.client import DaemonNotRunningException, DaemonTimeoutException daemon_client = get_daemon_client( try: yield daemon_client finally: try: daemon_client.stop_daemon(wait=True) except DaemonNotRunningException: pass # Give an additional grace period by manually waiting for the daemon to be stopped. In certain unit test # scenarios, the built in wait time in ``daemon_client.stop_daemon`` is not sufficient and even though the # daemon is stopped, ``daemon_client.is_daemon_running`` will return false for a little bit longer. daemon_client._await_condition( lambda: not daemon_client.is_daemon_running, DaemonTimeoutException('The daemon failed to stop.'), )
[文档] @pytest.fixture def started_daemon_client(daemon_client): """Ensure that the daemon is running for the test profile and return the associated client. Usage:: def test(started_daemon_client): assert started_daemon_client.is_daemon_running """ if not daemon_client.is_daemon_running: daemon_client.start_daemon() assert daemon_client.is_daemon_running yield daemon_client
[文档] @pytest.fixture def stopped_daemon_client(daemon_client): """Ensure that the daemon is not running for the test profile and return the associated client. Usage:: def test(stopped_daemon_client): assert not stopped_daemon_client.is_daemon_running """ from aiida.engine.daemon.client import DaemonTimeoutException if daemon_client.is_daemon_running: daemon_client.stop_daemon(wait=True) # Give an additional grace period by manually waiting for the daemon to be stopped. In certain unit test # scenarios, the built in wait time in ``daemon_client.stop_daemon`` is not sufficient and even though the # daemon is stopped, ``daemon_client.is_daemon_running`` will return false for a little bit longer. daemon_client._await_condition( lambda: not daemon_client.is_daemon_running, DaemonTimeoutException('The daemon failed to stop.'), ) yield daemon_client
[文档] @pytest.fixture def submit_and_await(started_daemon_client): """Return a factory to submit a process and wait for it to achieve the given state. This fixture automatically loads the ``started_daemon_client`` fixture ensuring the daemon is already running, therefore it is not necessary to manually start the daemon. Usage:: def test(submit_and_await): inputs = { ... } node = submit_and_await(SomeProcess, **inputs) The factory has the following signature: :param submittable: A process, a process builder or a process node. If it is a process or builder, it is submitted first before awaiting the desired state. :param state: The process state to wait for, by default it waits for the submittable to be ``FINISHED``. :param timeout: The time to wait for the process to achieve the state. :param kwargs: If the ``submittable`` is a process class, it is instantiated with the ``kwargs`` as inputs. :raises RuntimeError: If the process fails to achieve the specified state before the timeout expires. :returns `~aiida.orm.nodes.process.process.ProcessNode`: The process node. """ from aiida.engine import ProcessState def factory( submittable: 'Process' | 'ProcessBuilder' | 'ProcessNode', state: ProcessState = ProcessState.FINISHED, timeout: int = 20, **kwargs, ): import inspect import time from aiida.engine import Process, ProcessBuilder, submit from aiida.orm import ProcessNode if inspect.isclass(submittable) and issubclass(submittable, Process): node = submit(submittable, **kwargs) elif isinstance(submittable, ProcessBuilder): node = submit(submittable) elif isinstance(submittable, ProcessNode): node = submittable else: raise ValueError(f'type of submittable `{type(submittable)}` is not supported.') start_time = time.time() while node.process_state is not state: if node.is_excepted: raise RuntimeError(f'The process excepted: {node.exception}') if time.time() - start_time >= timeout: daemon_log_file = pathlib.Path(started_daemon_client.daemon_log_file).read_text(encoding='utf-8') daemon_status = 'running' if started_daemon_client.is_daemon_running else 'stopped' raise RuntimeError( f'Timed out waiting for process with state `{node.process_state}` to enter state `{state}`.\n' f'Daemon <{}|{daemon_status}> log file content: \n' f'{daemon_log_file}' ) return node return factory