
"""Fixtures to temporarily add and remove entry points."""

from __future__ import annotations

import typing as t

import importlib_metadata
import pytest

[文档] class EntryPointManager: """Manager to temporarily add or remove entry points."""
[文档] def __init__(self, entry_points: importlib_metadata.EntryPoints): self.entry_points = entry_points
[文档] def eps(self) -> importlib_metadata.EntryPoints: return self.entry_points
[文档] def eps_select(self, group, name=None) -> importlib_metadata.EntryPoints: if name is None: return self.eps().select(group=group) return self.eps().select(group=group, name=name)
[文档] @staticmethod def _validate_entry_point(entry_point_string: str | None, group: str | None, name: str | None) -> tuple[str, str]: """Validate the definition of the entry point. :param entry_point_string: Fully qualified entry point string. :param name: Entry point name. :param group: Entry point group. :returns: The entry point group and name. :raises TypeError: If `entry_point_string`, `group` or `name` are not a string, when defined. :raises ValueError: If `entry_point_string` is not defined, nor a `group` and `name`. :raises ValueError: If `entry_point_string` is not a complete entry point string with group and name. """ from aiida.common.lang import type_check from aiida.plugins import entry_point if entry_point_string is not None: try: group, name = entry_point.parse_entry_point_string(entry_point_string) except TypeError as exception: raise TypeError('`entry_point_string` should be a string when defined.') from exception except ValueError as exception: raise ValueError('invalid `entry_point_string` format, should `group:name`.') from exception if name is None or group is None: raise ValueError('neither `entry_point_string` is defined, nor `name` and `group`.') type_check(group, str) type_check(name, str) return group, name
[文档] def add( self, value: type | str, entry_point_string: str | None = None, *, name: str | None = None, group: str | None = None, ) -> None: """Add an entry point. :param value: The class or function to register as entry point. The resource needs to be importable, so it can't be inlined. Alternatively, the fully qualified name can be passed as a string. :param entry_point_string: Fully qualified entry point string. :param name: Entry point name. :param group: Entry point group. :returns: The entry point group and name. :raises TypeError: If `entry_point_string`, `group` or `name` are not a string, when defined. :raises ValueError: If `entry_point_string` is not defined, nor a `group` and `name`. :raises ValueError: If `entry_point_string` is not a complete entry point string with group and name. """ if not isinstance(value, str): value = f'{value.__module__}:{value.__name__}' group, name = self._validate_entry_point(entry_point_string, group, name) entry_point = importlib_metadata.EntryPoint(name, value, group) self.entry_points = importlib_metadata.EntryPoints(self.entry_points + (entry_point,))
[文档] def remove( self, entry_point_string: str | None = None, *, name: str | None = None, group: str | None = None ) -> None: """Remove an entry point. :param value: Entry point value, fully qualified import path name. :param entry_point_string: Fully qualified entry point string. :param name: Entry point name. :param group: Entry point group. :returns: The entry point group and name. :raises TypeError: If `entry_point_string`, `group` or `name` are not a string, when defined. :raises ValueError: If `entry_point_string` is not defined, nor a `group` and `name`. :raises ValueError: If `entry_point_string` is not a complete entry point string with group and name. """ group, name = self._validate_entry_point(entry_point_string, group, name) try: self.entry_points[name] except KeyError: raise KeyError(f'entry point `{name}` does not exist in group `{group}`.') self.entry_points = importlib_metadata.EntryPoints( (ep for ep in self.entry_points if not ( == name and == group)) )
[文档] @pytest.fixture def entry_points(monkeypatch) -> t.Generator[EntryPointManager, None, None]: """Return an instance of the ``EntryPointManager`` which allows to temporarily add or remove entry points. This fixture monkey patches the entry point caches returned by the :func:`aiida.plugins.entry_point.eps` and :func:`aiida.plugins.entry_point.eps_select` functions to class methods of the ``EntryPointManager`` so that we can dynamically add and/or remove entry points. Usage:: def test(entry_points): entry_points.add(SomeCalcJob, 'aiida.calculations:some.entry_point') # or, alternatively entry_points.add(SomeCalcJob, group='aiida.calculations', name='some.entry_point') """ from aiida.plugins import entry_point # Note: a deepcopy is not needed here as ``eps()`` returns an immutable ``EntryPoints`` tuple type. epm = EntryPointManager(entry_point.eps()) monkeypatch.setattr(entry_point, 'eps', epm.eps) monkeypatch.setattr(entry_point, 'eps_select', epm.eps_select) yield epm