
"""Fixtures providing resources for storage plugins."""

from __future__ import annotations

import typing as t

import pytest

    from pgtest.pgtest import PGTest

[文档] @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def postgres_cluster(): """Create a temporary and isolated PostgreSQL cluster using ``pgtest`` and cleanup after the yield. :param database_name: Name of the database. :param database_username: Username to use for authentication. :param database_password: Password to use for authentication. :returns: Dictionary with parameters to connect to the PostgreSQL cluster. """ from uuid import uuid4 from pgtest.pgtest import PGTest def create_database( database_name: str | None = None, database_username: str | None = None, database_password: str | None = None ) -> dict[str, str]: from aiida.manage.external.postgres import Postgres postgres_config = { 'database_engine': 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'database_name': database_name or str(uuid4()), 'database_username': database_username or 'guest', 'database_password': database_password or 'guest', } postgres = Postgres(interactive=False, quiet=True, dbinfo=cluster.dsn) # type: ignore[union-attr] if not postgres.dbuser_exists(postgres_config['database_username']): postgres.create_dbuser( postgres_config['database_username'], postgres_config['database_password'], 'CREATEDB' ) postgres.create_db(postgres_config['database_username'], postgres_config['database_name']) postgres_config['database_hostname'] = postgres.host_for_psycopg2 postgres_config['database_port'] = postgres.port_for_psycopg2 return postgres_config cluster = None try: cluster = PGTest() cluster.create_database = create_database yield cluster finally: if cluster is not None: cluster.close()
[文档] @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def config_psql_dos( tmp_path_factory: pytest.TempPathFactory, postgres_cluster: 'PGTest', ) -> t.Callable[[str | None, str | None, str | None], dict[str, t.Any]]: """Return a profile configuration for the :class:``. The factory has the following signature to allow further configuring the database that is created: :param database_name: Name of the database to be created. :param database_username: Username to use for authentication. :param database_password: Password to use for authentication. :returns: The dictionary with the storage configuration for the ``core.psql_dos`` storage plugin. """ def factory( database_name: str | None = None, database_username: str | None = None, database_password: str | None = None ) -> dict[str, t.Any]: storage_config: dict[str, t.Any] = postgres_cluster.create_database( database_name=database_name, database_username=database_username, database_password=database_password, ) storage_config['repository_uri'] = f'file://{tmp_path_factory.mktemp("repository")}' return storage_config return factory