.. _intro:get_started:system-wide-install: ************************ System-wide installation ************************ The system-wide installation will install the prerequisite services (PostgreSQL and RabbitMQ) via standard package managers such that their startup and shut-down is largely managed by the operating system. The AiiDA (core) Python package is then installed either with Conda or pip. .. warning:: RabbitMQ v3.5 and below are EOL and not supported at all. For versions RabbitMQ v3.8.15 and up, AiiDA is not compatible with default server configurations. For details refer to the :ref:`dedicated troubleshooting section`. This is the *recommended* installation method to setup AiiDA on a personal laptop or workstation for the majority of users. .. grid:: 1 :gutter: 3 .. grid-item-card:: Install prerequisite services AiiDA is designed to run on `Unix `_ operating systems and requires a `bash `_ or `zsh `_ shell, and Python >= 3.7. .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Ubuntu *AiiDA is tested on Ubuntu versions 16.04, 18.04, and 20.04.* Open a terminal and execute: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt install git python3-dev python3-pip postgresql postgresql-server-dev-all postgresql-client rabbitmq-server .. tab-item:: MacOS X (Homebrew) The recommended installation method for Mac OS X is to use `Homebrew `__. #. Follow `this guide `__ to install Homebrew on your system if not installed yet. #. Open a terminal and execute: .. code-block:: console $ brew install postgresql rabbitmq git python $ brew services start postgresql $ brew services start rabbitmq .. tab-item:: Windows Subsystem for Linux *The following instructions are for setting up AiiDA on WSL 1/2 in combination with Ubuntu.* #. Installing RabbitMQ: * (WSL 1) Install and start the `Windows native RabbitMQ `_. * (WSL 2) Install RabbitMQ inside the the WSL: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt install rabbitmq-server then start the ``rabbitmq`` server: .. code-block:: console $ sudo service rabbitmq-server start #. Install Python and PostgreSQL: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-server-dev-all postgresql-client git python3-dev python-pip then start the PostgreSQL server: .. code-block:: console $ sudo service postgresql start .. dropdown:: How to setup WSL to automatically start services after system boot. Create a file ``start_aiida_services.sh`` containing the following lines: .. code-block:: console $ service postgresql start $ service rabbitmq-server start # Only for WSL 2! and store it in your preferred location, e.g., the home directory. Then make the file executable, and editable only by root users with: .. code-block:: console $ chmod a+x,go-w /path/to/start_aiida_services.sh $ sudo chown root:root /path/to/start_aiida_services.sh Next, run .. code-block:: console $ sudo visudo and add the line .. code-block:: sh ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /path/to/start_aiida_services.sh replacing ```` with your Ubuntu username. This will allow you to run *only* this specific ``.sh`` file with ``root`` access (without password), without lowering security on the rest of your system. Now you can use the Windows Task Scheduler to automatically execute this file on startup: #. Open Task Scheduler. #. In the "Actions" menu, click "Create Task". #. In "General/Security options", select "Run whether user is logged on or not". #. In the "Triggers" tab, click "New...". #. In the "Begin the task:" dropdown, select "At startup". #. Click "OK" to confirm. #. In the "Actions" tab, click "New...". #. In the "Action" dropdown, select "Start a program". #. In the "Program/script" text field, add ``C:\Windows\System32\bash.exe``. #. In the "Add arguments (optional)" text field, add ``-c "sudo /path/to/start_aiida_services.sh"``. #. Click "OK" to confirm. #. Click "OK" to confirm the task. You can tweak other details of this task to fit your needs. .. tab-item:: Other #. Install RabbitMQ following the `instructions applicable to your system `__. #. Install PostgreSQL following the `instructions applicable to your system `__. .. tip:: Alternatively use the :ref:`pure conda installation method `. .. grid-item-card:: Install AiiDA (core) .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: pip + venv *Install the aiida-core package from PyPI into a virtual environment.* Open a terminal and execute: .. code-block:: console $ python -m venv ~/envs/aiida $ source ~/envs/aiida/bin/activate (aiida) $ pip install aiida-core .. important:: Make sure the ``python`` executable is for a Python version that is supported by AiiDA. You can see the version using: .. code-block:: console $ python --version You can find the supported Python versions for the latest version of AiiDA `on the PyPI page `__. .. tip:: See the `venv documentation `__ if the activation command fails. The exact command for activating a virtual environment differs slightly based on the used shell. .. dropdown:: :fa:`plus-circle` Installation extras There are additional optional packages that you may want to install, which are grouped in the following categories: * ``atomic_tools``: packages that allow importing and manipulating crystal structure from various formats * ``ssh_kerberos``: adds support for ssh transport authentication through Kerberos * ``REST``: allows a REST server to be ran locally to serve AiiDA data * ``docs``: tools to build the documentation * ``notebook``: jupyter notebook - to allow it to import AiiDA modules * ``tests``: python modules required to run the automatic unit tests * ``pre-commit``: pre-commit tools required for developers to enable automatic code linting and formatting In order to install any of these package groups, simply append them as a comma separated list in the ``pip`` install command, for example: .. code-block:: console (aiida) $ pip install aiida-core[atomic_tools,docs] .. dropdown:: :fa:`wrench` Kerberos on Ubuntu If you are installing the optional ``ssh_kerberos`` and you are on Ubuntu you might encounter an error related to the ``gss`` package. To fix this you need to install the ``libffi-dev`` and ``libkrb5-dev`` packages: .. code-block:: console $ sudo apt-get install libffi-dev libkrb5-dev .. tab-item:: Conda *Install the aiida-core package in a Conda environment.* #. Make sure that conda is installed, e.g., by following `the instructions on installing Miniconda `__. #. Open a terminal and execute: .. code-block:: console $ conda create -yn aiida -c conda-forge aiida-core $ conda activate aiida .. tab-item:: From source *Install the aiida-core package directly from the cloned repository.* Open a terminal and execute: .. code-block:: console $ git clone https://github.com/aiidateam/aiida-core.git $ cd aiida-core/ $ python -m venv ~/envs/aiida $ source ~/envs/aiida/bin/activate (aiida) $ pip install . .. grid-item-card:: Setup profile Next, set up an AiiDA configuration profile and related data storage, with the ``verdi quicksetup`` command. .. code-block:: console (aiida) $ verdi quicksetup Info: enter "?" for help Info: enter "!" to ignore the default and set no value Profile name: me Email Address (for sharing data): me@user.com First name: my Last name: name Institution: where-i-work .. admonition:: Is AiiDA unable to auto-detect the PostgreSQL setup? :class: attention title-icon-troubleshoot If you get an error saying that AiiDA has trouble autodetecting the PostgreSQL setup, you will need to do the manual setup explained in the :ref:`troubleshooting section`. .. grid-item-card:: Start verdi daemons Start the verdi daemon(s) that are used to run AiiDA workflows. .. code-block:: console (aiida) $ verdi daemon start 2 .. important:: The verdi daemon(s) must be restarted after a system reboot. .. tip:: Do not start more daemons then there are physical processors on your system. .. grid-item-card:: Check setup To check that everything is set up correctly, execute: .. code-block:: console (aiida) $ verdi status ✓ version: AiiDA v2.0.0 ✓ config: /path/to/.aiida ✓ profile: default ✓ storage: Storage for 'default' @ postgresql://username:***@localhost:5432/db_name / file:///path/to/repository ✓ rabbitmq: Connected as amqp:// ✓ daemon: Daemon is running as PID 2809 since 2019-03-15 16:27:52 At this point you should now have a working AiiDA environment, from which you can add and retrieve data. .. admonition:: Missing a checkmark or encountered some other issue? :class: attention title-icon-troubleshoot :ref:`See the troubleshooting section `. .. button-ref:: intro:get_started:next :ref-type: ref :expand: :color: primary :outline: :class: sd-font-weight-bold What's next?