
Storage implementation using Sqlite database and disk-objectstore container.


Storage implementation using Sqlite database and disk-objectstore container.

class Profile)[源代码]#


Storage implementation using Sqlite database and disk-objectstore container.

This storage backend is not recommended for use in production. The sqlite database is not the most performant and it does not support all the QueryBuilder functionality that is supported by the core.psql_dos storage backend. This storage is ideally suited for use cases that want to test or demo AiiDA as it requires no server but just a folder on the local filesystem.

__annotations__ = {}#
__init__(profile: Profile) None[源代码]#
__module__ = ''#
get_container() Container[源代码]#

Return the disk-object store container.


The disk-object store container configured for the repository path of the current profile.

initialise_database() None[源代码]#

Initialise the database.

This assumes that the database has no schema whatsoever and so the initial schema is created directly from the models at the current head version without migrating through all of them one by one.

class Profile)[源代码]#


A lightweight backend intended for demos and testing.

This backend implementation uses an Sqlite database and

class Model(*, filepath: str = None)[源代码]#


Model describing required information to configure an instance of the storage.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})#
__annotations__ = {'__class_vars__': 'ClassVar[set[str]]', '__private_attributes__': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]]', '__pydantic_complete__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_core_schema__': 'ClassVar[CoreSchema]', '__pydantic_custom_init__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_decorators__': 'ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos]', '__pydantic_extra__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_fields_set__': 'set[str]', '__pydantic_generic_metadata__': 'ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata]', '__pydantic_parent_namespace__': 'ClassVar[dict[str, Any] | None]', '__pydantic_post_init__': "ClassVar[None | typing_extensions.Literal['model_post_init']]", '__pydantic_private__': 'dict[str, Any] | None', '__pydantic_root_model__': 'ClassVar[bool]', '__pydantic_serializer__': 'ClassVar[SchemaSerializer]', '__pydantic_validator__': 'ClassVar[SchemaValidator]', '__signature__': 'ClassVar[Signature]', 'filepath': 'str', 'model_computed_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]]', 'model_config': 'ClassVar[ConfigDict]', 'model_fields': 'ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]]'}#
__class_vars__: ClassVar[set[str]] = {}#
__module__ = ''#
__private_attributes__: ClassVar[dict[str, ModelPrivateAttr]] = {}#
__pydantic_complete__: ClassVar[bool] = True#
__pydantic_core_schema__: ClassVar[CoreSchema] = {'cls': <class ''>, 'config': {'title': 'Model'}, 'custom_init': False, 'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [], 'pydantic_js_functions': [functools.partial(<function modify_model_json_schema>, cls=<class ''>), <bound method BaseModel.__get_pydantic_json_schema__ of <class ''>>]}, 'ref': '', 'root_model': False, 'schema': {'computed_fields': [], 'fields': {'filepath': {'metadata': {'pydantic_js_annotation_functions': [<function get_json_schema_update_func.<locals>.json_schema_update_func>], 'pydantic_js_functions': []}, 'schema': {'default_factory': <function SqliteDosStorage.Model.<lambda>>, 'schema': {'function': {'function': <bound method SqliteDosStorage.Model.filepath_is_absolute of <class ''>>, 'type': 'no-info'}, 'schema': {'type': 'str'}, 'type': 'function-after'}, 'type': 'default'}, 'type': 'model-field'}}, 'model_name': 'Model', 'type': 'model-fields'}, 'type': 'model'}#
__pydantic_custom_init__: ClassVar[bool] = False#
__pydantic_decorators__: ClassVar[_decorators.DecoratorInfos] = DecoratorInfos(validators={}, field_validators={'filepath_is_absolute': Decorator(cls_ref='', cls_var_name='filepath_is_absolute', func=<bound method SqliteDosStorage.Model.filepath_is_absolute of <class ''>>, shim=None, info=FieldValidatorDecoratorInfo(fields=('filepath',), mode='after', check_fields=None))}, root_validators={}, field_serializers={}, model_serializers={}, model_validators={}, computed_fields={})#
__pydantic_extra__: dict[str, Any] | None#
__pydantic_fields_set__: set[str]#
__pydantic_generic_metadata__: ClassVar[_generics.PydanticGenericMetadata] = {'args': (), 'origin': None, 'parameters': ()}#
__pydantic_parent_namespace__: ClassVar[dict[str, Any] | None] = {'__doc__': 'A lightweight backend intended for demos and testing.\n\n    This backend implementation uses an Sqlite database and\n    ', '__module__': '', '__qualname__': 'SqliteDosStorage', 'migrator': <pydantic._internal._model_construction._PydanticWeakRef object>}#
__pydantic_post_init__: ClassVar[None | typing_extensions.Literal['model_post_init']] = None#
__pydantic_private__: dict[str, Any] | None#
__pydantic_serializer__: ClassVar[SchemaSerializer] = SchemaSerializer(serializer=Model(     ModelSerializer {         class: Py(             0x000055e9812f5dc0,         ),         serializer: Fields(             GeneralFieldsSerializer {                 fields: {                     "filepath": SerField {                         key_py: Py(                             0x00007fca00c72900,                         ),                         alias: None,                         alias_py: None,                         serializer: Some(                             WithDefault(                                 WithDefaultSerializer {                                     default: DefaultFactory(                                         Py(                                             0x00007fc9f5c0f740,                                         ),                                     ),                                     serializer: Str(                                         StrSerializer,                                     ),                                 },                             ),                         ),                         required: true,                     },                 },                 computed_fields: Some(                     ComputedFields(                         [],                     ),                 ),                 mode: SimpleDict,                 extra_serializer: None,                 filter: SchemaFilter {                     include: None,                     exclude: None,                 },                 required_fields: 1,             },         ),         has_extra: false,         root_model: false,         name: "Model",     }, ), definitions=[])#
__pydantic_validator__: ClassVar[SchemaValidator] = SchemaValidator(title="Model", validator=Model(     ModelValidator {         revalidate: Never,         validator: ModelFields(             ModelFieldsValidator {                 fields: [                     Field {                         name: "filepath",                         lookup_key: Simple {                             key: "filepath",                             py_key: Py(                                 0x00007fc9f5c17df0,                             ),                             path: LookupPath(                                 [                                     S(                                         "filepath",                                         Py(                                             0x00007fc9f5c17db0,                                         ),                                     ),                                 ],                             ),                         },                         name_py: Py(                             0x00007fca00c72900,                         ),                         validator: WithDefault(                             WithDefaultValidator {                                 default: DefaultFactory(                                     Py(                                         0x00007fc9f5c0f740,                                     ),                                 ),                                 on_error: Raise,                                 validator: FunctionAfter(                                     FunctionAfterValidator {                                         validator: Str(                                             StrValidator {                                                 strict: false,                                                 coerce_numbers_to_str: false,                                             },                                         ),                                         func: Py(                                             0x00007fc9f5c17100,                                         ),                                         config: Py(                                             0x00007fc9f5c17d80,                                         ),                                         name: "function-after[filepath_is_absolute(), str]",                                         field_name: None,                                         info_arg: false,                                     },                                 ),                                 validate_default: false,                                 copy_default: false,                                 name: "default[function-after[filepath_is_absolute(), str]]",                                 undefined: Py(                                     0x00007fc9fe69f560,                                 ),                             },                         ),                         frozen: false,                     },                 ],                 model_name: "Model",                 extra_behavior: Ignore,                 extras_validator: None,                 strict: false,                 from_attributes: false,                 loc_by_alias: true,             },         ),         class: Py(             0x000055e9812f5dc0,         ),         post_init: None,         frozen: false,         custom_init: false,         root_model: false,         undefined: Py(             0x00007fc9fe69f560,         ),         name: "Model",     }, ), definitions=[], cache_strings=True)#
__signature__: ClassVar[Signature] = <Signature (*, filepath: str = None) -> None>#

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
filepath: str#
classmethod filepath_is_absolute(value: str) str[源代码]#

Return the resolved and absolute filepath.

model_computed_fields: ClassVar[dict[str, ComputedFieldInfo]] = {}#

A dictionary of computed field names and their corresponding ComputedFieldInfo objects.

model_config: ClassVar[ConfigDict] = {}#

Configuration for the model, should be a dictionary conforming to [ConfigDict][pydantic.config.ConfigDict].

model_fields: ClassVar[dict[str, FieldInfo]] = {'filepath': FieldInfo(annotation=str, required=False, default_factory=<lambda>, title='Directory of the backend', description='Filepath of the directory in which to store data for this backend.')}#

Metadata about the fields defined on the model, mapping of field names to [FieldInfo][pydantic.fields.FieldInfo].

This replaces Model.__fields__ from Pydantic V1.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})#
__module__ = ''#
__str__() str[源代码]#

Return a string showing connection details for this instance.

_abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>#
_backup(dest: str, keep: int | None = None)[源代码]#
_default_user: 'User' | None#

Initialise the SQLAlchemy session factory.

Only one session factory is ever associated with a given class instance, i.e. once the instance is closed, it cannot be reopened.

The session factory, returns a session that is bound to the current thread. Multi-thread support is currently required by the REST API. Although, in the future, we may want to move the multi-thread handling to higher in the AiiDA stack.

_session_factory: scoped_session | None#
property authinfos#

Return the collection of authorisation information objects

property comments#

Return the collection of comments

property computers#

Return the collection of computers

delete() None[源代码]#

Delete the storage and all the data.

get_backend_entity(model) BackendEntity[源代码]#

Return the backend entity that corresponds to the given Model instance.

get_repository() DiskObjectStoreRepositoryBackend[源代码]#

Return the object repository configured for this backend.

property groups#

Return the collection of groups

classmethod initialise(profile: Profile, reset: bool = False) bool[源代码]#

Initialise the storage backend.

This is typically used once when a new storage backed is created. If this method returns without exceptions the storage backend is ready for use. If the backend already seems initialised, this method is a no-op.


reset – If true, destroy the backend if it already exists including all of its data before recreating and initialising it. This is useful for example for test profiles that need to be reset before or after tests having run.


True if the storage was initialised by the function call, False if it was already initialised.

property logs#

Return the collection of logs


SqliteDosMigrator 的别名

property nodes#

Return the collection of nodes

query() SqliteQueryBuilder[源代码]#

Return an instance of a query builder implementation for this backend

property users#

Return the collection of users

classmethod version_head() str[源代码]#

Return the head schema version of this storage backend type.

classmethod version_profile(profile: Profile) str | None[源代码]#

Return the schema version of the given profile’s storage, or None for empty/uninitialised storage.


~aiida.common.exceptions.UnreachableStorage if the storage cannot be accessed