Source code for aiida.orm.mixins

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# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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from aiida.common.exceptions import ModificationNotAllowed
from aiida.common.lang import override
from aiida.common.links import LinkType

[docs]class Sealable(object): # The name of the attribute to indicate if the node is sealed or not SEALED_KEY = '_sealed' _updatable_attributes = (SEALED_KEY,) @property def is_sealed(self): """ Returns whether the node is sealed, i.e. whether the sealed attribute has been set to True """ return self.get_attr(self.SEALED_KEY, False)
[docs] def seal(self): """ Seal the node by setting the sealed attribute to True """ if not self.is_sealed: self._set_attr(self.SEALED_KEY, True)
[docs] @override def _set_attr(self, key, value, **kwargs): """ Set a new attribute :param key: attribute name :param value: attribute value :raise ModificationNotAllowed: if the node is already sealed or if the node is already stored and the attribute is not updatable """ if self.is_sealed: raise ModificationNotAllowed('Cannot change the attributes of a sealed node') if self.is_stored and key not in self._updatable_attributes: raise ModificationNotAllowed('Cannot change the immutable attributes of a stored node') super(Sealable, self)._set_attr(key, value, stored_check=False, **kwargs)
[docs] @override def _del_attr(self, key): """ Delete an attribute :param key: attribute name :raise AttributeError: if key does not exist :raise ModificationNotAllowed: if the node is already sealed or if the node is already stored and the attribute is not updatable """ if self.is_sealed: raise ModificationNotAllowed('Cannot change the attributes of a sealed node') if self.is_stored and key not in self._updatable_attributes: raise ModificationNotAllowed('Cannot change the immutable attributes of a stored node') super(Sealable, self)._del_attr(key, stored_check=False)
[docs] @override def copy(self, include_updatable_attrs=False): """ Create a copy of the node minus the updatable attributes """ clone = super(Sealable, self).copy() # Remove the updatable attributes if not include_updatable_attrs: for key, value in clone._iter_updatable_attributes(): clone._del_attr(key) return clone
[docs] def _iter_updatable_attributes(self): """ Iterate over the updatable attributes and yield key value pairs """ for key in list(self._updatable_attributes): try: yield (key, self.get_attr(key)) except AttributeError: pass