Source code for aiida.backends.djsite.queries

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

from contextlib import contextmanager

from six.moves import zip
from aiida.backends.general.abstractqueries import AbstractQueryManager

[docs]class DjangoQueryManager(AbstractQueryManager):
[docs] def __init__(self, backend): super(DjangoQueryManager, self).__init__(backend)
[docs] def get_creation_statistics( self, user_pk=None ): """ Return a dictionary with the statistics of node creation, summarized by day, optimized for the Django backend. :note: Days when no nodes were created are not present in the returned `ctime_by_day` dictionary. :param user_pk: If None (default), return statistics for all users. If user pk is specified, return only the statistics for the given user. :return: a dictionary as follows:: { "total": TOTAL_NUM_OF_NODES, "types": {TYPESTRING1: count, TYPESTRING2: count, ...}, "ctime_by_day": {'YYYY-MMM-DD': count, ...} where in `ctime_by_day` the key is a string in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD' and the value is an integer with the number of nodes created that day. """ import sqlalchemy as sa from aiida.orm.implementation.django import dummy_model # Get the session (uses internally aldjemy - so, sqlalchemy) also for the Djsite backend s = dummy_model.get_aldjemy_session() retdict = {} total_query = s.query(dummy_model.DbNode) types_query = s.query(dummy_model.DbNode.node_type.label('typestring'), sa.func.count( stat_query = s.query(sa.func.date_trunc('day', dummy_model.DbNode.ctime).label('cday'), sa.func.count( if user_pk is not None: total_query = total_query.filter(dummy_model.DbNode.user_id == user_pk) types_query = types_query.filter(dummy_model.DbNode.user_id == user_pk) stat_query = stat_query.filter(dummy_model.DbNode.user_id == user_pk) # Total number of nodes retdict["total"] = total_query.count() # Nodes per type retdict["types"] = dict(types_query.group_by('typestring').all()) # Nodes created per day stat = stat_query.group_by('cday').order_by('cday').all() ctime_by_day = {_[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'): _[1] for _ in stat} retdict["ctime_by_day"] = ctime_by_day return retdict
# Still not containing all dates # temporary fix only for DJANGO backend # Will be useless when the _join_ancestors method of the QueryBuilder # will be re-implemented without using the DbPath
[docs] def query_past_days(self, q_object, args): """ Subselect to filter data nodes by their age. :param q_object: a query object :param args: a namespace with parsed command line parameters. """ from aiida.common import timezone from django.db.models import Q import datetime if args.past_days is not None: now = n_days_ago = now - datetime.timedelta(days=args.past_days) q_object.add(Q(ctime__gte=n_days_ago), Q.AND)
[docs] def query_group(self, q_object, args): """ Subselect to filter data nodes by their group. :param q_object: a query object :param args: a namespace with parsed command line parameters. """ from django.db.models import Q if args.group_name is not None: q_object.add(Q(dbgroups__name__in=args.group_name), Q.AND) if args.group_pk is not None: q_object.add(Q(dbgroups__pk__in=args.group_pk), Q.AND)
[docs] def get_bands_and_parents_structure(self, args): """ Returns bands and closest parent structure """ from collections import defaultdict from django.db.models import Q from aiida.backends.djsite.db import models from aiida.common.utils import grouper from import (get_formula, get_symbols_string) from aiida.orm import BandsData from aiida import orm user = orm.User.objects.get_default() query_group_size = 100 q_object = None if args.all_users is False: q_object = Q( else: q_object = Q() self.query_past_days(q_object, args) self.query_group(q_object, args) bands_list = models.DbNode.objects.filter(node_type__startswith=BandsData.class_node_type) \ .filter(q_object).distinct().order_by('ctime') bands_list_data = bands_list.values_list('pk', 'label', 'ctime') # split data in chunks grouped_bands_list_data = grouper( query_group_size, [(_[0], _[1], _[2]) for _ in bands_list_data]) entry_list = [] for this_chunk in grouped_bands_list_data: # gather all banddata pks pks = [_[0] for _ in this_chunk] # get the closest structures (WITHOUT DbPath) q_object = Q(node_type='data.structure.StructureData.') structure_dict = get_closest_parents(pks, q_object, chunk_size=1) struc_pks = [structure_dict[pk] for pk in pks] # query for the attributes needed for the structure formula attr_query = Q(key__startswith='kinds') | Q(key__startswith='sites') attrs = models.DbAttribute.objects.filter(attr_query, dbnode__in=struc_pks).values_list( 'dbnode__pk', 'key', 'datatype', 'tval', 'fval', 'ival', 'bval', 'dval') results = defaultdict(dict) for attr in attrs: results[attr[0]][attr[1]] = {"datatype": attr[2], "tval": attr[3], "fval": attr[4], "ival": attr[5], "bval": attr[6], "dval": attr[7]} # organize all of it in a dictionary deser_data = {} for k in results: deser_data[k] = models.deserialize_attributes(results[k], sep=models.DbAttribute._sep) # prepare the printout for ((bid, blabel, bdate), struc_pk) in zip(this_chunk, struc_pks): if struc_pk is not None: # Exclude structures by the elements if args.element is not None: all_kinds = [k['symbols'] for k in deser_data[struc_pk]['kinds']] all_symbols = [item for sublist in all_kinds for item in sublist] if not any([s in args.element for s in all_symbols]): continue if args.element_only is not None: all_kinds = [k['symbols'] for k in deser_data[struc_pk]['kinds']] all_symbols = [item for sublist in all_kinds for item in sublist] if not all([s in all_symbols for s in args.element_only]): continue # build the formula symbol_dict = {k['name']: get_symbols_string(k['symbols'], k['weights']) for k in deser_data[struc_pk]['kinds']} try: symbol_list = [symbol_dict[s['kind_name']] for s in deser_data[struc_pk]['sites']] formula = get_formula(symbol_list, mode=args.formulamode) # If for some reason there is no kind with the name # referenced by the site except KeyError: formula = "<<UNKNOWN>>" # cycle if we imposed the filter on elements if args.element is not None or args.element_only is not None: continue else: formula = "<<UNKNOWN>>" entry_list.append([str(bid), str(formula), bdate.strftime('%d %b %Y'), blabel]) return entry_list
[docs]def get_closest_parents(pks, *args, **kwargs): """ Get the closest parents dbnodes of a set of nodes. :param pks: one pk or an iterable of pks of nodes :param chunk_size: we chunk the pks into groups of this size, to optimize the speed (default=50) :param print_progress: print the the progression if True (default=False). :param args: additional query parameters :param kwargs: additional query parameters :returns: a dictionary of the form pk1: pk of closest parent of node with pk1, pk2: pk of closest parent of node with pk2 .. note:: It works also if pks is a list of nodes rather than their pks .. todo:: find a way to always get a parent (when there is one) from each pk. Now, when the same parent has several children in pks, only one of them is kept. This is a BUG, related to the use of a dictionary (children_dict, see below...). For now a work around is to use chunk_size=1. """ from copy import deepcopy from aiida.backends.djsite.db import models from aiida.common.utils import grouper try: the_pks = list(pks) except TypeError: the_pks = list(set([pks])) chunk_size = kwargs.pop('chunk_size', 50) print_progress = kwargs.pop('print_progress', False) result_dict = {} all_chunk_pks = grouper(chunk_size, the_pks) if print_progress: print("Chunk size:", chunk_size) for i, chunk_pks in enumerate(all_chunk_pks): if print_progress: print("Dealing with chunk #", i) result_chunk_dict = {} q_pks = models.DbNode.objects.filter(pk__in=chunk_pks).values_list('pk', flat=True) # Now I am looking for parents (depth=0) of the nodes in the chunk: q_inputs = models.DbNode.objects.filter(outputs__pk__in=q_pks).distinct() depth = -1 # to be consistent with the DbPath depth (=0 for direct inputs) children_dict = dict([(k, v) for k, v in q_inputs.values_list('pk', 'outputs__pk') if v in q_pks]) # While I haven't found a closest ancestor for every member of chunk_pks: while q_inputs.count() > 0 and len(result_chunk_dict) < len(chunk_pks): depth += 1 q = q_inputs.filter(*args, **kwargs) if q.count() > 0: result_chunk_dict.update(dict([(children_dict[k], k) for k in q.values_list('pk', flat=True) if children_dict[k] not in result_chunk_dict])) inputs = list(q_inputs.values_list('pk', flat=True)) q_inputs = models.DbNode.objects.filter(outputs__pk__in=inputs).distinct() q_inputs_dict = dict([(k, children_dict[v]) for k, v in q_inputs.values_list('pk', 'outputs__pk') if v in inputs]) children_dict = deepcopy(q_inputs_dict) result_dict.update(result_chunk_dict) return result_dict