Source code for aiida.backends.general.migrations.utils

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# pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Various utils that should be used during migrations and migrations tests because the AiiDA ORM cannot be used."""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import errno
import io
import os
import numpy

[docs]def ensure_repository_folder_created(uuid): """Make sure that the repository sub folder for the node with the given UUID exists or create it. :param uuid: UUID of the node """ dirpath = get_node_repository_sub_folder(uuid) try: os.makedirs(dirpath) except OSError as exception: if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise
[docs]def put_object_from_string(uuid, name, content): """Write a file with the given content in the repository sub folder of the given node. :param uuid: UUID of the node :param name: name to use for the file :param content: the content to write to the file """ ensure_repository_folder_created(uuid) filepath = os.path.join(get_node_repository_sub_folder(uuid), name) with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as handle: handle.write(content)
[docs]def get_object_from_repository(uuid, name): """Return the content of a file with the given name in the repository sub folder of the given node. :param uuid: UUID of the node :param name: name to use for the file """ filepath = os.path.join(get_node_repository_sub_folder(uuid), name) with as handle: return
[docs]def get_node_repository_sub_folder(uuid): """Return the absolute path to the sub folder `path` within the repository of the node with the given UUID. :param uuid: UUID of the node :return: absolute path to node repository folder, i.e `/some/path/repository/node/12/ab/c123134-a123/path` """ from aiida.common.utils import get_repository_folder uuid = str(uuid) repo_dirpath = get_repository_folder('repository') node_dirpath = os.path.join(repo_dirpath, 'node', uuid[:2], uuid[2:4], uuid[4:], 'path') return node_dirpath
[docs]def get_numpy_array_absolute_path(uuid, name): """Return the absolute path of a numpy array with the given name in the repository of the node with the given uuid. :param uuid: the UUID of the node :param name: the name of the numpy array :return: the absolute path of the numpy array file """ return os.path.join(get_node_repository_sub_folder(uuid), name + '.npy')
[docs]def store_numpy_array_in_repository(uuid, name, array): """Store a numpy array in the repository folder of a node. :param uuid: the node UUID :param name: the name under which to store the array :param array: the numpy array to store """ ensure_repository_folder_created(uuid) filepath = get_numpy_array_absolute_path(uuid, name) with, 'wb') as handle:, array)
[docs]def delete_numpy_array_from_repository(uuid, name): """Delete the numpy array with a given name from the repository corresponding to a node with a given uuid. :param uuid: the UUID of the node :param name: the name of the numpy array """ filepath = get_numpy_array_absolute_path(uuid, name) try: os.remove(filepath) except (IOError, OSError): pass
[docs]def load_numpy_array_from_repository(uuid, name): """Load and return a numpy array from the repository folder of a node. :param uuid: the node UUID :param name: the name under which to store the array :return: the numpy array """ filepath = get_numpy_array_absolute_path(uuid, name) return numpy.load(filepath)