Source code for aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.migrations.versions.a6048f0ffca8_update_linktypes

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"""Updating link types - This is a copy of the Django migration script

Revision ID: a6048f0ffca8
Create Date: 2017-10-17 10:51:23.327195

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
from alembic import op
from sqlalchemy.sql import text

# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = 'a6048f0ffca8'
down_revision = '70c7d732f1b2'
branch_labels = None
depends_on = None

[docs]def upgrade(): conn = op.get_bind() # I am first migrating the wrongly declared returnlinks out of # the InlineCalculations. # This bug is reported #628 # There is an explicit check in the code of the inline calculation # ensuring that the calculation returns UNSTORED nodes. # Therefore, no cycle can be created with that migration! # # this command: # 1) selects all links that # - joins an InlineCalculation (or subclass) as input # - joins a Data (or subclass) as output # - is marked as a returnlink. # 2) set for these links the type to 'createlink' stmt1 = text(""" UPDATE db_dblink set type='createlink' WHERE IN ( SELECT FROM db_dbnode AS db_dbnode_1 JOIN db_dblink AS db_dblink_1 ON db_dblink_1.input_id = JOIN db_dbnode AS db_dbnode_2 ON db_dblink_1.output_id = WHERE db_dbnode_1.type LIKE 'calculation.inline.%' AND db_dbnode_2.type LIKE 'data.%' AND db_dblink_1.type = 'returnlink' ) """) conn.execute(stmt1) # Now I am updating the link-types that are null because of either an export and subsequent import # # or because the link types don't exist because the links were added before the introduction of link types. # This is reported here: # # The following sql statement: # 1) selects all links that # - joins Data (or subclass) or Code as input # - joins Calculation (or subclass) as output. This includes WorkCalculation, InlineCalcuation, JobCalculations... # - has no type (null) # 2) set for these links the type to 'inputlink' stmt2 = text(""" UPDATE db_dblink set type='inputlink' where id in ( SELECT FROM db_dbnode AS db_dbnode_1 JOIN db_dblink AS db_dblink_1 ON db_dblink_1.input_id = JOIN db_dbnode AS db_dbnode_2 ON db_dblink_1.output_id = WHERE ( db_dbnode_1.type LIKE 'data.%' or db_dbnode_1.type = 'code.Code.' ) AND db_dbnode_2.type LIKE 'calculation.%' AND ( db_dblink_1.type = null OR db_dblink_1.type = '') ); """) conn.execute(stmt2) # # The following sql statement: # 1) selects all links that # - join JobCalculation (or subclass) or InlineCalculation as input # - joins Data (or subclass) as output. # - has no type (null) # 2) set for these links the type to 'createlink' stmt3 = text(""" UPDATE db_dblink set type='createlink' where id in ( SELECT FROM db_dbnode AS db_dbnode_1 JOIN db_dblink AS db_dblink_1 ON db_dblink_1.input_id = JOIN db_dbnode AS db_dbnode_2 ON db_dblink_1.output_id = WHERE db_dbnode_2.type LIKE 'data.%' AND ( db_dbnode_1.type LIKE 'calculation.job.%' OR db_dbnode_1.type = 'calculation.inline.InlineCalculation.' ) AND ( db_dblink_1.type = null OR db_dblink_1.type = '') ) """) conn.execute(stmt3) # The following sql statement: # 1) selects all links that # - join WorkCalculation as input. No subclassing was introduced so far, so only one type string is checked for. # - join Data (or subclass) as output. # - has no type (null) # 2) set for these links the type to 'returnlink' stmt4 = text(""" UPDATE db_dblink set type='returnlink' where id in ( SELECT FROM db_dbnode AS db_dbnode_1 JOIN db_dblink AS db_dblink_1 ON db_dblink_1.input_id = JOIN db_dbnode AS db_dbnode_2 ON db_dblink_1.output_id = WHERE db_dbnode_2.type LIKE 'data.%' AND db_dbnode_1.type = '' AND ( db_dblink_1.type = null OR db_dblink_1.type = '') ) """) conn.execute(stmt4) # Now I update links that are CALLS: # The following sql statement: # 1) selects all links that # - join WorkCalculation as input. No subclassing was introduced so far, so only one type string is checked for. # - join Calculation (or subclass) as output. Includes JobCalculation and WorkCalculations and all subclasses. # - has no type (null) # 2) set for these links the type to 'calllink' stmt5 = text(""" UPDATE db_dblink set type='calllink' where id in ( SELECT FROM db_dbnode AS db_dbnode_1 JOIN db_dblink AS db_dblink_1 ON db_dblink_1.input_id = JOIN db_dbnode AS db_dbnode_2 ON db_dblink_1.output_id = WHERE db_dbnode_1.type = '' AND db_dbnode_2.type LIKE 'calculation.%' AND ( db_dblink_1.type = null OR db_dblink_1.type = '') ) """) conn.execute(stmt5)
[docs]def downgrade(): print("There is no downgrade for the link types")