Source code for aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.tests.test_migrations

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# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
"""Tests for the migration engine (Alembic) as well as for the AiiDA migrations for SQLAlchemy."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from contextlib import contextmanager

import os
from alembic import command
from alembic.config import Config
from six.moves import zip

from aiida.backends import sqlalchemy as sa
from aiida.backends.general.migrations import utils
from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy import utils as sqlalchemy_utils
from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.base import Base
from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.tests.test_utils import new_database
from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.utils import flag_modified
from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase

[docs]class TestMigrationsSQLA(AiidaTestCase): """ This class contains tests for the migration mechanism of SQLAlchemy called alembic. It checks if the migrations can be applied and removed correctly. """ # The path to the folder that contains the migration configuration (the # actual configuration - not the testing) migr_method_dir_path = None # The path of the migration configuration (the actual configuration - not # the testing) alembic_dpath = None migrate_from = None migrate_to = None
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Prepare the test class with the alembivc configuration """ super(TestMigrationsSQLA, cls).setUpClass(*args, **kwargs) cls.migr_method_dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sqlalchemy_utils.__file__)) alembic_dpath = os.path.join(cls.migr_method_dir_path, sqlalchemy_utils.ALEMBIC_REL_PATH) cls.alembic_cfg = Config() cls.alembic_cfg.set_main_option('script_location', alembic_dpath)
[docs] def setUp(self): """ Go to the migrate_from revision, apply setUpBeforeMigration, then run the migration. """ super(TestMigrationsSQLA, self).setUp() from aiida.orm import autogroup self.current_autogroup = autogroup.current_autogroup autogroup.current_autogroup = None assert self.migrate_from and self.migrate_to, \ "TestCase '{}' must define migrate_from and migrate_to properties".format(type(self).__name__) try: self.migrate_db_down(self.migrate_from) self.setUpBeforeMigration() self.migrate_db_up(self.migrate_to) except Exception: # Bring back the DB to the correct state if this setup part fails self._reset_database_and_schema() raise
[docs] def migrate_db_up(self, destination): """ Perform a migration upwards (upgrade) with alembic :param destination: the name of the destination migration """ # Undo all previous real migration of the database with sa.engine.connect() as connection: self.alembic_cfg.attributes['connection'] = connection # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation command.upgrade(self.alembic_cfg, destination)
[docs] def migrate_db_down(self, destination): """ Perform a migration downwards (downgrade) with alembic :param destination: the name of the destination migration """ with sa.engine.connect() as connection: self.alembic_cfg.attributes['connection'] = connection # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation command.downgrade(self.alembic_cfg, destination)
[docs] def tearDown(self): """ Resets both the database content and the schema to prepare for the next test """ from aiida.orm import autogroup self._reset_database_and_schema() autogroup.current_autogroup = self.current_autogroup super(TestMigrationsSQLA, self).tearDown()
[docs] def setUpBeforeMigration(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Anything to do before running the migrations. This is typically implemented in test subclasses. """
[docs] def _reset_database_and_schema(self): """ Bring back the DB to the correct state. It is important to also reset the database content to avoid hanging of tests. """ self.reset_database() self.migrate_db_up("head")
@property def current_rev(self): """ Utility method to get the current revision string """ from alembic.migration import MigrationContext # pylint: disable=import-error with sa.engine.begin() as connection: context = MigrationContext.configure(connection) current_rev = context.get_current_revision() return current_rev
[docs] @staticmethod def get_auto_base(): """ Return the automap_base class that automatically inspects the current database and return SQLAlchemy Models. Note that these are NOT the ones in AiiDA SQLAlchemy models, so do not have the special methods that we define there (like .save()). """ from alembic.migration import MigrationContext # pylint: disable=import-error from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module with sa.engine.begin() as connection: context = MigrationContext.configure(connection) bind = context.bind base = automap_base() # reflect the tables base.prepare(bind.engine, reflect=True) return base
[docs] @staticmethod @contextmanager def get_session(): """ Return a session that is properly closed after use. """ from sqlalchemy.orm import Session # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module with sa.engine.begin() as connection: session = Session(connection.engine) yield session session.close()
[docs] def get_current_table(self, table_name): """ Return a Model instantiated at the correct migration. Note that this is obtained by inspecting the database and not by looking into the models file. So, special methods possibly defined in the models files/classes are not present. For instance, you can do:: DbGroup = self.get_current_table('db_dbgroup') :param table_name: the name of the table. """ base = self.get_auto_base() return getattr(base.classes, table_name)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_node_array(node, name): return utils.load_numpy_array_from_repository(node.uuid, name)
[docs] @staticmethod def set_node_array(node, name, array): """Store a new numpy array inside a node. Possibly overwrite the array if it already existed. Internally, it stores a name.npy file in numpy format. :param name: The name of the array. :param array: The numpy array to store. """ utils.store_numpy_array_in_repository(node.uuid, name, array) attributes = node.attributes if attributes is None: attributes = {} attributes['array|{}'.format(name)] = list(array.shape) node.attributes = attributes flag_modified(node, 'attributes')
[docs]class TestBackwardMigrationsSQLA(TestMigrationsSQLA): """ This is the equivalent of TestMigrationsSQLA for backward migrations. It assumes that the migrate_from revision is higher in the hierarchy than the migrate_to revision. """
[docs] def setUp(self): """ Go to the migrate_from revision, apply setUpBeforeMigration, then run the migration. """ AiidaTestCase.setUp(self) # pylint: disable=bad-super-call from aiida.orm import autogroup self.current_autogroup = autogroup.current_autogroup autogroup.current_autogroup = None assert self.migrate_from and self.migrate_to, \ "TestCase '{}' must define migrate_from and migrate_to properties".format(type(self).__name__) try: self.migrate_db_down(self.migrate_from) self.setUpBeforeMigration() self.migrate_db_down(self.migrate_to) except Exception: # Bring back the DB to the correct state if this setup part fails self._reset_database_and_schema() raise
[docs]class TestMigrationEngine(TestMigrationsSQLA): """ Just a simple test to verify that the TestMigrationsSQLA class indeed works and moves between the expected migration revisions """ migrate_from = 'b8b23ddefad4' # migrate_to = 'e72ad251bcdb' #
[docs] def setUpBeforeMigration(self): """ Cache the start revision """ self.start_revision = self.current_rev
[docs] def test_revision_numbers(self): """ Check that we went to the correct version """ self.assertEqual(self.start_revision, self.migrate_from) self.assertEqual(self.current_rev, self.migrate_to)
[docs]class TestMigrationSchemaVsModelsSchema(AiidaTestCase): """ This class checks that the schema that results from a migration is the same generated by the models. This is important since migrations are frequently written by hand or extended manually and we have to ensure that the final result is what is conceived in the SQLA models. """ # The path to the folder that contains the migration configuration (the # actual configuration - not the testing) migr_method_dir_path = None # The path of the migration configuration (the actual configuration - not # the testing) alembic_dpath = None # The alembic configuration needed for the migrations is stored here alembic_cfg_left = None # The URL of the databases db_url_left = None db_url_right = None
[docs] def setUp(self): from sqlalchemydiff.util import get_temporary_uri from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.migrations import versions self.migr_method_dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(sqlalchemy_utils.__file__)) # Set the alembic script directory location self.alembic_dpath = os.path.join(self.migr_method_dir_path, sqlalchemy_utils.ALEMBIC_REL_PATH) # Constructing the versions directory versions_dpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(versions.__file__)) # Setting dynamically the the path to the alembic configuration # (this is where the file can be found) self.alembic_cfg_left = Config() self.alembic_cfg_left.set_main_option('script_location', self.alembic_dpath) # Setting dynamically the versions directory. These are the # migration scripts to pass from one version to the other. The # default ones are overridden with test-specific migrations. self.alembic_cfg_left.set_main_option('version_locations', versions_dpath) # The correction URL to the SQLA database of the current # AiiDA connection curr_db_url = sa.engine.url # Create new urls for the two new databases self.db_url_left = get_temporary_uri(str(curr_db_url)) self.db_url_right = get_temporary_uri(str(curr_db_url)) # Put the correct database url to the database used by alembic self.alembic_cfg_left.set_main_option("sqlalchemy.url", self.db_url_left) # Database creation new_database(self.db_url_left) new_database(self.db_url_right)
[docs] def tearDown(self): from sqlalchemydiff.util import destroy_database destroy_database(self.db_url_left) destroy_database(self.db_url_right)
[docs] def test_model_and_migration_schemas_are_the_same(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Compare two databases. Compares the database obtained with all migrations against the one we get out of the models. It produces a text file with the results to help debug differences. """ from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module from sqlalchemydiff import compare with create_engine(self.db_url_left).begin() as connection: self.alembic_cfg_left.attributes['connection'] = connection # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation command.upgrade(self.alembic_cfg_left, "head") engine_right = create_engine(self.db_url_right) Base.metadata.create_all(engine_right) engine_right.dispose() result = compare(self.db_url_left, self.db_url_right, set(['alembic_version'])) self.assertTrue(result.is_match, "The migration database doesn't match to the one " "created by the models.\nDifferences: " + result._dump_data(result.errors)) # pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs]class TestProvenanceRedesignMigration(TestMigrationsSQLA): """Test the data migration part of the provenance redesign migration.""" migrate_from = '140c971ae0a3' # 140c971ae0a3_migrate_builtin_calculations migrate_to = '239cea6d2452' # 239cea6d2452_provenance_redesign
[docs] def setUpBeforeMigration(self): from sqlalchemy.orm import Session # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module DbNode = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbnode # pylint: disable=invalid-name DbUser = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbuser # pylint: disable=invalid-name with sa.engine.begin() as connection: try: session = Session(connection.engine) user = DbUser(is_superuser=False, email='{}'.format( session.add(user) session.commit() node_calc_job_known = DbNode( type='calculation.job.arithmetic.add.ArithmeticAddCalculation.', node_calc_job_unknown = DbNode(type='calculation.job.unknown.PluginJobCalculation.', node_process = DbNode(type='calculation.process.ProcessCalculation.', node_work_chain = DbNode(type='', node_work_function = DbNode( type='', attributes={'function_name': 'test'}, node_inline = DbNode(type='calculation.inline.InlineCalculation.', node_function = DbNode(type='calculation.function.FunctionCalculation.', session.add(node_calc_job_known) session.add(node_calc_job_unknown) session.add(node_process) session.add(node_work_chain) session.add(node_work_function) session.add(node_inline) session.add(node_function) session.commit() self.node_calc_job_known_id = self.node_calc_job_unknown_id = self.node_process_id = self.node_work_chain_id = self.node_work_function_id = self.node_inline_id = self.node_function_id = except Exception: session.rollback() raise finally: session.close()
[docs] def test_verify_migration(self): """Verify that type string of the Data node was successfully adapted.""" from sqlalchemy.orm import Session # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module DbNode = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbnode # pylint: disable=invalid-name with sa.engine.begin() as connection: try: session = Session(connection.engine) # Migration of calculation job with known plugin class node_calc_job_known = session.query(DbNode).filter( == self.node_calc_job_known_id).one() self.assertEqual(node_calc_job_known.type, 'node.process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.') self.assertEqual(node_calc_job_known.process_type, 'aiida.calculations:arithmetic.add') # Migration of calculation job with unknown plugin class node_calc_job_unknown = session.query(DbNode).filter( == self.node_calc_job_unknown_id).one() self.assertEqual(node_calc_job_unknown.type, 'node.process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.') self.assertEqual(node_calc_job_unknown.process_type, 'unknown.PluginJobCalculation') # Migration of very old `ProcessNode` class node_process = session.query(DbNode).filter( == self.node_process_id).one() self.assertEqual(node_process.type, 'node.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode.') # Migration of old `WorkCalculation` class node_work_chain = session.query(DbNode).filter( == self.node_work_chain_id).one() self.assertEqual(node_work_chain.type, 'node.process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode.') # Migration of old `WorkCalculation` class used for work function node_work_function = session.query(DbNode).filter( == self.node_work_function_id).one() self.assertEqual(node_work_function.type, 'node.process.workflow.workfunction.WorkFunctionNode.') # Migration of old `InlineCalculation` class node_inline = session.query(DbNode).filter( == self.node_inline_id).one() self.assertEqual(node_inline.type, 'node.process.calculation.calcfunction.CalcFunctionNode.') # Migration of old `FunctionCalculation` class node_function = session.query(DbNode).filter( == self.node_function_id).one() self.assertEqual(node_function.type, 'node.process.workflow.workfunction.WorkFunctionNode.') finally: session.close()
[docs]class TestGroupRenamingMigration(TestMigrationsSQLA): """ Test the migration that renames the DbGroup type strings """ migrate_from = 'b8b23ddefad4' # migrate_to = 'e72ad251bcdb' #
[docs] def setUpBeforeMigration(self): """ Create the DbGroups with the old type strings """ # Create group DbGroup = self.get_current_table('db_dbgroup') # pylint: disable=invalid-name DbUser = self.get_current_table('db_dbuser') # pylint: disable=invalid-name with self.get_session() as session: try: default_user = DbUser(is_superuser=False, email="{}".format( session.add(default_user) session.commit() # test user group type_string: '' -> 'user' group_user = DbGroup(label='test_user_group',, type_string='') session.add(group_user) # test data.upf group type_string: '' -> 'data.upf' group_data_upf = DbGroup( label='test_data_upf_group',, type_string='') session.add(group_data_upf) # test auto.import group type_string: 'aiida.import' -> 'auto.import' group_autoimport = DbGroup( label='test_import_group',, type_string='aiida.import') session.add(group_autoimport) # test group type_string: '' -> '' group_autorun = DbGroup( label='test_autorun_group',, type_string='') session.add(group_autorun) session.commit() # Store values for later tests self.group_user_pk = self.group_data_upf_pk = self.group_autoimport_pk = self.group_autorun_pk = finally: session.close()
[docs] def test_group_string_update(self): """ Test that the type strings are properly migrated """ DbGroup = self.get_current_table('db_dbgroup') # pylint: disable=invalid-name with self.get_session() as session: try: # test user group type_string: '' -> 'user' group_user = session.query(DbGroup).filter( == self.group_user_pk).one() self.assertEqual(group_user.type_string, 'user') # test data.upf group type_string: '' -> 'data.upf' group_data_upf = session.query(DbGroup).filter( == self.group_data_upf_pk).one() self.assertEqual(group_data_upf.type_string, 'data.upf') # test auto.import group type_string: 'aiida.import' -> 'auto.import' group_autoimport = session.query(DbGroup).filter( == self.group_autoimport_pk).one() self.assertEqual(group_autoimport.type_string, 'auto.import') # test group type_string: '' -> '' group_autorun = session.query(DbGroup).filter( == self.group_autorun_pk).one() self.assertEqual(group_autorun.type_string, '') finally: session.close()
[docs]class TestCalcAttributeKeysMigration(TestMigrationsSQLA): """Test the migration of the keys of certain attribute for ProcessNodes and CalcJobNodes.""" migrate_from = 'e72ad251bcdb' # e72ad251bcdb_dbgroup_class_change_type_string_values migrate_to = '7ca08c391c49' # 7ca08c391c49_calc_job_option_attribute_keys KEY_RESOURCES_OLD = 'jobresource_params' KEY_RESOURCES_NEW = 'resources' KEY_PARSER_NAME_OLD = 'parser' KEY_PARSER_NAME_NEW = 'parser_name' KEY_PROCESS_LABEL_OLD = '_process_label' KEY_PROCESS_LABEL_NEW = 'process_label' KEY_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_OLD = 'custom_environment_variables' KEY_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_NEW = 'environment_variables'
[docs] def setUpBeforeMigration(self): from sqlalchemy.orm import Session # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module DbNode = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbnode # pylint: disable=invalid-name DbUser = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbuser # pylint: disable=invalid-name with sa.engine.begin() as connection: try: session = Session(connection.engine) user = DbUser(is_superuser=False, email="{}".format( session.add(user) session.commit() self.resources = {'number_machines': 1} self.parser_name = 'aiida.parsers:parser' self.process_label = 'TestLabel' self.environment_variables = {} attributes = { self.KEY_RESOURCES_OLD: self.resources, self.KEY_PARSER_NAME_OLD: self.parser_name, self.KEY_PROCESS_LABEL_OLD: self.process_label, self.KEY_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_OLD: self.environment_variables, } node_work = DbNode(type='node.process.workflow.WorkflowNode.', attributes=attributes, node_calc = DbNode( type='node.process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.', attributes=attributes, session.add(node_work) session.add(node_calc) session.commit() self.node_work_id = self.node_calc_id = finally: session.close()
[docs] def test_attribute_key_changes(self): """Verify that the keys are successfully changed of the affected attributes.""" import ast from sqlalchemy.orm import Session # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module DbNode = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbnode # pylint: disable=invalid-name not_found = tuple([0]) with sa.engine.begin() as connection: try: session = Session(connection.engine) node_work = session.query(DbNode).filter( == self.node_work_id).one() self.assertEqual(node_work.attributes.get(self.KEY_PROCESS_LABEL_NEW), self.process_label) self.assertEqual(node_work.attributes.get(self.KEY_PROCESS_LABEL_OLD, not_found), not_found) node_calc = session.query(DbNode).filter( == self.node_calc_id).one() # The dictionaries need to be cast with ast.literal_eval, because the `get` will return a string # representation of the dictionary that the attribute contains self.assertEqual(node_calc.attributes.get(self.KEY_PROCESS_LABEL_NEW), self.process_label) self.assertEqual(node_calc.attributes.get(self.KEY_PARSER_NAME_NEW), self.parser_name) self.assertEqual(ast.literal_eval(node_calc.attributes.get(self.KEY_RESOURCES_NEW)), self.resources) self.assertEqual( ast.literal_eval(node_calc.attributes.get(self.KEY_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_NEW)), self.environment_variables) self.assertEqual(node_calc.attributes.get(self.KEY_PROCESS_LABEL_OLD, not_found), not_found) self.assertEqual(node_calc.attributes.get(self.KEY_PARSER_NAME_OLD, not_found), not_found) self.assertEqual(node_calc.attributes.get(self.KEY_RESOURCES_OLD, not_found), not_found) self.assertEqual(node_calc.attributes.get(self.KEY_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_OLD, not_found), not_found) finally: session.close()
[docs]class TestDbLogMigrationRecordCleaning(TestMigrationsSQLA): """Test the migration of the keys of certain attribute for ProcessNodes and CalcJobNodes.""" migrate_from = '7ca08c391c49' # 7ca08c391c49_calc_job_option_attribute_keys migrate_to = '041a79fc615f' # 041a79fc615f_dblog_cleaning
[docs] def setUpBeforeMigration(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements import importlib from sqlalchemy.orm import Session # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.utils import dumps_json log_migration = importlib.import_module( 'aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.migrations.versions.041a79fc615f_dblog_cleaning') DbUser = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbuser # pylint: disable=invalid-name DbNode = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbnode # pylint: disable=invalid-name DbWorkflow = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbworkflow # pylint: disable=invalid-name DbLog = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dblog # pylint: disable=invalid-name with sa.engine.begin() as connection: try: session = Session(connection.engine) user = DbUser(is_superuser=False, email="{}".format( session.add(user) session.commit() calc_1 = DbNode(type="node.process.calculation.CalculationNode.", param = DbNode(type="data.dict.Dict.", leg_workf = DbWorkflow(label="Legacy WorkflowNode", calc_2 = DbNode(type="node.process.calculation.CalculationNode.", session.add(calc_1) session.add(param) session.add(leg_workf) session.add(calc_2) session.commit() log_1 = DbLog( loggername='CalculationNode logger',, objname='', message='calculation node 1', metadata={ "msecs": 719.0849781036377, "objpk":, "lineno": 350, "thread": 140011612940032, "asctime": "10/21/2018 12:39:51 PM", "created": 1540118391.719085, "levelno": 23, "message": "calculation node 1", "objname": "", }) log_2 = DbLog( loggername='something.else logger',, objname='something.else.', message='parameter data with log message') log_3 = DbLog( loggername='TopologicalWorkflow logger',, objname='aiida.workflows.user.topologicalworkflows.topo.TopologicalWorkflow', message='parameter data with log message') log_4 = DbLog( loggername='CalculationNode logger',, objname='', message='calculation node 2', metadata={ "msecs": 719.0849781036377, "objpk":, "lineno": 360, "levelno": 23, "message": "calculation node 1", "objname": "", }) # Creating two more log records that don't correspond to a node log_5 = DbLog( loggername='CalculationNode logger', objpk=( + 1000), objname='', message='calculation node 1000', metadata={ "msecs": 718, "objpk": ( + 1000), "lineno": 361, "levelno": 25, "message": "calculation node 1000", "objname": "", }) log_6 = DbLog( loggername='CalculationNode logger', objpk=( + 1001), objname='', message='calculation node 10001', metadata={ "msecs": 722, "objpk": ( + 1001), "lineno": 362, "levelno": 24, "message": "calculation node 1001", "objname": "", }) session.add(log_1) session.add(log_2) session.add(log_3) session.add(log_4) session.add(log_5) session.add(log_6) session.commit() # Storing temporarily information needed for the check at the test self.to_check = dict() # Keeping calculation & calculation log ids self.to_check['CalculationNode'] = (,,,, ) # The columns to project cols_to_project = [] for val in log_migration.values_to_export: cols_to_project.append(getattr(DbLog, val)) # Getting the serialized Dict logs param_data = session.query(DbLog).filter(DbLog.objpk == DbLog.objname == 'something.else.').with_entities(*cols_to_project).one() serialized_param_data = dumps_json([(dict(list(zip(param_data.keys(), param_data))))]) # Getting the serialized logs for the unknown entity logs (as the export migration fuction # provides them) - this should coincide to the above serialized_unknown_exp_logs = log_migration.get_serialized_unknown_entity_logs(connection) # Getting their number unknown_exp_logs_number = log_migration.get_unknown_entity_log_number(connection) self.to_check['Dict'] = (serialized_param_data, serialized_unknown_exp_logs, unknown_exp_logs_number) # Getting the serialized legacy workflow logs # yapf: disable leg_wf = session.query(DbLog).filter(DbLog.objpk == DbLog.objname == 'aiida.workflows.user.topologicalworkflows.topo.TopologicalWorkflow' ).with_entities(*cols_to_project).one() serialized_leg_wf_logs = dumps_json([(dict(list(zip(leg_wf.keys(), leg_wf))))]) # Getting the serialized logs for the legacy workflow logs (as the export migration function # provides them) - this should coincide to the above serialized_leg_wf_exp_logs = log_migration.get_serialized_legacy_workflow_logs(connection) eg_wf_exp_logs_number = log_migration.get_legacy_workflow_log_number(connection) self.to_check['WorkflowNode'] = (serialized_leg_wf_logs, serialized_leg_wf_exp_logs, eg_wf_exp_logs_number) # Getting the serialized logs that don't correspond to a DbNode record logs_no_node = session.query(DbLog).filter([,])).with_entities(*cols_to_project) logs_no_node_list = list() for log_no_node in logs_no_node: logs_no_node_list.append((dict(list(zip(log_no_node.keys(), log_no_node))))) serialized_logs_no_node = dumps_json(logs_no_node_list) # Getting the serialized logs that don't correspond to a node (as the export migration function # provides them) - this should coincide to the above serialized_logs_exp_no_node = log_migration.get_serialized_logs_with_no_nodes(connection) logs_no_node_number = log_migration.get_logs_with_no_nodes_number(connection) self.to_check['NoNode'] = (serialized_logs_no_node, serialized_logs_exp_no_node, logs_no_node_number) except Exception: session.rollback() raise finally: session.close()
[docs] def test_dblog_calculation_node(self): """ Verify that after the migration there is only two log records left and verify that they corresponds to the CalculationNodes. """ from sqlalchemy.orm import Session # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module DbLog = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dblog # pylint: disable=invalid-name with sa.engine.begin() as connection: try: session = Session(connection.engine) # Check that only two log records exist self.assertEqual(session.query(DbLog).count(), 2, "There should be two log records left") # Get the node id of the log record referencing the node and verify that it is the correct one dbnode_id_1 = session.query(DbLog).filter( == self.to_check['CalculationNode'][1]).with_entities('dbnode_id').one()[0] self.assertEqual(dbnode_id_1, self.to_check['CalculationNode'][0], "The the referenced node is not " "the expected one") dbnode_id_2 = session.query(DbLog).filter( == self.to_check['CalculationNode'][3]).with_entities('dbnode_id').one()[0] self.assertEqual(dbnode_id_2, self.to_check['CalculationNode'][2], "The the referenced node is not " "the expected one") finally: session.close()
[docs] def test_dblog_correct_export_of_logs(self): """ Verify that export log methods for legacy workflows, unknown entities and log records that don't correspond to nodes, work as expected """ import json self.assertEqual(self.to_check['Dict'][0], self.to_check['Dict'][1]) self.assertEqual(self.to_check['Dict'][2], 1) self.assertEqual(self.to_check['WorkflowNode'][0], self.to_check['WorkflowNode'][1]) self.assertEqual(self.to_check['WorkflowNode'][2], 1) self.assertEqual(sorted(list(json.loads(self.to_check['NoNode'][0])), key=lambda k: k['id']), sorted(list(json.loads(self.to_check['NoNode'][1])), key=lambda k: k['id'])) self.assertEqual(self.to_check['NoNode'][2], 2)
[docs] def test_metadata_correctness(self): """ Verify that the metadata of the remaining records don't have an objpk and objmetadata values. """ from sqlalchemy.orm import Session # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module DbLog = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dblog # pylint: disable=invalid-name with sa.engine.begin() as connection: try: session = Session(connection.engine) metadata = list(session.query(DbLog).with_entities(getattr(DbLog, 'metadata')).all()) # Verify that the objpk and objname are no longer part of the metadata for (m_res,) in metadata: self.assertNotIn('objpk', m_res.keys(), "objpk should not exist any more in metadata") self.assertNotIn('objname', m_res.keys(), "objname should not exist any more in metadata") finally: session.close()
[docs]class TestDbLogMigrationBackward(TestBackwardMigrationsSQLA): """ Check that backward migrations work also for the DbLog migration(s). """ migrate_from = '041a79fc615f' # 041a79fc615f_dblog_cleaning migrate_to = '7ca08c391c49' # e72ad251bcdb_dbgroup_class_change_type_string_values
[docs] def setUpBeforeMigration(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-statements from sqlalchemy.orm import Session # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module DbUser = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbuser # pylint: disable=invalid-name DbNode = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbnode # pylint: disable=invalid-name DbLog = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dblog # pylint: disable=invalid-name with sa.engine.begin() as connection: try: session = Session(connection.engine) user = DbUser(is_superuser=False, email="{}".format( session.add(user) session.commit() calc_1 = DbNode(type="node.process.calculation.CalculationNode.1", calc_2 = DbNode(type="node.process.calculation.CalculationNode.2", session.add(calc_1) session.add(calc_2) session.commit() log_1 = DbLog( loggername='CalculationNode logger',, message='calculation node 1', metadata={ "msecs": 719.0849781036377, "lineno": 350, "thread": 140011612940032, "asctime": "10/21/2018 12:39:51 PM", "created": 1540118391.719085, "levelno": 23, "message": "calculation node 1", }) log_2 = DbLog( loggername='CalculationNode logger',, message='calculation node 2', metadata={ "msecs": 719.0849781036377, "lineno": 360, "levelno": 23, "message": "calculation node 1", }) session.add(log_1) session.add(log_2) session.commit() # Keeping what is needed to be verified at the test self.to_check = dict() self.to_check[] = (log_1.dbnode_id, calc_1.type) self.to_check[] = (log_2.dbnode_id, calc_2.type) except Exception: session.rollback() raise finally: session.close()
[docs] def test_objpk_objname(self): """ This test verifies that the objpk and objname have the right values after a forward and a backward migration. """ from sqlalchemy.orm import Session # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module DbLog = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dblog # pylint: disable=invalid-name with sa.engine.begin() as connection: try: session = Session(connection.engine) for log_pk in self.to_check: log_entry = session.query(DbLog).filter( == log_pk).one() log_dbnode_id, node_type = self.to_check[log_pk] self.assertEqual( log_dbnode_id, log_entry.objpk, "The dbnode_id ({}) of the 0024 schema version should be identical to the objpk ({}) of " "the 0023 schema version.".format(log_dbnode_id, log_entry.objpk)) self.assertEqual( node_type, log_entry.objname, "The type ({}) of the linked node of the 0024 schema version should be identical to the " "objname ({}) of the 0023 schema version.".format(node_type, log_entry.objname)) self.assertEqual( log_dbnode_id, log_entry.metadata['objpk'], "The dbnode_id ({}) of the 0024 schema version should be identical to the objpk ({}) of " "the 0023 schema version stored in the metadata.".format(log_dbnode_id, log_entry.metadata['objpk'])) self.assertEqual( node_type, log_entry.metadata['objname'], "The type ({}) of the linked node of the 0024 schema version should be identical to the " "objname ({}) of the 0023 schema version stored in the metadata.".format( node_type, log_entry.metadata['objname'])) finally: session.close()
[docs]class TestDbLogUUIDAddition(TestMigrationsSQLA): """ Test that the UUID column is correctly added to the DbLog table and that the uniqueness constraint is added without problems (if the migration arrives until 375c2db70663 then the constraint is added properly. """ migrate_from = '041a79fc615f' # 041a79fc615f_dblog_cleaning migrate_to = '375c2db70663' # 375c2db70663_dblog_uuid_uniqueness_constraint
[docs] def setUpBeforeMigration(self): from sqlalchemy.orm import Session # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module DbUser = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbuser # pylint: disable=invalid-name DbNode = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbnode # pylint: disable=invalid-name DbLog = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dblog # pylint: disable=invalid-name with sa.engine.begin() as connection: try: session = Session(connection.engine) user = DbUser(is_superuser=False, email="{}".format( session.add(user) session.commit() calc_1 = DbNode(type="node.process.calculation.CalculationNode.", calc_2 = DbNode(type="node.process.calculation.CalculationNode.", session.add(calc_1) session.add(calc_2) session.commit() log_1 = DbLog(loggername='CalculationNode logger',, message='calculation node 1') log_2 = DbLog(loggername='CalculationNode logger',, message='calculation node 2') session.add(log_1) session.add(log_2) session.commit() except Exception: session.rollback() raise finally: session.close()
[docs] def test_dblog_unique_uuids(self): """ Verify that the UUIDs of the log records are unique """ from sqlalchemy.orm import Session # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module DbLog = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dblog # pylint: disable=invalid-name with sa.engine.begin() as connection: try: session = Session(connection.engine) l_uuids = list(session.query(DbLog).with_entities(getattr(DbLog, 'uuid')).all()) s_uuids = set(l_uuids) self.assertEqual(len(l_uuids), len(s_uuids), "The UUIDs are not all unique.") finally: session.close()
[docs]class TestDataMoveWithinNodeMigration(TestMigrationsSQLA): """Test the migration of Data nodes after the data module was moved within the node moduel.""" migrate_from = '041a79fc615f' # 041a79fc615f_dblog_update migrate_to = '6a5c2ea1439d' # 6a5c2ea1439d_move_data_within_node_module
[docs] def setUpBeforeMigration(self): from sqlalchemy.orm import Session # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module DbNode = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbnode # pylint: disable=invalid-name DbUser = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbuser # pylint: disable=invalid-name with sa.engine.begin() as connection: try: session = Session(connection.engine) user = DbUser(is_superuser=False, email="{}".format( session.add(user) session.commit() node_calc = DbNode(type='node.process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.', node_data = DbNode(type='', session.add(node_data) session.add(node_calc) session.commit() self.node_calc_id = self.node_data_id = except Exception: session.rollback() raise finally: session.close()
[docs] def test_data_node_type_string(self): """Verify that type string of the Data node was successfully adapted.""" from sqlalchemy.orm import Session # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module DbNode = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbnode # pylint: disable=invalid-name with sa.engine.begin() as connection: try: session = Session(connection.engine) # The data node should have been touched and migrated node_data = session.query(DbNode).filter( == self.node_data_id).one() self.assertEqual(node_data.type, '') # The calc node by contrast should not have been changed node_calc = session.query(DbNode).filter( == self.node_calc_id).one() self.assertEqual(node_calc.type, 'node.process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.') finally: session.close()
[docs]class TestTrajectoryDataMigration(TestMigrationsSQLA): """Test the migration of the symbols from numpy array to attribute for TrajectoryData nodes.""" import numpy migrate_from = '37f3d4882837' # 37f3d4882837_make_all_uuid_columns_unique migrate_to = 'ce56d84bcc35' # ce56d84bcc35_delete_trajectory_symbols_array stepids = numpy.array([60, 70]) times = stepids * 0.01 positions = numpy.array( [[[0., 0., 0.], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [1.5, 1.5, 1.5]], [[0., 0., 0.], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [1.5, 1.5, 1.5]]]) velocities = numpy.array( [[[0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.]], [[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, -0.5, -0.5]]]) cells = numpy.array([[[2., 0., 0.], [0., 2., 0.], [0., 0., 2.]], [[3., 0., 0.], [0., 3., 0.], [0., 0., 3.]]])
[docs] def setUpBeforeMigration(self): import numpy from sqlalchemy.orm import Session # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module DbNode = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbnode # pylint: disable=invalid-name DbUser = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbuser # pylint: disable=invalid-name with sa.engine.begin() as connection: try: session = Session(connection.engine) user = DbUser(is_superuser=False, email='{}'.format( session.add(user) session.commit() node = DbNode(type='', session.add(node) session.commit() symbols = numpy.array(['H', 'O', 'C']) self.set_node_array(node, 'steps', self.stepids) self.set_node_array(node, 'cells', self.cells) self.set_node_array(node, 'symbols', symbols) self.set_node_array(node, 'positions', self.positions) self.set_node_array(node, 'times', self.times) self.set_node_array(node, 'velocities', self.velocities) session.commit() self.node_uuid = node.uuid finally: session.close()
[docs] def test_trajectory_symbols(self): """Verify that migration of symbols from repository array to attribute works properly.""" from sqlalchemy.orm import Session # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module DbNode = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbnode # pylint: disable=invalid-name with sa.engine.begin() as connection: try: session = Session(connection.engine) node = session.query(DbNode).filter(DbNode.uuid == self.node_uuid).one() self.assertSequenceEqual(node.attributes['symbols'], ['H', 'O', 'C']) self.assertSequenceEqual(self.get_node_array(node, 'velocities').tolist(), self.velocities.tolist()) self.assertSequenceEqual(self.get_node_array(node, 'positions').tolist(), self.positions.tolist()) with self.assertRaises(IOError): self.get_node_array(node, 'symbols') finally: session.close()
[docs]class TestNodePrefixRemovalMigration(TestMigrationsSQLA): """Test the migration of Data nodes after the data module was moved within the node moduel.""" migrate_from = 'ce56d84bcc35' # ce56d84bcc35_delete_trajectory_symbols_array migrate_to = '61fc0913fae9' # 61fc0913fae9_remove_node_prefix
[docs] def setUpBeforeMigration(self): from sqlalchemy.orm import Session # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module DbNode = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbnode # pylint: disable=invalid-name DbUser = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbuser # pylint: disable=invalid-name with sa.engine.begin() as connection: try: session = Session(connection.engine) user = DbUser(is_superuser=False, email='{}'.format( session.add(user) session.commit() node_calc = DbNode(type='node.process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.', node_data = DbNode(type='', session.add(node_data) session.add(node_calc) session.commit() self.node_calc_id = self.node_data_id = except Exception: session.rollback() raise finally: session.close()
[docs] def test_data_node_type_string(self): """Verify that type string of the Data node was successfully adapted.""" from sqlalchemy.orm import Session # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module DbNode = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbnode # pylint: disable=invalid-name with sa.engine.begin() as connection: try: session = Session(connection.engine) # Verify that the `node.` prefix has been dropped from both the data as well as the process node node_data = session.query(DbNode).filter( == self.node_data_id).one() self.assertEqual(node_data.type, '') node_calc = session.query(DbNode).filter( == self.node_calc_id).one() self.assertEqual(node_calc.type, 'process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.') finally: session.close()
[docs]class TestParameterDataToDictMigration(TestMigrationsSQLA): """Test the data migration after `ParameterData` was renamed to `Dict`.""" migrate_from = '61fc0913fae9' # 61fc0913fae9_remove_node_prefix migrate_to = 'd254fdfed416' # d254fdfed416_rename_parameter_data_to_dict
[docs] def setUpBeforeMigration(self): from sqlalchemy.orm import Session # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module DbNode = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbnode # pylint: disable=invalid-name DbUser = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbuser # pylint: disable=invalid-name with sa.engine.begin() as connection: try: session = Session(connection.engine) user = DbUser(is_superuser=False, email='{}'.format( session.add(user) session.commit() node = DbNode(type='data.parameter.ParameterData.', session.add(node) session.commit() self.node_id = except Exception: session.rollback() raise finally: session.close()
[docs] def test_type_string(self): """Verify that type string of the Data node was successfully adapted.""" from sqlalchemy.orm import Session # pylint: disable=import-error,no-name-in-module DbNode = self.get_auto_base().classes.db_dbnode # pylint: disable=invalid-name with sa.engine.begin() as connection: try: session = Session(connection.engine) node = session.query(DbNode).filter( == self.node_id).one() self.assertEqual(node.type, 'data.dict.Dict.') finally: session.close()