Source code for aiida.backends.tests.orm.test_mixins

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"""Tests for the ORM mixin classes."""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase
from aiida.common import exceptions
from aiida.common.links import LinkType
from aiida.orm import Int, CalculationNode
from aiida.orm.utils.mixins import Sealable

[docs]class TestSealable(AiidaTestCase): """Tests for the `Sealable` mixin class."""
[docs] @staticmethod def test_change_updatable_attrs_after_store(): """Verify that a Sealable node can alter updatable attributes even after storing.""" node = CalculationNode().store() for attr in CalculationNode._updatable_attributes: # pylint: disable=protected-access,not-an-iterable if attr != Sealable.SEALED_KEY: node.set_attribute(attr, 'a')
[docs] def test_validate_incoming_sealed(self): """Verify that trying to add a link to a sealed node will raise.""" data = Int(1).store() node = CalculationNode().store() node.seal() with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ModificationNotAllowed): node.validate_incoming(data, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='input')
[docs] def test_validate_outgoing_sealed(self): """Verify that trying to add a link from a sealed node will raise.""" data = Int(1).store() node = CalculationNode().store() node.seal() with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ModificationNotAllowed): node.validate_outgoing(data, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='create')