Source code for aiida.backends.tests.test_nodes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
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# pylint: disable=too-many-lines,invalid-name,protected-access
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring,too-many-locals,too-many-statements
# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import copy
import io
import tempfile
import unittest

import six
from six.moves import range
from sqlalchemy.exc import StatementError

from aiida import orm
from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase
from aiida.common.exceptions import InvalidOperation, ModificationNotAllowed, StoringNotAllowed
from aiida.common.links import LinkType
from aiida.common.utils import Capturing
from aiida.manage.database.delete.nodes import delete_nodes

[docs]class TestNodeIsStorable(AiidaTestCase): """ Test if one can store specific Node subclasses, and that Node and ProcessType are not storable, intead. """
[docs] def test_storable_unstorable(self): """ Test storability of Nodes """ node = orm.Node() with self.assertRaises(StoringNotAllowed): process = orm.ProcessNode() with self.assertRaises(StoringNotAllowed): # These below should be allowed instead data = orm.Data() calc = orm.CalculationNode() work = orm.WorkflowNode()
[docs]class TestNodeCopyDeepcopy(AiidaTestCase): """Test that calling copy and deepcopy on a Node does the right thing."""
[docs] def test_copy_not_supported(self): """Copying a base Node instance is not supported.""" node = orm.Node() with self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation): copy.copy(node)
[docs] def test_deepcopy_not_supported(self): """Deep copying a base Node instance is not supported.""" node = orm.Node() with self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation): copy.deepcopy(node)
[docs]class TestNodeHashing(AiidaTestCase): """ Tests the functionality of hashing a node """
[docs] @staticmethod def create_simple_node(a, b=0, c=0): n = orm.Data() n.set_attribute('a', a) n.set_attribute('b', b) n.set_attribute('c', c) return n
[docs] def test_simple_equal_nodes(self): attributes = [(1.0, 1.1, 1.2), ({'a': 'b', 'c': 'd'}, [1, 2, 3], {4, 1, 2})] for attr in attributes: n1 = self.create_simple_node(*attr) n2 = self.create_simple_node(*attr) self.assertEqual(n1.uuid, n2.get_extra('_aiida_cached_from'))
[docs] def test_node_uuid_hashing_for_querybuidler(self): """ QueryBuilder results should be reusable and shouldn't brake hashing. """ n = orm.Data() # Search for the UUID of the stored node qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.Data, project=['uuid'], filters={'id': {'==':}}) [uuid] = qb.first() # Look the node with the previously returned UUID qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.Data, project=['id'], filters={'uuid': {'==': uuid}}) # Check that the query doesn't fail qb.all() # And that the results are correct self.assertEquals(qb.count(), 1) self.assertEquals(qb.first()[0],
[docs] @staticmethod def create_folderdata_with_empty_file(): node = orm.FolderData() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as handle: node.put_object_from_filelike(handle, 'path/name') return node
[docs] @staticmethod def create_folderdata_with_empty_folder(): dirpath = tempfile.mkdtemp() node = orm.FolderData() node.put_object_from_tree(dirpath, 'path/name') return node
[docs] def test_folder_file_different(self): f1 = self.create_folderdata_with_empty_file() f2 = self.create_folderdata_with_empty_folder() assert (f1.list_object_names('path') == f2.list_object_names('path')) assert f1.get_hash() != f2.get_hash()
[docs] def test_folder_same(self): f1 = self.create_folderdata_with_empty_folder() f2 = self.create_folderdata_with_empty_folder() assert f1.uuid == f2.get_extra('_aiida_cached_from')
[docs] def test_file_same(self): f1 = self.create_folderdata_with_empty_file() f2 = self.create_folderdata_with_empty_file() assert f1.uuid == f2.get_extra('_aiida_cached_from')
[docs] def test_simple_unequal_nodes(self): attributes = [ [(1.0, 1.1, 1.2), (2.0, 1.1, 1.2)], [(1e-14,), (2e-14,)], ] for attr1, attr2 in attributes: n1 = self.create_simple_node(*attr1) n2 = self.create_simple_node(*attr2) self.assertNotEquals(n1.uuid, n2.uuid) self.assertFalse('_aiida_cached_from' in n2.extras)
[docs] def test_unequal_arrays(self): import numpy as np arrays = [(np.zeros(1001), np.zeros(1005)), (np.array([1, 2, 3]), np.array([2, 3, 4]))] def create_arraydata(arr): a = orm.ArrayData() a.set_array('a', arr) return a for arr1, arr2 in arrays: a1 = create_arraydata(arr1) a2 = create_arraydata(arr2) self.assertNotEquals(a1.uuid, a2.uuid) self.assertFalse('_aiida_cached_from' in a2.extras)
[docs] def test_updatable_attributes(self): """ Tests that updatable attributes are ignored. """ node = orm.ProcessNode() hash1 = node.get_hash() node.set_process_state('finished') hash2 = node.get_hash() self.assertNotEquals(hash1, None) self.assertEquals(hash1, hash2)
[docs]class TestTransitiveNoLoops(AiidaTestCase): """ Test the transitive closure functionality """
[docs] def test_loop_not_allowed(self): d1 = orm.Data().store() c1 = orm.CalculationNode().store() d2 = orm.Data().store() c2 = orm.CalculationNode().store() c1.add_incoming(d1, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link') d2.add_incoming(c1, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link') c2.add_incoming(d2, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): # This would generate a loop d1.add_incoming(c2, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link')
[docs]class TestTypes(AiidaTestCase): """ Generic test class to test types """
[docs] def test_uuid_type(self): """ Checking whether the UUID is returned as a string. In old implementations it was returned as uuid type """ orm.Data().store() orm.Data().store() results = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Data, project=('uuid', '*')).all() for uuid, data in results: self.assertTrue(isinstance(uuid, six.string_types)) self.assertTrue(isinstance(data.uuid, six.string_types))
[docs]class TestQueryWithAiidaObjects(AiidaTestCase): """ Test if queries work properly also with aiida.orm.Node classes instead of aiida.backends.djsite.db.models.DbNode objects. """
[docs] def test_with_subclasses(self): from aiida.plugins import DataFactory extra_name = self.__class__.__name__ + "/test_with_subclasses" Dict = DataFactory('dict') a1 = orm.CalcJobNode( a1.set_option('resources', {'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1}) # To query only these nodes later a1.set_extra(extra_name, True) a3 = orm.Data().store() a3.set_extra(extra_name, True) a4 = Dict(dict={'a': 'b'}).store() a4.set_extra(extra_name, True) # I don't set the extras, just to be sure that the filtering works # The filtering is needed because other tests will put stuff int he DB a6 = orm.CalcJobNode( a6.set_option('resources', {'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1}) a7 = orm.Data() # Query by calculation qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.CalcJobNode, filters={'extras': {'has_key': extra_name}}) results = [_ for [_] in qb.all()] # a3, a4 should not be found because they are not CalcJobNodes. # a6, a7 should not be found because they have not the attribute set. self.assertEquals(set([ for i in results]), set([])) # Same query, but by the generic Node class qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.Node, filters={'extras': {'has_key': extra_name}}) results = [_ for [_] in qb.all()] self.assertEquals(set([ for i in results]), set([,,])) # Same query, but by the Data class qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.Data, filters={'extras': {'has_key': extra_name}}) results = [_ for [_] in qb.all()] self.assertEquals(set([ for i in results]), set([,])) # Same query, but by the Dict subclass qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.Dict, filters={'extras': {'has_key': extra_name}}) results = [_ for [_] in qb.all()] self.assertEquals(set([ for i in results]), set([]))
[docs]class TestNodeBasic(AiidaTestCase): """ These tests check the basic features of nodes (setting of attributes, copying of files, ...) """ boolval = True intval = 123 floatval = 4.56 stringval = "aaaa" # A recursive dictionary dictval = { 'num': 3, 'something': 'else', 'emptydict': {}, 'recursive': { 'a': 1, 'b': True, 'c': 1.2, 'd': [1, 2, None], 'e': { 'z': 'z', 'x': None, 'xx': {}, 'yy': [] } } } listval = [1, "s", True, None] emptydict = {} emptylist = []
[docs] def test_uuid_uniquess(self): """ A uniqueness constraint on the UUID column of the Node model should prevent multiple nodes with identical UUID """ from django.db import IntegrityError as DjIntegrityError from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError as SqlaIntegrityError a = orm.Data() b = orm.Data() b.backend_entity.dbmodel.uuid = a.uuid with self.assertRaises((DjIntegrityError, SqlaIntegrityError)):
[docs] def test_attribute_mutability(self): """ Attributes of a node should be immutable after storing, unless the stored_check is disabled in the call """ a = orm.Data() a.set_attribute('bool', self.boolval) a.set_attribute('integer', self.intval) # After storing attributes should now be immutable with self.assertRaises(ModificationNotAllowed): a.delete_attribute('bool') with self.assertRaises(ModificationNotAllowed): a.set_attribute('integer', self.intval) # Passing stored_check=False should disable the mutability check a.delete_attribute('bool', stored_check=False) a.set_attribute('integer', self.intval, stored_check=False) self.assertEquals(a.get_attribute('integer'), self.intval) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): a.get_attribute('bool')
[docs] def test_attr_before_storing(self): a = orm.Data() a.set_attribute('k1', self.boolval) a.set_attribute('k2', self.intval) a.set_attribute('k3', self.floatval) a.set_attribute('k4', self.stringval) a.set_attribute('k5', self.dictval) a.set_attribute('k6', self.listval) a.set_attribute('k7', self.emptydict) a.set_attribute('k8', self.emptylist) a.set_attribute('k9', None) # Now I check if I can retrieve them, before the storage self.assertEquals(self.boolval, a.get_attribute('k1')) self.assertEquals(self.intval, a.get_attribute('k2')) self.assertEquals(self.floatval, a.get_attribute('k3')) self.assertEquals(self.stringval, a.get_attribute('k4')) self.assertEquals(self.dictval, a.get_attribute('k5')) self.assertEquals(self.listval, a.get_attribute('k6')) self.assertEquals(self.emptydict, a.get_attribute('k7')) self.assertEquals(self.emptylist, a.get_attribute('k8')) self.assertIsNone(a.get_attribute('k9')) # And now I try to delete the keys a.delete_attribute('k1') a.delete_attribute('k2') a.delete_attribute('k3') a.delete_attribute('k4') a.delete_attribute('k5') a.delete_attribute('k6') a.delete_attribute('k7') a.delete_attribute('k8') a.delete_attribute('k9') with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): # I delete twice the same attribute a.delete_attribute('k1') with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): # I delete a non-existing attribute a.delete_attribute('nonexisting') with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): # I get a deleted attribute a.get_attribute('k1') with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): # I get a non-existing attribute a.get_attribute('nonexisting')
[docs] def test_get_attrs_before_storing(self): a = orm.Data() a.set_attribute('k1', self.boolval) a.set_attribute('k2', self.intval) a.set_attribute('k3', self.floatval) a.set_attribute('k4', self.stringval) a.set_attribute('k5', self.dictval) a.set_attribute('k6', self.listval) a.set_attribute('k7', self.emptydict) a.set_attribute('k8', self.emptylist) a.set_attribute('k9', None) target_attrs = { 'k1': self.boolval, 'k2': self.intval, 'k3': self.floatval, 'k4': self.stringval, 'k5': self.dictval, 'k6': self.listval, 'k7': self.emptydict, 'k8': self.emptylist, 'k9': None } # Now I check if I can retrieve them, before the storage self.assertEquals(a.attributes, target_attrs) # And now I try to delete the keys a.delete_attribute('k1') a.delete_attribute('k2') a.delete_attribute('k3') a.delete_attribute('k4') a.delete_attribute('k5') a.delete_attribute('k6') a.delete_attribute('k7') a.delete_attribute('k8') a.delete_attribute('k9') self.assertEquals(a.attributes, {})
[docs] def test_get_attrs_after_storing(self): a = orm.Data() a.set_attribute('k1', self.boolval) a.set_attribute('k2', self.intval) a.set_attribute('k3', self.floatval) a.set_attribute('k4', self.stringval) a.set_attribute('k5', self.dictval) a.set_attribute('k6', self.listval) a.set_attribute('k7', self.emptydict) a.set_attribute('k8', self.emptylist) a.set_attribute('k9', None) target_attrs = { 'k1': self.boolval, 'k2': self.intval, 'k3': self.floatval, 'k4': self.stringval, 'k5': self.dictval, 'k6': self.listval, 'k7': self.emptydict, 'k8': self.emptylist, 'k9': None } # Now I check if I can retrieve them, before the storage self.assertEquals(a.attributes, target_attrs)
[docs] def test_store_object(self): """Trying to store objects should fail""" a = orm.Data() a.set_attribute('object', object(), clean=False) # django raises ValueError # sqlalchemy raises StatementError with self.assertRaises((ValueError, StatementError)): b = orm.Data() b.set_attribute('object_list', [object(), object()], clean=False) with self.assertRaises((ValueError, StatementError)): # objects are not json-serializable
[docs] def test_append_to_empty_attr(self): """Appending to an empty attribute""" a = orm.Data() a.append_to_attr('test', 0) a.append_to_attr('test', 1) self.assertEquals(a.get_attribute('test'), [0, 1])
[docs] def test_append_no_side_effects(self): """Check that append_to_attr has no side effects""" a = orm.Data() mylist = [1, 2, 3] a.set_attribute('list', mylist) a.append_to_attr('list', 4) self.assertEquals(a.get_attribute('list'), [1, 2, 3, 4]) self.assertEquals(mylist, [1, 2, 3])
[docs] def test_datetime_attribute(self): from aiida.common.timezone import (get_current_timezone, is_naive, make_aware, now) a = orm.Data() date = now() a.set_attribute('some_date', date) retrieved = a.get_attribute('some_date') if is_naive(date): date_to_compare = make_aware(date, get_current_timezone()) else: date_to_compare = date # Do not compare microseconds (they are not stored in the case of MySQL) date_to_compare = date_to_compare.replace(microsecond=0) retrieved = retrieved.replace(microsecond=0) self.assertEquals(date_to_compare, retrieved)
[docs] def test_attributes_on_clone(self): import copy a = orm.Data() attrs_to_set = { 'none': None, 'bool': self.boolval, 'integer': self.intval, 'float': self.floatval, 'string': self.stringval, 'dict': self.dictval, 'list': self.listval, 'emptydict': {}, 'emptylist': [], } for k, v in attrs_to_set.items(): a.set_attribute(k, v) # Create a copy b = copy.deepcopy(a) # I modify an attribute and add a new one; I mirror it in the dictionary # for later checking b_expected_attributes = copy.deepcopy(attrs_to_set) b.set_attribute('integer', 489) b_expected_attributes['integer'] = 489 b.set_attribute('new', 'cvb') b_expected_attributes['new'] = 'cvb' # I check before storing that the attributes are ok self.assertEquals(b.attributes, b_expected_attributes) # Note that during copy, I do not copy the extras! self.assertEquals({k: v for k, v in b.extras.items()}, {}) # I store now # and I finally add a extras b.set_extra('meta', 'textofext') b_expected_extras = {'meta': 'textofext', '_aiida_hash': AnyValue()} # Now I check that the attributes of the original node have not changed self.assertEquals({k: v for k, v in a.attributes.items()}, attrs_to_set) # I check then on the 'b' copy self.assertEquals({k: v for k, v in b.attributes.items()}, b_expected_attributes) self.assertEquals({k: v for k, v in b.extras.items()}, b_expected_extras)
[docs] def test_files(self): import tempfile a = orm.Data() file_content = u'some text ABCDE' file_content_different = u'other values 12345' with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w+') as handle: handle.write(file_content) handle.flush() a.put_object_from_file(, 'file1.txt') a.put_object_from_file(, 'file2.txt') self.assertEquals(set(a.list_object_names()), set(['file1.txt', 'file2.txt'])) with'file1.txt') as fhandle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) with'file2.txt') as fhandle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) b = a.clone() self.assertNotEquals(a.uuid, b.uuid) # Check that the content is there self.assertEquals(set(b.list_object_names()), set(['file1.txt', 'file2.txt'])) with'file1.txt') as handle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) with'file2.txt') as handle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) # I overwrite a file and create a new one in the clone only with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+') as handle: handle.write(file_content_different) handle.flush() b.put_object_from_file(, 'file2.txt') b.put_object_from_file(, 'file3.txt') # I check the new content, and that the old one has not changed self.assertEquals(set(a.list_object_names()), set(['file1.txt', 'file2.txt'])) with'file1.txt') as handle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) with'file2.txt') as handle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) self.assertEquals(set(b.list_object_names()), set(['file1.txt', 'file2.txt', 'file3.txt'])) with'file1.txt') as handle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) with'file2.txt') as handle: self.assertEquals(, file_content_different) with'file3.txt') as handle: self.assertEquals(, file_content_different) # This should in principle change the location of the files, # so I recheck # I now clone after storing c = a.clone() # I overwrite a file and create a new one in the clone only with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+') as handle: handle.write(file_content_different) handle.flush() c.put_object_from_file(, 'file1.txt') c.put_object_from_file(, 'file4.txt') self.assertEquals(set(a.list_object_names()), set(['file1.txt', 'file2.txt'])) with'file1.txt') as handle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) with'file2.txt') as handle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) self.assertEquals(set(c.list_object_names()), set(['file1.txt', 'file2.txt', 'file4.txt'])) with'file1.txt') as handle: self.assertEquals(, file_content_different) with'file2.txt') as handle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) with'file4.txt') as handle: self.assertEquals(, file_content_different)
[docs] def test_folders(self): """ Similar as test_files, but I manipulate a tree of folders """ import os import shutil import random import string from six.moves import StringIO a = orm.Data() # Since Node uses the same method of Folder(), # for this test I create a test folder by hand # For any non-test usage, use SandboxFolder()! directory = os.path.realpath(os.path.join('/', 'tmp', 'tmp_try')) while os.path.exists(os.path.join(directory)): # I append a random letter/number until it is unique directory += random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) # create a folder structure to copy around tree_1 = os.path.join(directory, 'tree_1') os.makedirs(tree_1) file_content = u'some text ABCDE' file_content_different = u'other values 12345' with, 'file1.txt'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as fhandle: fhandle.write(file_content) os.mkdir(os.path.join(tree_1, 'dir1')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(tree_1, 'dir1', 'dir2')) with, 'dir1', 'file2.txt'), 'w', encoding='utf8') as fhandle: fhandle.write(file_content) os.mkdir(os.path.join(tree_1, 'dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3')) # add the tree to the node a.put_object_from_tree(tree_1, 'tree_1') # verify if the node has the structure I expect self.assertEquals(set(a.list_object_names()), set(['tree_1'])) self.assertEquals(set(a.list_object_names('tree_1')), set(['file1.txt', 'dir1'])) self.assertEquals(set(a.list_object_names(os.path.join('tree_1', 'dir1'))), set(['dir2', 'file2.txt'])) with'tree_1', 'file1.txt')) as fhandle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) with'tree_1', 'dir1', 'file2.txt')) as fhandle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) # try to exit from the folder with self.assertRaises(ValueError): a.list_object_names('..') # clone into a new node b = a.clone() self.assertNotEquals(a.uuid, b.uuid) # Check that the content is there self.assertEquals(set(b.list_object_names('.')), set(['tree_1'])) self.assertEquals(set(b.list_object_names('tree_1')), set(['file1.txt', 'dir1'])) self.assertEquals(set(b.list_object_names(os.path.join('tree_1', 'dir1'))), set(['dir2', 'file2.txt'])) with'tree_1', 'file1.txt')) as fhandle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) with'tree_1', 'dir1', 'file2.txt')) as fhandle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) # I overwrite a file and create a new one in the copy only dir3 = os.path.join(directory, 'dir3') os.mkdir(dir3) b.put_object_from_tree(dir3, os.path.join('tree_1', 'dir3')) # no absolute path here with self.assertRaises(ValueError): b.put_object_from_tree('dir3', os.path.join('tree_1', 'dir3')) stream = StringIO(file_content_different) b.put_object_from_filelike(stream, 'file3.txt') # I check the new content, and that the old one has not changed old self.assertEquals(set(a.list_object_names('.')), set(['tree_1'])) self.assertEquals(set(a.list_object_names('tree_1')), set(['file1.txt', 'dir1'])) self.assertEquals(set(a.list_object_names(os.path.join('tree_1', 'dir1'))), set(['dir2', 'file2.txt'])) with'tree_1', 'file1.txt')) as fhandle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) with'tree_1', 'dir1', 'file2.txt')) as fhandle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) # new self.assertEquals(set(b.list_object_names('.')), set(['tree_1', 'file3.txt'])) self.assertEquals(set(b.list_object_names('tree_1')), set(['file1.txt', 'dir1', 'dir3'])) self.assertEquals(set(b.list_object_names(os.path.join('tree_1', 'dir1'))), set(['dir2', 'file2.txt'])) with'tree_1', 'file1.txt')) as fhandle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) with'tree_1', 'dir1', 'file2.txt')) as fhandle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) # This should in principle change the location of the files, so I recheck # I now copy after storing c = a.clone() # I overwrite a file, create a new one and remove a directory # in the copy only stream = StringIO(file_content_different) c.put_object_from_filelike(stream, os.path.join('tree_1', 'file1.txt')) c.put_object_from_filelike(stream, os.path.join('tree_1', 'dir1', 'file4.txt')) c.delete_object(os.path.join('tree_1', 'dir1', 'dir2')) # check old self.assertEquals(set(a.list_object_names('.')), set(['tree_1'])) self.assertEquals(set(a.list_object_names('tree_1')), set(['file1.txt', 'dir1'])) self.assertEquals(set(a.list_object_names(os.path.join('tree_1', 'dir1'))), set(['dir2', 'file2.txt'])) with'tree_1', 'file1.txt')) as fhandle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) with'tree_1', 'dir1', 'file2.txt')) as fhandle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) # check new self.assertEquals(set(c.list_object_names('.')), set(['tree_1'])) self.assertEquals(set(c.list_object_names('tree_1')), set(['file1.txt', 'dir1'])) self.assertEquals(set(c.list_object_names(os.path.join('tree_1', 'dir1'))), set(['file2.txt', 'file4.txt'])) with'tree_1', 'file1.txt')) as fhandle: self.assertEquals(, file_content_different) with'tree_1', 'dir1', 'file2.txt')) as fhandle: self.assertEquals(, file_content) # garbage cleaning shutil.rmtree(directory)
[docs] def test_attr_after_storing(self): a = orm.Data() a.set_attribute('none', None) a.set_attribute('bool', self.boolval) a.set_attribute('integer', self.intval) a.set_attribute('float', self.floatval) a.set_attribute('string', self.stringval) a.set_attribute('dict', self.dictval) a.set_attribute('list', self.listval) # Now I check if I can retrieve them, before the storage self.assertIsNone(a.get_attribute('none')) self.assertEquals(self.boolval, a.get_attribute('bool')) self.assertEquals(self.intval, a.get_attribute('integer')) self.assertEquals(self.floatval, a.get_attribute('float')) self.assertEquals(self.stringval, a.get_attribute('string')) self.assertEquals(self.dictval, a.get_attribute('dict')) self.assertEquals(self.listval, a.get_attribute('list'))
[docs] def test_attr_with_reload(self): a = orm.Data() a.set_attribute('none', None) a.set_attribute('bool', self.boolval) a.set_attribute('integer', self.intval) a.set_attribute('float', self.floatval) a.set_attribute('string', self.stringval) a.set_attribute('dict', self.dictval) a.set_attribute('list', self.listval) b = orm.load_node(uuid=a.uuid) self.assertIsNone(a.get_attribute('none')) self.assertEquals(self.boolval, b.get_attribute('bool')) self.assertEquals(self.intval, b.get_attribute('integer')) self.assertEquals(self.floatval, b.get_attribute('float')) self.assertEquals(self.stringval, b.get_attribute('string')) self.assertEquals(self.dictval, b.get_attribute('dict')) self.assertEquals(self.listval, b.get_attribute('list')) # Reload directly b = orm.Data.from_backend_entity(a.backend_entity) self.assertIsNone(a.get_attribute('none')) self.assertEquals(self.boolval, b.get_attribute('bool')) self.assertEquals(self.intval, b.get_attribute('integer')) self.assertEquals(self.floatval, b.get_attribute('float')) self.assertEquals(self.stringval, b.get_attribute('string')) self.assertEquals(self.dictval, b.get_attribute('dict')) self.assertEquals(self.listval, b.get_attribute('list'))
[docs] def test_attr_and_extras(self): a = orm.Data() a.set_attribute('bool', self.boolval) a.set_attribute('integer', self.intval) a.set_attribute('float', self.floatval) a.set_attribute('string', self.stringval) a.set_attribute('dict', self.dictval) a.set_attribute('list', self.listval) with self.assertRaises(ModificationNotAllowed): # I did not store, I cannot modify a.set_extra('bool', 'blablabla') a_string = 'some non-boolean value' # I now set an extra with the same name of an attr a.set_extra('bool', a_string) # and I check that there is no name clash self.assertEquals(self.boolval, a.get_attribute('bool')) self.assertEquals(a_string, a.get_extra('bool')) self.assertEquals(a.extras, {'bool': a_string, '_aiida_hash': AnyValue()})
[docs] def test_get_extras_with_default(self): a = orm.Data() a.set_extra('a', 'b') self.assertEquals(a.get_extra('a'), 'b') with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): a.get_extra('c') self.assertEquals(a.get_extra('c', 'def'), 'def')
[docs] def test_attr_and_extras_multikey(self): """ Multiple nodes with the same key. This should not be a problem I test only extras because the two tables are formally identical """ n1 = orm.Data().store() n2 = orm.Data().store() n1.set_extra('samename', 1) # No problem, they are two different nodes n2.set_extra('samename', 1)
[docs] def test_settings_methods(self): from aiida.backends.utils import (get_global_setting_description, get_global_setting, set_global_setting, del_global_setting) set_global_setting(key="aaa", value={'b': 'c'}, description="pippo") self.assertEqual(get_global_setting('aaa'), {'b': 'c'}) self.assertEqual(get_global_setting_description('aaa'), "pippo") self.assertEqual(get_global_setting('aaa.b'), 'c') # The following is disabled because it is not supported in SQLAlchemy # Only top level elements can have descriptions # self.assertEqual(get_global_setting_description('aaa.b'), "") del_global_setting('aaa') with self.assertRaises(KeyError): get_global_setting('aaa.b') with self.assertRaises(KeyError): get_global_setting('aaa')
[docs] def test_attr_listing(self): """ Checks that the list of attributes and extras is ok. """ a = orm.Data() attrs_to_set = { 'none': None, 'bool': self.boolval, 'integer': self.intval, 'float': self.floatval, 'string': self.stringval, 'dict': self.dictval, 'list': self.listval, } for k, v in attrs_to_set.items(): a.set_attribute(k, v) # I now set extras extras_to_set = {'bool': 'some non-boolean value', 'some_other_name': 987} for k, v in extras_to_set.items(): a.set_extra(k, v) all_extras = dict(_aiida_hash=AnyValue(), **extras_to_set) self.assertEquals(set(list(a.attributes.keys())), set(attrs_to_set.keys())) self.assertEquals(set(list(a.extras.keys())), set(all_extras.keys())) self.assertEquals(a.attributes, attrs_to_set) self.assertEquals(a.extras, all_extras)
[docs] def test_versioning(self): """ Test the versioning of the node when setting attributes and extras """ a = orm.Data() attrs_to_set = { 'bool': self.boolval, 'integer': self.intval, 'float': self.floatval, 'string': self.stringval, 'dict': self.dictval, 'list': self.listval, } for key, value in attrs_to_set.items(): a.set_attribute(key, value) self.assertEquals(a.get_attribute(key), value) # Check after storing for key, value in attrs_to_set.items(): self.assertEquals(a.get_attribute(key), value) # Even if I stored many attributes, this should stay at 1 self.assertEquals(a.version, 1) # I check increment on new version a.set_extra('a', 'b') self.assertEquals(a.version, 2) # In both cases, the node version must increase a.label = 'test' self.assertEquals(a.version, 3) a.description = 'test description' self.assertEquals(a.version, 4)
[docs] def test_delete_extras(self): """ Checks the ability of deleting extras, also when they are dictionaries or lists. """ a = orm.Data().store() extras_to_set = { 'bool': self.boolval, 'integer': self.intval, 'float': self.floatval, 'string': self.stringval, 'dict': self.dictval, 'list': self.listval, 'further': 267, } all_extras = dict(_aiida_hash=AnyValue(), **extras_to_set) for k, v in extras_to_set.items(): a.set_extra(k, v) self.assertEquals({k: v for k, v in a.extras.items()}, all_extras) # I pregenerate it, it cannot change during iteration list_keys = list(extras_to_set.keys()) for k in list_keys: # I delete one by one the keys and check if the operation is # performed correctly a.delete_extra(k) del all_extras[k] self.assertEquals({k: v for k, v in a.extras.items()}, all_extras)
[docs] def test_replace_extras_1(self): """ Checks the ability of replacing extras, removing the subkeys also when these are dictionaries or lists. """ a = orm.Data().store() extras_to_set = { 'bool': True, 'integer': 12, 'float': 26.2, 'string': "a string", 'dict': { "a": "b", "sublist": [1, 2, 3], "subdict": { "c": "d" } }, 'list': [1, True, "ggg", { 'h': 'j' }, [9, 8, 7]], } all_extras = dict(_aiida_hash=AnyValue(), **extras_to_set) # I redefine the keys with more complicated data, and # changing the data type too new_extras = { 'bool': 12, 'integer': [2, [3], 'a'], 'float': { 'n': 'm', 'x': [1, 'r', {}] }, 'string': True, 'dict': 'text', 'list': 66.3, } for k, v in extras_to_set.items(): a.set_extra(k, v) self.assertEquals(a.extras, all_extras) for k, v in new_extras.items(): # I delete one by one the keys and check if the operation is # performed correctly a.set_extra(k, v) # I update extras_to_set with the new entries, and do the comparison # again all_extras.update(new_extras) self.assertEquals(a.extras, all_extras)
[docs] def test_basetype_as_attr(self): """ Test that setting a basetype as an attribute works transparently """ # This one is unstored l1 = orm.List() l1.set_list(['b', [1, 2]]) # This one is stored l2 = orm.List() l2.set_list(['f', True, {'gg': None}]) # Manages to store, and value is converted to its base type p = orm.Dict(dict={'b': orm.Str("sometext"), 'c': l1}) self.assertEqual(p.get_attribute('b'), "sometext") self.assertIsInstance(p.get_attribute('b'), six.string_types) self.assertEqual(p.get_attribute('c'), ['b', [1, 2]]) self.assertIsInstance(p.get_attribute('c'), (list, tuple)) # Check also before storing n = orm.Data() n.set_attribute('a', orm.Str("sometext2")) n.set_attribute('b', l2) self.assertEqual(n.get_attribute('a'), "sometext2") self.assertIsInstance(n.get_attribute('a'), six.string_types) self.assertEqual(n.get_attribute('b'), ['f', True, {'gg': None}]) self.assertIsInstance(n.get_attribute('b'), (list, tuple)) # Check also deep in a dictionary/list n = orm.Data() n.set_attribute('a', {'b': [orm.Str("sometext3")]}) self.assertEqual(n.get_attribute('a')['b'][0], "sometext3") self.assertIsInstance(n.get_attribute('a')['b'][0], six.string_types) self.assertEqual(n.get_attribute('a')['b'][0], "sometext3") self.assertIsInstance(n.get_attribute('a')['b'][0], six.string_types)
[docs] def test_basetype_as_extra(self): """ Test that setting a basetype as an attribute works transparently """ # This one is unstored l1 = orm.List() l1.set_list(['b', [1, 2]]) # This one is stored l2 = orm.List() l2.set_list(['f', True, {'gg': None}]) # Check also before storing n = orm.Data() n.set_extra('a', orm.Str("sometext2")) n.set_extra('c', l1) n.set_extra('d', l2) self.assertEqual(n.get_extra('a'), "sometext2") self.assertIsInstance(n.get_extra('a'), six.string_types) self.assertEqual(n.get_extra('c'), ['b', [1, 2]]) self.assertIsInstance(n.get_extra('c'), (list, tuple)) self.assertEqual(n.get_extra('d'), ['f', True, {'gg': None}]) self.assertIsInstance(n.get_extra('d'), (list, tuple)) # Check also deep in a dictionary/list n = orm.Data() n.set_extra('a', {'b': [orm.Str("sometext3")]}) self.assertEqual(n.get_extra('a')['b'][0], "sometext3") self.assertIsInstance(n.get_extra('a')['b'][0], six.string_types)
[docs] def test_versioning_lowlevel(self): """ Checks the versioning. """ a = orm.Data() # Even if I stored many attributes, this should stay at 1 self.assertEquals(a.version, 1) a.label = "label1" a.label = "label2" self.assertEquals(a.version, 3) a.description = "desc1" a.description = "desc2" a.description = "desc3" self.assertEquals(a.version, 6)
[docs] def test_comments(self): # This is the best way to compare dates with the stored ones, instead # of directly loading, or you can get a # "can't compare offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes" error from datetime import timedelta from aiida.common import timezone from time import sleep user = orm.User.objects.get_default() a = orm.Data() with self.assertRaises(ModificationNotAllowed): a.add_comment('text', user=user) self.assertEquals(a.get_comments(), []) before = - timedelta(seconds=1) a.add_comment('text', user=user) sleep(0.1) a.add_comment('text2', user=user) after = + timedelta(seconds=1) # Make sure comments are sorted to avoid # random test failures comments = sorted(a.get_comments(), key=lambda comment: comment.ctime) times = [i.ctime for i in comments] for time in times: self.assertTrue(time > before) self.assertTrue(time < after) self.assertEquals([(, i.content) for i in comments], [ (self.user_email, 'text'), (self.user_email, 'text2'), ])
[docs] def test_code_loading_from_string(self): """ Checks that the method Code.get_from_string works correctly. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent, MultipleObjectsError, InputValidationError # Create some code nodes code1 = orm.Code() code1.set_remote_computer_exec((, '/bin/true')) code1.label = 'test_code1' code2 = orm.Code() code2.set_remote_computer_exec((, '/bin/true')) code2.label = 'test_code2' # Test that the code1 can be loaded correctly with its label q_code_1 = orm.Code.get_from_string(code1.label) self.assertEquals(, self.assertEquals(q_code_1.label, code1.label) self.assertEquals(q_code_1.get_remote_exec_path(), code1.get_remote_exec_path()) # Test that the code2 can be loaded correctly with its label q_code_2 = orm.Code.get_from_string(code2.label + '@' + self.assertEquals(, self.assertEquals(q_code_2.label, code2.label) self.assertEquals(q_code_2.get_remote_exec_path(), code2.get_remote_exec_path()) # Calling get_from_string for a non string type raises exception with self.assertRaises(InputValidationError): orm.Code.get_from_string( # Test that the lookup of a nonexistent code works as expected with self.assertRaises(NotExistent): orm.Code.get_from_string('nonexistent_code') # Add another code with the label of code1 code3 = orm.Code() code3.set_remote_computer_exec((, '/bin/true')) code3.label = 'test_code1' # Query with the common label with self.assertRaises(MultipleObjectsError): orm.Code.get_from_string(code3.label)
[docs] def test_code_loading_using_get(self): """ Checks that the method Code.get(pk) works correctly. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent, MultipleObjectsError # Create some code nodes code1 = orm.Code() code1.set_remote_computer_exec((, '/bin/true')) code1.label = 'test_code3' code2 = orm.Code() code2.set_remote_computer_exec((, '/bin/true')) code2.label = 'test_code4' # Test that the code1 can be loaded correctly with its label only q_code_1 = orm.Code.get(label=code1.label) self.assertEquals(, self.assertEquals(q_code_1.label, code1.label) self.assertEquals(q_code_1.get_remote_exec_path(), code1.get_remote_exec_path()) # Test that the code1 can be loaded correctly with its id/pk q_code_1 = orm.Code.get( self.assertEquals(, self.assertEquals(q_code_1.label, code1.label) self.assertEquals(q_code_1.get_remote_exec_path(), code1.get_remote_exec_path()) # Test that the code2 can be loaded correctly with its label and computername q_code_2 = orm.Code.get(label=code2.label, self.assertEquals(, self.assertEquals(q_code_2.label, code2.label) self.assertEquals(q_code_2.get_remote_exec_path(), code2.get_remote_exec_path()) # Test that the code2 can be loaded correctly with its id/pk q_code_2 = orm.Code.get( self.assertEquals(, self.assertEquals(q_code_2.label, code2.label) self.assertEquals(q_code_2.get_remote_exec_path(), code2.get_remote_exec_path()) # Test that the lookup of a nonexistent code works as expected with self.assertRaises(NotExistent): orm.Code.get(label='nonexistent_code') # Add another code with the label of code1 code3 = orm.Code() code3.set_remote_computer_exec((, '/bin/true')) code3.label = 'test_code3' # Query with the common label with self.assertRaises(MultipleObjectsError): orm.Code.get(label=code3.label) # Add another code whose label is equal to pk of another code pk_label_duplicate = code4 = orm.Code() code4.set_remote_computer_exec((, '/bin/true')) code4.label = pk_label_duplicate # Since the label of code4 is identical to the pk of code1, calling # Code.get(pk_label_duplicate) should return code1, as the pk takes # precedence q_code_4 = orm.Code.get(code4.label) self.assertEquals(, self.assertEquals(q_code_4.label, code1.label) self.assertEquals(q_code_4.get_remote_exec_path(), code1.get_remote_exec_path())
[docs] def test_code_description(self): """ This test checks that the code description is retrieved correctly when the code is searched with its id and label. """ # Create a code node code = orm.Code() code.set_remote_computer_exec((, '/bin/true')) code.label = 'test_code_label' code.description = 'test code description' q_code1 = orm.Code.get(label=code.label) self.assertEquals(code.description, str(q_code1.description)) q_code2 = orm.Code.get( self.assertEquals(code.description, str(q_code2.description))
[docs] def test_list_for_plugin(self): """ This test checks the Code.list_for_plugin() """ code1 = orm.Code() code1.set_remote_computer_exec((, '/bin/true')) code1.label = 'test_code1' code1.set_input_plugin_name('plugin_name') code2 = orm.Code() code2.set_remote_computer_exec((, '/bin/true')) code2.label = 'test_code2' code2.set_input_plugin_name('plugin_name') retrieved_pks = set(orm.Code.list_for_plugin('plugin_name', labels=False)) self.assertEqual(retrieved_pks, set([,])) retrieved_labels = set(orm.Code.list_for_plugin('plugin_name', labels=True)) self.assertEqual(retrieved_labels, set([code1.label, code2.label]))
[docs] def test_load_node(self): """ Tests the load node functionality """ from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent # I only need one node to test node = orm.Data().store() uuid_stored = node.uuid # convenience to store the uuid # Simple test to see whether I load correctly from the pk: self.assertEqual(uuid_stored, orm.load_node( # Testing the loading with the uuid: self.assertEqual(uuid_stored, orm.load_node(uuid=uuid_stored).uuid) # Here I'm testing whether loading the node with the beginnings of a uuid works for i in range(10, len(uuid_stored), 2): start_uuid = uuid_stored[:i] self.assertEqual(uuid_stored, orm.load_node(uuid=start_uuid).uuid) # Testing whether loading the node with part of UUID works, removing the dashes for i in range(10, len(uuid_stored), 2): start_uuid = uuid_stored[:i].replace('-', '') self.assertEqual(uuid_stored, orm.load_node(uuid=start_uuid).uuid) # If I don't allow load_node to fix the dashes, this has to raise: with self.assertRaises(NotExistent): orm.load_node(uuid=start_uuid, query_with_dashes=False) # Now I am reverting the order of the uuid, this will raise a NotExistent error: with self.assertRaises(NotExistent): orm.load_node(uuid=uuid_stored[::-1]) # I am giving a non-sensical pk, this should also raise with self.assertRaises(NotExistent): orm.load_node(-1) # Last check, when asking for specific subclass, this should raise: for spec in (, uuid_stored): with self.assertRaises(NotExistent): orm.load_node(spec, sub_classes=(orm.ArrayData,))
[docs] @unittest.skip('open issue JobCalculations cannot be stored') def test_load_unknown_calculation_type(self): """ Test that the loader will choose a common calculation ancestor for an unknown data type. For the case where, e.g., the user doesn't have the necessary plugin. """ from aiida.plugins import CalculationFactory TemplateReplacerCalc = CalculationFactory('templatereplacer') testcalc = TemplateReplacerCalc( testcalc.set_option('resources', {'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1}) # compare if plugin exist obj = orm.load_node(uuid=testcalc.uuid) self.assertEqual(type(testcalc), type(obj)) # Create a custom calculation type that inherits from CalcJobNode but change the plugin type string class TestCalculation(orm.CalcJobNode): pass TestCalculation._plugin_type_string = 'nodes.process.calculation.calcjob.notexisting.TemplatereplacerCalculation.' TestCalculation._query_type_string = 'nodes.process.calculation.calcjob.notexisting.TemplatereplacerCalculation' jobcalc = orm.CalcJobNode( jobcalc.set_option('resources', {'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1}) testcalc = TestCalculation( testcalc.set_option('resources', {'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1}) # Changed node should return CalcJobNode type as its plugin does not exist obj = orm.load_node(uuid=testcalc.uuid) self.assertEqual(type(jobcalc), type(obj))
[docs] def test_load_unknown_data_type(self): """ Test that the loader will choose a common data ancestor for an unknown data type. For the case where, e.g., the user doesn't have the necessary plugin. """ from aiida.plugins import DataFactory KpointsData = DataFactory('array.kpoints') kpoint = KpointsData().store() # compare if plugin exist obj = orm.load_node(uuid=kpoint.uuid) self.assertEqual(type(kpoint), type(obj)) class TestKpointsData(KpointsData): pass # change node type and save in database again TestKpointsData().store() # changed node should return data node as its plugin is not exist obj = orm.load_node(uuid=kpoint.uuid) self.assertEqual(type(kpoint), type(obj)) # for node n1 = orm.Data().store() obj = orm.load_node(n1.uuid) self.assertEqual(type(n1), type(obj))
[docs]class AnyValue(object): """ Helper class that compares equal to everything. """
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): return True
[docs]class TestNodeDeletion(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def _check_existence(self, uuids_check_existence, uuids_check_deleted): """ I get 2 lists of uuids :param uuids_check_existence: The list of uuids that have to exist :param uuids_check_deleted: The list of uuids that should not exist, I check that NotExistent is raised. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent # Shouldn't be needed, but just to avoid an exception being # raised from the exception management block below uuid = None try: for uuid in uuids_check_existence: # This will raise if node is not existent: orm.load_node(uuid) for uuid in uuids_check_deleted: # I check that it raises with self.assertRaises(NotExistent): orm.load_node(uuid) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except import sys six.reraise( type(exc), str(exc) + "\nCurrent UUID being processed: {}\nFull uuids_check_existence: {}; full uuids_check_deleted: {}".format( uuid, uuids_check_existence, uuids_check_deleted), sys.exc_info()[2])
[docs] def _create_calls_n_returns_graph(self): """ Creates a complicated graph with a master with 1 inputs, 2 slaves of it also using that input and an additional 1, producing output that is either returned or not returned by the master. Master also creates one nodes. This allows to check whether the delete_nodes command works as anticipated. """ # in1 -> wf # `-> slave1 # ____^ ^ # / "CALL # in2 -> slave2 # ind in1 = orm.Data().store() in2 = orm.Data().store() wf = orm.WorkflowNode().store() slave1 = orm.WorkflowNode().store() outp1 = orm.Data().store() outp2 = orm.Data().store() slave2 = orm.CalculationNode().store() outp3 = orm.Data().store() outp4 = orm.Data().store() wf.add_incoming(in1, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_WORK, link_label='link1') slave1.add_incoming(in1, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_WORK, link_label='link2') slave1.add_incoming(in2, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_WORK, link_label='link3') slave2.add_incoming(in2, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link4') slave1.add_incoming(wf, link_type=LinkType.CALL_WORK, link_label='link5') slave2.add_incoming(wf, link_type=LinkType.CALL_CALC, link_label='link6') outp1.add_incoming(slave1, link_type=LinkType.RETURN, link_label='link7') outp2.add_incoming(slave2, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link8') outp2.add_incoming(wf, link_type=LinkType.RETURN, link_label='link9') outp3.add_incoming(wf, link_type=LinkType.RETURN, link_label='link10') outp4.add_incoming(wf, link_type=LinkType.RETURN, link_label='link11') return in1, in2, wf, slave1, outp1, outp2, slave2, outp3, outp4
[docs] def test_deletion_simple(self): """ I'm setting up a sequence of nodes connected by data provenance links. Testing whether I will delete the right ones. """ nodes = [ orm.Data(), # 0 orm.CalculationNode(), orm.CalculationNode(), orm.CalculationNode(), # 1, 2, 3 orm.Data(), orm.Data(), orm.Data(), # 4, 5, 6 orm.CalculationNode(), orm.CalculationNode(), orm.CalculationNode(), # 7, 8, 9 orm.Data(), # 10 orm.CalculationNode(), # 11 orm.Data(), # 12 orm.CalculationNode(), # 13 orm.Data(), # 14 ] # Store all of them for node in nodes: uuids_check_existence = [n.uuid for n in nodes[:3]] uuids_check_deleted = [n.uuid for n in nodes[3:]] # Now I am linking the nodes in a branched network # Connecting nodes 1,2,3 to 0 for i in range(1, 4): nodes[i].add_incoming(nodes[0], link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link{}'.format(i)) # Connecting nodes 4,5,6 to 3 for i in range(4, 7): nodes[i].add_incoming(nodes[3], link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link{}'.format(i)) # Connecting nodes 7,8 to 4 for i in range(7, 9): nodes[i].add_incoming(nodes[4], link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link{}'.format(i)) # Connecting node 9 (WF) to 5 (input data) nodes[9].add_incoming(nodes[5], link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link9') # Connect each node to the next one for i in range(10, 14): # First link to create: 10 (Data) -> 11 (Calc) via a INPUT_CALC link_type = LinkType.CREATE if i % 2 else LinkType.INPUT_CALC nodes[i + 1].add_incoming(nodes[i], link_type=link_type, link_label='link{}'.format(i)) with Capturing(): delete_nodes((nodes[3].pk, nodes[10].pk), force=True, verbosity=2) self._check_existence(uuids_check_existence, uuids_check_deleted)
[docs] def test_deletion_non_existing_pk(self): """Verify that passing a non-existing pk should not raise.""" nodes = self._create_calls_n_returns_graph() existing_pks = [ for node in nodes] non_existing_pk = 1 # Starting from pk=1, find a pk that does not exist while(True): if non_existing_pk not in existing_pks: break non_existing_pk += 1 with Capturing(): delete_nodes([non_existing_pk], verbosity=2, force=True)
[docs] def test_deletion_with_calls_with_returns(self): """ Checking the case where I follow calls and return links for deletion """ in1, in2, wf, slave1, outp1, outp2, slave2, outp3, outp4 = self._create_calls_n_returns_graph() # The inputs are not harmed. uuids_check_existence = (in1.uuid, in2.uuid) # the slaves and their outputs have to disappear since calls are followed! uuids_check_deleted = [n.uuid for n in (wf, slave1, outp1, outp2, outp3, slave2, outp4)] with Capturing(): delete_nodes([], verbosity=2, force=True, follow_calls=True, follow_returns=True) self._check_existence(uuids_check_existence, uuids_check_deleted)
[docs] def test_deletion_with_calls_no_returns(self): """ Checking the case where I follow calls and not return links for deletion """ in1, in2, wf, slave1, outp1, outp2, slave2, outp3, outp4 = self._create_calls_n_returns_graph() # The inputs are not harmed. uuids_check_existence = [n.uuid for n in (in1, in2, outp1, outp3, outp4)] # the slaves and their outputs have to disappear since calls are followed! uuids_check_deleted = [n.uuid for n in (wf, slave1, slave2, outp2)] with Capturing(): delete_nodes([], verbosity=2, force=True, follow_calls=True, follow_returns=False) self._check_existence(uuids_check_existence, uuids_check_deleted)
[docs] def test_deletion_no_calls_no_returns(self): """ Checking the case where I don't follow calls and also not return links for deletion """ in1, in2, wf, slave1, outp1, outp2, slave2, outp3, outp4 = self._create_calls_n_returns_graph() # I don't follow calls, so the slaves and their output are unharmed, as well as input uuids_check_existence = [n.uuid for n in (in1, in2, slave1, outp1, outp2, outp3, slave2, outp4)] # the wf and it's direct output uuids_check_deleted = [n.uuid for n in (wf,)] with Capturing(): delete_nodes([], verbosity=2, force=True, follow_calls=False, follow_returns=False) self._check_existence(uuids_check_existence, uuids_check_deleted) self._check_existence(uuids_check_existence, uuids_check_deleted)
[docs] def test_deletion_no_calls_with_returns(self): """ Checking the case where I follow returns and not calls for deletion """ in1, in2, wf, slave1, outp1, outp2, slave2, outp3, outp4 = self._create_calls_n_returns_graph() # I don't follow calls, so the slaves and their output are unharmed, as well as input uuids_check_existence = [n.uuid for n in (in1, in2, slave1, outp1, slave2)] # the wf and it's direct output and what it returned uuids_check_deleted = [n.uuid for n in (wf, outp3, outp2, outp4)] with Capturing(): delete_nodes([], verbosity=2, force=True, follow_calls=False, follow_returns=True) self._check_existence(uuids_check_existence, uuids_check_deleted) self._check_existence(uuids_check_existence, uuids_check_deleted)
[docs] def test_deletion_with_returns_n_loops(self): """ Setting up a simple loop, to check that the following doesn't go bananas. """ in1, in2, wf = [orm.Data().store(), orm.Data().store(), orm.WorkflowNode().store()] wf.add_incoming(in1, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_WORK, link_label='link1') wf.add_incoming(in2, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_WORK, link_label='link2') in2.add_incoming(wf, link_type=LinkType.RETURN, link_label='link3') uuids_check_existence = (in1.uuid,) uuids_check_deleted = [n.uuid for n in (wf, in2)] with Capturing(): delete_nodes([], verbosity=2, force=True, follow_returns=True) self._check_existence(uuids_check_existence, uuids_check_deleted)
[docs] def test_delete_called_but_not_caller(self): """ Check that deleting a ProcessNode that was called by another ProcessNode which won't be deleted works, even though it will raise a warning """ caller, called = [orm.WorkflowNode().store() for i in range(2)] called.add_incoming(caller, link_type=LinkType.CALL_WORK, link_label='link') uuids_check_existence = (caller.uuid,) uuids_check_deleted = [n.uuid for n in (called,)] with Capturing(): delete_nodes([], verbosity=2, force=True, follow_returns=True) self._check_existence(uuids_check_existence, uuids_check_deleted)