Source code for aiida.backends.tests.test_parsers

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Tests for specific subclasses of Data

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import io
import six
from six.moves import range

from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase

### Here comparisons are defined #####################################
### Each comparison has to be a function with name
### _comparison_COMPARISONNAME
### and accepting three parameters:
### - testclass: the testing class, with the proper AssertXXX methods
### - the dbdata value, i.e. the value parsed by the test
### - comparisondata, the values specified by the user for comparison;
###   they typically contain a 'value', and possibly other keys for
###   more advanced keys
[docs]def _comparison_AlmostEqual(testclass, dbdata, comparisondata): """ Compare two numbers (or a list of numbers) to check that they are all almost equal (within a default precision of 7 digits) """ value = comparisondata['value'] if isinstance(dbdata, (list, tuple)) and isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): testclass.assertEqual(len(dbdata), len(value)) for i in range(len(dbdata)): testclass.assertAlmostEqual(dbdata[i], value[i]) else: testclass.assertAlmostEqual(dbdata, value)
[docs]def _comparison_Equal(testclass, dbdata, comparisondata): """ Compare two objects to see if they are equal """ testclass.assertEqual(dbdata, comparisondata['value'])
[docs]def _comparison_LengthEqual(testclass, dbdata, comparisondata): """ Check if the length of the object is equal to the value specified """ testclass.assertEqual(len(dbdata), comparisondata['value'])
### End of comparison definition #####################################
[docs]def output_test(pk, testname, skip_uuids_from_inputs=[]): """ This is the function that should be used to create a new test from an existing calculation. It is possible to simplify the file removing unwanted nodes. :param pk: PK of Calculation, used for test :param testname: the name of this test, used to create a new folder. The folder name will be of the form test_PLUGIN_TESTNAME, with PLUGIN substituted by the plugin name, with dots replaced by underscores. Testname can contain only digits, letters and underscores. :param skip_uuids_from_inputs: a list of UUIDs of input nodes to be skipped """ import os from aiida.common import json from aiida.common.folders import Folder from aiida.orm import CalcJobNode from aiida.orm.utils import load_node from aiida.orm.importexport import export_tree c = load_node(pk, sub_classes=(CalcJobNode,)) outfolder = "test_{}_{}".format( c.get_option('parser_name').replace('.', '_'), testname) if not is_valid_folder_name(outfolder): raise ValueError("The testname is invalid; it can contain only letters, digits or underscores") if os.path.exists(outfolder): raise ValueError("Out folder '{}' already exists".format(outfolder)) inputs = [] for entry in c.get_incoming().all(): if entry.node.uuid not in skip_uuids_from_inputs: inputs.append(entry.node.dbmodel) folder = Folder(outfolder) to_export = [c.dbnode] + inputs try: to_export.append(c.outputs.retrieved.dbnode) except AttributeError: raise ValueError("No output retrieved node; without it, we cannot test the parser!") export_tree(to_export, folder=folder, also_parents=False, also_calc_outputs=False) # Create an empty checks file with, '_aiida_checks.json'), 'wb') as fhandle: json.dump({}, fhandle) for path, dirlist, filelist in os.walk(outfolder): if len(dirlist) == 0 and len(filelist) == 0: with"{}/.gitignore".format(path), 'w', encoding='utf8') as fhandle: fhandle.write(u"# This is a placeholder file, used to make git store an empty folder") fhandle.flush()
[docs]def is_valid_folder_name(name): """ Return True if the string (that will be the folder name of each subtest) is a valid name for a test function: it should start with ``test_``, and contain only letters, digits or underscores. """ import string if not name.startswith('test_'): return False # Remove valid characters, see if anything remains, allow only ASCII strings here bad_characters = name.translate(None, string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '_') if bad_characters: return False return True
[docs]class _TestParserMeta(type): """ Some python black magic to dynamically create tests """
[docs] def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): import os newcls = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) file_folder = os.path.split(__file__)[0] parser_test_folder = os.path.join(file_folder, 'parser_tests') if os.path.isdir(parser_test_folder): for f in os.listdir(parser_test_folder): absf = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(parser_test_folder, f)) if is_valid_folder_name(f) and os.path.isdir(absf): function_name = f setattr(newcls, function_name, newcls.return_base_test(absf)) return newcls
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(_TestParserMeta) class TestParsers(AiidaTestCase): """ This class dynamically finds all tests in a given subfolder, and loads them as different tests. """ # To have both the "default" error message from assertXXX, and the # msg specified by us longMessage = True
[docs] def read_test(self, outfolder): import os import importlib from aiida.common import json from aiida.orm import CalcJobNode from aiida.orm.utils import load_node from aiida.orm.importexport import import_data imported = import_data(outfolder, ignore_unknown_nodes=True, silent=True) calc = None for _, pk in imported['aiida.backends.djsite.db.models.DbNode']['new']: c = load_node(pk) if issubclass(c.__class__, CalcJobNode): calc = c break retrieved = calc.outputs.retrieved try: with, '_aiida_checks.json', encoding='utf8')) as fhandle: tests = json.load(f) except IOError: raise ValueError("This test does not provide a check file!") except ValueError: raise ValueError("This test does provide a check file, but it cannot be JSON-decoded!") mod_path = 'aiida.backends.tests.parser_tests.{}'.format(os.path.split(outfolder)[1]) skip_test = False try: m = importlib.import_module(mod_path) skip_test = m.skip_condition() except Exception: pass if skip_test: raise SkipTestException return calc, {'retrieved': retrieved}, tests
[docs] @classmethod def return_base_test(cls, folder): from inspect import isfunction def base_test(self): try: calc, retrieved_nodes, tests = self.read_test(folder) except SkipTestException: return None Parser = calc.get_parser_class() if Parser is None: raise NotImplementedError else: parser = Parser(calc) successful, new_nodes_tuple = parser.parse_with_retrieved(retrieved_nodes) self.assertTrue(successful, msg="The parser did not succeed") parsed_output_nodes = dict(new_nodes_tuple) # All main keys: name of nodes that should be present for test_node_name in tests: try: test_node = parsed_output_nodes[test_node_name] except KeyError: raise AssertionError("Output node '{}' expected but not found".format(test_node_name)) # Each subkey: attribute to check # attr_test is the name of the attribute for attr_test in tests[test_node_name]: try: dbdata = test_node.get_attribute(attr_test) except AttributeError: raise AssertionError("Attribute '{}' not found in " "parsed node '{}'".format(attr_test, test_node_name)) # Test data from the JSON attr_test_listtests = tests[test_node_name][attr_test] for test_number, attr_test_data in enumerate(attr_test_listtests, start=1): try: comparison = attr_test_data.pop('comparison') except KeyError as exc: raise ValueError("Missing '{}' in the '{}' field " "in '{}' in " "the test file".format(exc.args[0], attr_test, test_node_name)) try: comparison_test = globals()["_comparison_{}".format(comparison)] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unsupported '{}' comparison in " "the '{}' field in '{}' in " "the test file".format(comparison, attr_test, test_node_name)) if not isfunction(comparison_test): raise TypeError("Internal error: the variable _comparison_{} is not a " "function!".format(comparison)) try: comparison_test(testclass=self, dbdata=dbdata, comparisondata=attr_test_data) except Exception as e: # Probably, a 'better' way should be found to do this! if e.args: e.args = tuple([ "Failed test #{} for {}->{}: {}".format(test_number, test_node_name, attr_test, e.args[0]) ] + list(e.args[1:])) raise e return base_test
[docs]class SkipTestException(Exception): pass