Source code for aiida.backends.tests.test_query

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"""Tests for the QueryBuilder."""

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import unittest
import warnings

from six.moves import range, zip

from aiida import orm
from aiida.backends import settings
from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase
from aiida.common.links import LinkType

# pylint: disable=invalid-name,missing-docstring,too-many-lines

[docs]class TestQueryBuilder(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): super(TestQueryBuilder, self).setUp() self.clean_db() self.insert_data()
[docs] def test_ormclass_type_classification(self): """ This tests the classifications of the QueryBuilder """ # pylint: disable=protected-access from aiida.common.exceptions import DbContentError qb = orm.QueryBuilder() # Asserting that improper declarations of the class type raise an error with self.assertRaises(DbContentError): qb._get_ormclass(None, 'data') with self.assertRaises(DbContentError): qb._get_ormclass(None, 'data.Data') with self.assertRaises(DbContentError): qb._get_ormclass(None, '.') # Asserting that the query type string and plugin type string are returned: for _cls, classifiers in ( qb._get_ormclass(orm.StructureData, None), qb._get_ormclass(None, 'data.structure.StructureData.'), ): self.assertEqual(classifiers['ormclass_type_string'], orm.StructureData._plugin_type_string) # pylint: disable=no-member for _cls, classifiers in ( qb._get_ormclass(orm.Group, None), qb._get_ormclass(None, 'group'), qb._get_ormclass(None, 'Group'), ): self.assertEqual(classifiers['ormclass_type_string'], 'group') for _cls, classifiers in ( qb._get_ormclass(orm.User, None), qb._get_ormclass(None, "user"), qb._get_ormclass(None, "User"), ): self.assertEqual(classifiers['ormclass_type_string'], 'user') for _cls, classifiers in ( qb._get_ormclass(orm.Computer, None), qb._get_ormclass(None, 'computer'), qb._get_ormclass(None, 'Computer'), ): self.assertEqual(classifiers['ormclass_type_string'], 'computer') for _cls, classifiers in ( qb._get_ormclass(orm.Data, None), qb._get_ormclass(None, 'data.Data.'), ): self.assertEqual(classifiers['ormclass_type_string'], orm.Data._plugin_type_string) # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs] def test_process_type_classification(self): """ This tests the classifications of the QueryBuilder """ from aiida.engine import WorkChain from aiida.plugins import CalculationFactory ArithmeticAdd = CalculationFactory('arithmetic.add') qb = orm.QueryBuilder() # pylint: disable=protected-access # When passing a WorkChain class, it should return the type of the corresponding Node # including the appropriate filter on the process_type _cls, classifiers = qb._get_ormclass(WorkChain, None) self.assertEqual(classifiers['ormclass_type_string'], 'process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode.') self.assertEqual(classifiers['process_type_string'], 'aiida.engine.processes.workchains.workchain.WorkChain') # When passing a WorkChainNode, no process_type filter is applied _cls, classifiers = qb._get_ormclass(orm.WorkChainNode, None) self.assertEqual(classifiers['ormclass_type_string'], 'process.workflow.workchain.WorkChainNode.') self.assertEqual(classifiers['process_type_string'], None) # Same tests for a calculation _cls, classifiers = qb._get_ormclass(ArithmeticAdd, None) self.assertEqual(classifiers['ormclass_type_string'], 'process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.') self.assertEqual(classifiers['process_type_string'], 'aiida.calculations:arithmetic.add')
[docs] def test_process_query(self): """ Test querying for a process class. """ from aiida.engine import run, WorkChain, if_, return_, ExitCode from aiida.common.warnings import AiidaEntryPointWarning class PotentialFailureWorkChain(WorkChain): EXIT_STATUS = 1 EXIT_MESSAGE = 'Well you did ask for it' OUTPUT_LABEL = 'optional_output' OUTPUT_VALUE = 144 @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super(PotentialFailureWorkChain, cls).define(spec) spec.input('success', valid_type=orm.Bool) spec.input('through_return', valid_type=orm.Bool, default=orm.Bool(False)) spec.input('through_exit_code', valid_type=orm.Bool, default=orm.Bool(False)) spec.exit_code(cls.EXIT_STATUS, 'EXIT_STATUS', cls.EXIT_MESSAGE) spec.outline(if_(cls.should_return_out_of_outline)(return_(cls.EXIT_STATUS)), cls.failure, cls.success) spec.output('optional', required=False) def should_return_out_of_outline(self): return self.inputs.through_return.value def failure(self): # pylint: disable=no-else-return if self.inputs.success.value is False: # Returning either 0 or ExitCode with non-zero status should terminate the workchain if self.inputs.through_exit_code.value is False: return self.EXIT_STATUS else: return self.exit_codes.EXIT_STATUS # pylint: disable=no-member else: # Returning 0 or ExitCode with zero status should *not* terminate the workchain if self.inputs.through_exit_code.value is False: return 0 else: return ExitCode() def success(self): self.out(self.OUTPUT_LABEL, orm.Int(self.OUTPUT_VALUE)) class DummyWorkChain(WorkChain): pass # Run a simple test WorkChain _result = run(PotentialFailureWorkChain, success=orm.Bool(True)) # Query for nodes associated with this type of WorkChain qb = orm.QueryBuilder() with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: # pylint: disable=no-member # Cause all warnings to always be triggered. warnings.simplefilter("always") # pylint: disable=no-member qb.append(PotentialFailureWorkChain) # Verify some things assert len(w) == 1 assert issubclass(w[-1].category, AiidaEntryPointWarning) # There should be one result of type WorkChainNode self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1) self.assertTrue(isinstance(qb.all()[0][0], orm.WorkChainNode)) # Query for nodes of a different type of WorkChain qb = orm.QueryBuilder() with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: # pylint: disable=no-member # Cause all warnings to always be triggered. warnings.simplefilter("always") # pylint: disable=no-member qb.append(DummyWorkChain) # Verify some things assert len(w) == 1 assert issubclass(w[-1].category, AiidaEntryPointWarning) # There should be no result self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 0) # Query for all WorkChain nodes qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(WorkChain) # There should be one result self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1)
[docs] def test_simple_query_1(self): """ Testing a simple query """ # pylint: disable=too-many-statements n1 = orm.Data() n1.label = 'node1' n1.set_attribute('foo', ['hello', 'goodbye']) n2 = orm.CalculationNode() n2.label = 'node2' n2.set_attribute('foo', 1) n3 = orm.Data() n3.label = 'node3' n3.set_attribute('foo', 1.0000) # Stored as fval n4 = orm.CalculationNode() n4.label = 'node4' n4.set_attribute('foo', 'bar') n5 = orm.Data() n5.label = 'node5' n5.set_attribute('foo', None) n2.add_incoming(n1, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link1') n3.add_incoming(n2, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link2') n4.add_incoming(n3, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link3') n5.add_incoming(n4, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link4') qb1 = orm.QueryBuilder() qb1.append(orm.Node, filters={'': 1.000}) self.assertEqual(len(qb1.all()), 2) qb2 = orm.QueryBuilder() qb2.append(orm.Data) self.assertEqual(qb2.count(), 3) qb2 = orm.QueryBuilder() qb2.append(entity_type='data.Data.') self.assertEqual(qb2.count(), 3) qb3 = orm.QueryBuilder() qb3.append(orm.Node, project='label', tag='node1') qb3.append(orm.Node, project='label', tag='node2') self.assertEqual(qb3.count(), 4) qb4 = orm.QueryBuilder() qb4.append(orm.CalculationNode, tag='node1') qb4.append(orm.Data, tag='node2') self.assertEqual(qb4.count(), 2) qb5 = orm.QueryBuilder() qb5.append(orm.Data, tag='node1') qb5.append(orm.CalculationNode, tag='node2') self.assertEqual(qb5.count(), 2) qb6 = orm.QueryBuilder() qb6.append(orm.Data, tag='node1') qb6.append(orm.Data, tag='node2') self.assertEqual(qb6.count(), 0)
[docs] def test_simple_query_2(self): from datetime import datetime from aiida.common.exceptions import MultipleObjectsError, NotExistent n0 = orm.Data() n0.label = 'hello' n0.description = '' n0.set_attribute('foo', 'bar') n1 = orm.CalculationNode() n1.label = 'foo' n1.description = 'I am FoO' n2 = orm.Data() n2.label = 'bar' n2.description = 'I am BaR' n2.add_incoming(n1, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='random_2') n1.add_incoming(n0, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='random_1') for n in (n0, n1, n2): qb1 = orm.QueryBuilder() qb1.append(orm.Node, filters={'label': 'hello'}) self.assertEqual(len(list(qb1.all())), 1) qh = { 'path': [{ 'cls': orm.Node, 'tag': 'n1' }, { 'cls': orm.Node, 'tag': 'n2', 'with_incoming': 'n1' }], 'filters': { 'n1': { 'label': { 'ilike': '%foO%' }, }, 'n2': { 'label': { 'ilike': 'bar%' }, } }, 'project': { 'n1': ['id', 'uuid', 'ctime', 'label'], 'n2': ['id', 'description', 'label'], } } qb2 = orm.QueryBuilder(**qh) resdict = qb2.dict() self.assertEqual(len(resdict), 1) self.assertTrue(isinstance(resdict[0]['n1']['ctime'], datetime)) res_one = self.assertTrue('bar' in res_one) qh = { 'path': [{ 'cls': orm.Node, 'tag': 'n1' }, { 'cls': orm.Node, 'tag': 'n2', 'with_incoming': 'n1' }], 'filters': { 'n1--n2': { 'label': { 'like': '%_2' } } } } qb = orm.QueryBuilder(**qh) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1) # Test the hashing: query1 = qb.get_query() qb.add_filter('n2', {'label': 'nonexistentlabel'}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 0) with self.assertRaises(NotExistent): with self.assertRaises(MultipleObjectsError): orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node).one() query2 = qb.get_query() query3 = qb.get_query() self.assertTrue(id(query1) != id(query2)) self.assertTrue(id(query2) == id(query3))
[docs] def test_operators_eq_lt_gt(self): nodes = [orm.Data() for _ in range(8)] nodes[0].set_attribute('fa', 1) nodes[1].set_attribute('fa', 1.0) nodes[2].set_attribute('fa', 1.01) nodes[3].set_attribute('fa', 1.02) nodes[4].set_attribute('fa', 1.03) nodes[5].set_attribute('fa', 1.04) nodes[6].set_attribute('fa', 1.05) nodes[7].set_attribute('fa', 1.06) for n in nodes: self.assertEqual(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.fa': {'<': 1}}).count(), 0) self.assertEqual(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.fa': {'==': 1}}).count(), 2) self.assertEqual(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.fa': {'<': 1.02}}).count(), 3) self.assertEqual(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.fa': {'<=': 1.02}}).count(), 4) self.assertEqual(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.fa': {'>': 1.02}}).count(), 4) self.assertEqual(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.fa': {'>=': 1.02}}).count(), 5)
[docs] def test_subclassing(self): s = orm.StructureData() s.set_attribute('cat', 'miau') d = orm.Data() d.set_attribute('cat', 'miau') p = orm.Dict(dict=dict(cat='miau')) # Now when asking for a node with, I want 3 esults: qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'': 'miau'}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 3) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Data, filters={'': 'miau'}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 3) # If I'm asking for the specific lowest subclass, I want one result for cls in (orm.StructureData, orm.Dict): qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(cls, filters={'': 'miau'}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1) # Now I am not allow the subclassing, which should give 1 result for each for cls, count in ((orm.StructureData, 1), (orm.Dict, 1), (orm.Data, 1), (orm.Node, 0)): qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(cls, filters={'': 'miau'}, subclassing=False) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), count) # Now I am testing the subclassing with tuples: qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(cls=(orm.StructureData, orm.Dict), filters={'': 'miau'}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 2) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( entity_type=('data.structure.StructureData.', 'data.dict.Dict.'), filters={'': 'miau'}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 2) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( cls=(orm.StructureData, orm.Dict), filters={'': 'miau'}, subclassing=False) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 2) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( cls=(orm.StructureData, orm.Data), filters={'': 'miau'}, ) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 3) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( entity_type=('data.structure.StructureData.', 'data.dict.Dict.'), filters={'': 'miau'}, subclassing=False) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 2) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( entity_type=('data.structure.StructureData.', 'data.Data.'), filters={'': 'miau'}, subclassing=False) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 2)
[docs] def test_list_behavior(self): for _i in range(4): orm.Data().store() self.assertEqual(len(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node).all()), 4) self.assertEqual(len(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project='*').all()), 4) self.assertEqual(len(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project=['*', 'id']).all()), 4) self.assertEqual(len(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project=['id']).all()), 4) self.assertEqual(len(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node).dict()), 4) self.assertEqual(len(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project='*').dict()), 4) self.assertEqual(len(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project=['*', 'id']).dict()), 4) self.assertEqual(len(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project=['id']).dict()), 4) self.assertEqual(len(list(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node).iterall())), 4) self.assertEqual(len(list(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project='*').iterall())), 4) self.assertEqual(len(list(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project=['*', 'id']).iterall())), 4) self.assertEqual(len(list(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project=['id']).iterall())), 4) self.assertEqual(len(list(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node).iterdict())), 4) self.assertEqual(len(list(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project='*').iterdict())), 4) self.assertEqual(len(list(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project=['*', 'id']).iterdict())), 4) self.assertEqual(len(list(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project=['id']).iterdict())), 4)
[docs] def test_append_validation(self): from aiida.common.exceptions import InputValidationError # So here I am giving two times the same tag with self.assertRaises(InputValidationError): orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.StructureData, tag='n').append(orm.StructureData, tag='n') # here I am giving a wrong filter specifications with self.assertRaises(InputValidationError): orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.StructureData, filters=['jajjsd']) # here I am giving a nonsensical projection: with self.assertRaises(InputValidationError): orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.StructureData, project=True) # here I am giving a nonsensical projection for the edge: with self.assertRaises(InputValidationError): orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.ProcessNode).append(orm.StructureData, edge_tag='t').add_projection('t', True) # Giving a nonsensical limit with self.assertRaises(InputValidationError): orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.ProcessNode).limit(2.3) # Giving a nonsensical offset with self.assertRaises(InputValidationError): orm.QueryBuilder(offset=2.3) # So, I mess up one append, I want the QueryBuilder to clean it! with self.assertRaises(InputValidationError): qb = orm.QueryBuilder() # This also checks if we correctly raise for wrong keywords qb.append(orm.StructureData, tag='s', randomkeyword={}) # Now I'm checking whether this keyword appears anywhere in the internal dictionaries: # pylint: disable=protected-access self.assertTrue('s' not in qb._projections) self.assertTrue('s' not in qb._filters) self.assertTrue('s' not in qb._tag_to_alias_map) self.assertTrue(len(qb._path) == 0) self.assertTrue(orm.StructureData not in qb._cls_to_tag_map) # So this should work now: qb.append(orm.StructureData, tag='s').limit(2).dict()
[docs] def test_tags(self): qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.Node, tag='n1') qb.append(orm.Node, tag='n2', edge_tag='e1', with_incoming='n1') qb.append(orm.Node, tag='n3', edge_tag='e2', with_incoming='n2') qb.append(orm.Computer, with_node='n3', tag='c1', edge_tag='nonsense') self.assertEqual(qb.get_used_tags(), ['n1', 'n2', 'e1', 'n3', 'e2', 'c1', 'nonsense']) # Now I am testing the default tags, qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.StructureData).append(orm.ProcessNode).append(orm.StructureData).append( orm.Dict, with_outgoing=orm.ProcessNode) self.assertEqual(qb.get_used_tags(), [ 'StructureData_1', 'ProcessNode_1', 'StructureData_1--ProcessNode_1', 'StructureData_2', 'ProcessNode_1--StructureData_2', 'Dict_1', 'ProcessNode_1--Dict_1' ]) self.assertEqual( qb.get_used_tags(edges=False), [ 'StructureData_1', 'ProcessNode_1', 'StructureData_2', 'Dict_1', ]) self.assertEqual( qb.get_used_tags(vertices=False), ['StructureData_1--ProcessNode_1', 'ProcessNode_1--StructureData_2', 'ProcessNode_1--Dict_1']) self.assertEqual( qb.get_used_tags(edges=False), [ 'StructureData_1', 'ProcessNode_1', 'StructureData_2', 'Dict_1', ]) self.assertEqual( qb.get_used_tags(vertices=False), ['StructureData_1--ProcessNode_1', 'ProcessNode_1--StructureData_2', 'ProcessNode_1--Dict_1'])
[docs]class TestQueryHelp(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def test_queryhelp(self): """ Here I test the queryhelp by seeing whether results are the same as using the append method. I also check passing of tuples. """ g = orm.Group(label='helloworld').store() for cls in (orm.StructureData, orm.Dict, orm.Data): obj = cls() obj.set_attribute('foo-qh2', 'bar') g.add_nodes(obj) for cls, expected_count, subclassing in ( (orm.StructureData, 1, True), (orm.Dict, 1, True), (orm.Data, 3, True), (orm.Data, 1, False), ((orm.Dict, orm.StructureData), 2, True), ((orm.Dict, orm.StructureData), 2, False), ((orm.Dict, orm.Data), 2, False), ((orm.Dict, orm.Data), 3, True), ((orm.Dict, orm.Data, orm.StructureData), 3, False), ): qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(cls, filters={'': 'bar'}, subclassing=subclassing, project='uuid') self.assertEqual(qb.count(), expected_count) qh = qb.get_json_compatible_queryhelp() qb_new = orm.QueryBuilder(**qh) self.assertEqual(qb_new.count(), expected_count) self.assertEqual(sorted([uuid for uuid, in qb.all()]), sorted([uuid for uuid, in qb_new.all()])) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Group, filters={'label': 'helloworld'}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append((orm.Group,), filters={'label': 'helloworld'}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Computer,) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(cls=(orm.Computer,)) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1)
[docs]class TestQueryBuilderCornerCases(AiidaTestCase): """ In this class corner cases of QueryBuilder are added. """
[docs] def test_computer_json(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """ In this test we check the correct behavior of QueryBuilder when retrieving the _metadata and the transport_params with no content. Note that they are in JSON format in both backends. Forcing the decoding of a None value leads to an exception (this was the case under Django). """ n1 = orm.CalculationNode() n1.label = 'node2' n1.set_attribute('foo', 1) # Checking the correct retrieval of transport_params which is # a JSON field (in both backends). qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.CalculationNode, project=['id'], tag='calc') qb.append(orm.Computer, project=['id', 'transport_params'], outerjoin=True, with_node='calc') qb.all() # Checking the correct retrieval of _metadata which is # a JSON field (in both backends). qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.CalculationNode, project=['id'], tag='calc') qb.append(orm.Computer, project=['id', '_metadata'], outerjoin=True, with_node='calc') qb.all()
[docs]class TestAttributes(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def test_attribute_existence(self): # I'm storing a value under key whatever: val = 1. res_uuids = set() n1 = orm.Data() n1.set_attribute("whatever", 3.) n1.set_attribute("test_case", "test_attribute_existence") # I want all the nodes where whatever is smaller than 1. or there is no such value: qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append( orm.Data, filters={ 'or': [{ 'attributes': { '!has_key': 'whatever' } }, { 'attributes.whatever': { '<': val } }], }, project='uuid') res_query = {str(_[0]) for _ in qb.all()} self.assertEqual(res_query, res_uuids)
[docs] def test_attribute_type(self): key = 'value_test_attr_type' n_int, n_float, n_str, n_str2, n_bool, n_arr = [orm.Data() for _ in range(6)] n_int.set_attribute(key, 1) n_float.set_attribute(key, 1.0) n_bool.set_attribute(key, True) n_str.set_attribute(key, '1') n_str2.set_attribute(key, 'one') n_arr.set_attribute(key, [4, 3, 5]) for n in (n_str2, n_str, n_int, n_float, n_bool, n_arr): # Here I am testing which values contain a number 1. # Both 1 and 1.0 are legitimate values if ask for either 1 or 1.0 for val in (1.0, 1): qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.{}'.format(key): val}, project='uuid') res = [str(_) for _, in qb.all()] self.assertEqual(set(res), set((n_float.uuid, n_int.uuid))) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.{}'.format(key): {'>': 0.5}}, project='uuid') res = [str(_) for _, in qb.all()] self.assertEqual(set(res), set((n_float.uuid, n_int.uuid))) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.{}'.format(key): {'<': 1.5}}, project='uuid') res = [str(_) for _, in qb.all()] self.assertEqual(set(res), set((n_float.uuid, n_int.uuid))) # Now I am testing the boolean value: qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.{}'.format(key): True}, project='uuid') res = [str(_) for _, in qb.all()] self.assertEqual(set(res), set((n_bool.uuid,))) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.{}'.format(key): {'like': '%n%'}}, project='uuid') res = [str(_) for _, in qb.all()] self.assertEqual(set(res), set((n_str2.uuid,))) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( orm.Node, filters={'attributes.{}'.format(key): { 'ilike': 'On%' }}, project='uuid') res = [str(_) for _, in qb.all()] self.assertEqual(set(res), set((n_str2.uuid,))) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.{}'.format(key): {'like': '1'}}, project='uuid') res = [str(_) for _, in qb.all()] self.assertEqual(set(res), set((n_str.uuid,))) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={'attributes.{}'.format(key): {'==': '1'}}, project='uuid') res = [str(_) for _, in qb.all()] self.assertEqual(set(res), set((n_str.uuid,))) if settings.BACKEND == u'sqlalchemy': # I can't query the length of an array with Django, # so I exclude. Not the nicest way, But I would like to keep this piece # of code because of the initialization part, that would need to be # duplicated or wrapped otherwise. qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( orm.Node, filters={'attributes.{}'.format(key): { 'of_length': 3 }}, project='uuid') res = [str(_) for _, in qb.all()] self.assertEqual(set(res), set((n_arr.uuid,)))
[docs]class QueryBuilderDateTimeAttribute(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] @unittest.skipIf(settings.BACKEND == u'sqlalchemy', "SQLA doesn't have full datetime support in attributes") def test_date(self): from aiida.common import timezone from datetime import timedelta n = orm.Data() now = n.set_attribute('now', now) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( orm.Node, filters={ '': { "and": [ { ">": now - timedelta(seconds=1) }, { "<": now + timedelta(seconds=1) }, ] } }) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1)
[docs]class QueryBuilderLimitOffsetsTest(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def test_ordering_limits_offsets_of_results_general(self): # Creating 10 nodes with an attribute that can be ordered for i in range(10): n = orm.Data() n.set_attribute('foo', i) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project='').order_by({orm.Node: 'ctime'}) res = next(zip(*qb.all())) self.assertEqual(res, tuple(range(10))) # Now applying an offset: qb.offset(5) res = next(zip(*qb.all())) self.assertEqual(res, tuple(range(5, 10))) # Now also applying a limit: qb.limit(3) res = next(zip(*qb.all())) self.assertEqual(res, tuple(range(5, 8))) # Specifying the order explicitly the order: qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( orm.Node, project='').order_by({orm.Node: { 'ctime': { 'order': 'asc' } }}) res = next(zip(*qb.all())) self.assertEqual(res, tuple(range(10))) # Now applying an offset: qb.offset(5) res = next(zip(*qb.all())) self.assertEqual(res, tuple(range(5, 10))) # Now also applying a limit: qb.limit(3) res = next(zip(*qb.all())) self.assertEqual(res, tuple(range(5, 8))) # Reversing the order: qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( orm.Node, project='').order_by({orm.Node: { 'ctime': { 'order': 'desc' } }}) res = next(zip(*qb.all())) self.assertEqual(res, tuple(range(9, -1, -1))) # Now applying an offset: qb.offset(5) res = next(zip(*qb.all())) self.assertEqual(res, tuple(range(4, -1, -1))) # Now also applying a limit: qb.limit(3) res = next(zip(*qb.all())) self.assertEqual(res, tuple(range(4, 1, -1)))
[docs]class QueryBuilderJoinsTests(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def test_joins1(self): # Creating n1, who will be a parent: parent = orm.Data() parent.label = 'mother' good_child = orm.CalculationNode() good_child.label = 'good_child' good_child.set_attribute('is_good', True) bad_child = orm.CalculationNode() bad_child.label = 'bad_child' bad_child.set_attribute('is_good', False) unrelated = orm.CalculationNode() unrelated.label = 'unrelated' for n in (good_child, bad_child, parent, unrelated): good_child.add_incoming(parent, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='parent') bad_child.add_incoming(parent, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='parent') # Using a standard inner join qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.Node, tag='parent') qb.append(orm.Node, tag='children', project='label', filters={'attributes.is_good': True}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1) qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.Node, tag='parent') qb.append(orm.Node, tag='children', outerjoin=True, project='label', filters={'attributes.is_good': True}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1)
[docs] def test_joins2(self): # Creating n1, who will be a parent: students = [orm.Data() for i in range(10)] advisors = [orm.CalculationNode() for i in range(3)] for i, a in enumerate(advisors): a.label = 'advisor {}'.format(i) a.set_attribute('advisor_id', i) for n in advisors + students: # advisor 0 get student 0, 1 for i in (0, 1): students[i].add_incoming(advisors[0], link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='is_advisor_{}'.format(i)) # advisor 1 get student 3, 4 for i in (3, 4): students[i].add_incoming(advisors[1], link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='is_advisor_{}'.format(i)) # advisor 2 get student 5, 6, 7 for i in (5, 6, 7): students[i].add_incoming(advisors[2], link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='is_advisor_{}'.format(i)) # let's add a differnt relationship than advisor: students[9].add_incoming(advisors[2], link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='lover') self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node).append( orm.Node, edge_filters={ 'label': { 'like': 'is\\_advisor\\_%' } }, tag='student').count(), 7) for adv_id, number_students in zip(list(range(3)), (2, 2, 3)): self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'attributes.advisor_id': adv_id }).append(orm.Node, edge_filters={ 'label': { 'like': 'is\\_advisor\\_%' } }, tag='student').count(), number_students)
[docs] def test_joins3_user_group(self): # Create another user new_email = "newuser@new.n" user = orm.User(email=new_email).store() # Create a group that belongs to that user group = orm.Group(label="node_group") group.user = user # Search for the group of the user qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.User, tag='user', filters={'id': {'==':}}) qb.append(orm.Group, with_user='user', filters={'id': {'==':}}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1, "The expected group that belongs to " "the selected user was not found.") # Search for the user that owns a group qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.Group, tag='group', filters={'id': {'==':}}) qb.append(orm.User, with_group='group', filters={'id': {'==':}}) self.assertEqual(qb.count(), 1, "The expected user that owns the " "selected group was not found.")
[docs]class QueryBuilderPath(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def test_query_path(self): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements q = self.backend.query_manager n1 = orm.Data() n1.label = 'n1' n2 = orm.CalculationNode() n2.label = 'n2' n3 = orm.Data() n3.label = 'n3' n4 = orm.Data() n4.label = 'n4' n5 = orm.CalculationNode() n5.label = 'n5' n6 = orm.Data() n6.label = 'n6' n7 = orm.CalculationNode() n7.label = 'n7' n8 = orm.Data() n8.label = 'n8' n9 = orm.Data() n9.label = 'n9' # I create a strange graph, inserting links in a order # such that I often have to create the transitive closure # between two graphs n3.add_incoming(n2, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link1') n2.add_incoming(n1, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link2') n5.add_incoming(n3, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link3') n5.add_incoming(n4, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link4') n4.add_incoming(n2, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link5') n7.add_incoming(n6, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link6') n8.add_incoming(n7, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link7') # There are no parents to n9, checking that self.assertEqual(set([]), set(q.get_all_parents([]))) # There is one parent to n6 self.assertEqual({(_,) for _ in (,)}, {tuple(_) for _ in q.get_all_parents([])}) # There are several parents to n4 self.assertEqual({(,) for _ in (n1, n2)}, {tuple(_) for _ in q.get_all_parents([])}) # There are several parents to n5 self.assertEqual({(,) for _ in (n1, n2, n3, n4)}, {tuple(_) for _ in q.get_all_parents([])}) # Yet, no links from 1 to 8 self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='anc').append(orm.Node, with_ancestors='anc', filters={ 'id': }).count(), 0) self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='desc').append(orm.Node, with_descendants='desc', filters={ 'id': }).count(), 0) n6.add_incoming(n5, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link1') # Yet, now 2 links from 1 to 8 self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='anc').append(orm.Node, with_ancestors='anc', filters={ 'id': }).count(), 2) self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='desc').append(orm.Node, with_descendants='desc', filters={ 'id': }).count(), 2) self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='desc').append( orm.Node, with_descendants='desc', filters={ 'id': }, edge_filters={ 'depth': { '<': 6 } }, ).count(), 2) self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='desc').append( orm.Node, with_descendants='desc', filters={ 'id': }, edge_filters={ 'depth': 5 }, ).count(), 2) self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='desc').append( orm.Node, with_descendants='desc', filters={ 'id': }, edge_filters={ 'depth': { '<': 5 } }, ).count(), 0) # TODO write a query that can filter certain paths by traversed ID # pylint: disable=fixme qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='desc', ).append( orm.Node, with_descendants='desc', edge_project='path', filters={'id':}) queried_path_set = {frozenset(p) for p, in qb.all()} paths_there_should_be = { frozenset([,,,,,,]), frozenset([,,,,,,]) } self.assertTrue(queried_path_set == paths_there_should_be) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='anc').append( orm.Node, with_ancestors='anc', filters={'id':}, edge_project='path') self.assertEqual({frozenset(p) for p, in qb.all()}, { frozenset([,,,,,,]), frozenset([,,,,,,]) }) n7.add_incoming(n9, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link0') # Still two links... self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='anc').append(orm.Node, with_ancestors='anc', filters={ 'id': }).count(), 2) self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='desc').append(orm.Node, with_descendants='desc', filters={ 'id': }).count(), 2) n9.add_incoming(n5, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link6') # And now there should be 4 nodes self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='anc').append(orm.Node, with_ancestors='anc', filters={ 'id': }).count(), 4) self.assertEqual( orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='desc').append(orm.Node, with_descendants='desc', filters={ 'id': }).count(), 4) qb = orm.QueryBuilder().append( orm.Node, filters={ 'id': }, tag='anc').append( orm.Node, with_ancestors='anc', filters={'id':}, edge_tag='edge') qb.add_projection('edge', 'depth') self.assertTrue(set(next(zip(*qb.all()))), set([5, 6])) qb.add_filter('edge', {'depth': 5}) self.assertTrue(set(next(zip(*qb.all()))), set([5]))
[docs]class TestConsistency(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def test_create_node_and_query(self): """ Testing whether creating nodes within a iterall iteration changes the results. """ for _i in range(100): n = orm.Data() for idx, _item in enumerate(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project=['id', 'label']).iterall(batch_size=10)): if idx % 10 == 10: n = orm.Data() self.assertEqual(idx, 99) # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable self.assertTrue(len(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node, project=['id', 'label']).all(batch_size=10)) > 99)
[docs] def test_len_results(self): """ Test whether the len of results matches the count returned. See also SQLAlchemy has a deduplication strategy that leads to strange behavior, tested against here """ parent = orm.CalculationNode().store() # adding 5 links going out: for inode in range(5): output_node = orm.Data().store() output_node.add_incoming(parent, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link-{}'.format(inode)) for projection in ('id', '*'): qb = orm.QueryBuilder() qb.append(orm.CalculationNode, filters={'id':}, tag='parent', project=projection) qb.append(orm.Data, with_incoming='parent') self.assertEqual(len(qb.all()), qb.count())
[docs]class TestManager(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def test_statistics(self): """ Test if the statistics query works properly. I try to implement it in a way that does not depend on the past state. """ from collections import defaultdict # pylint: disable=protected-access def store_and_add(n, statistics): statistics['total'] += 1 statistics['types'][n._plugin_type_string] += 1 # pylint: disable=no-member statistics['ctime_by_day'][n.ctime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] += 1 qmanager = self.backend.query_manager current_db_statistics = qmanager.get_creation_statistics() types = defaultdict(int) types.update(current_db_statistics['types']) ctime_by_day = defaultdict(int) ctime_by_day.update(current_db_statistics['ctime_by_day']) expected_db_statistics = {'total': current_db_statistics['total'], 'types': types, 'ctime_by_day': ctime_by_day} store_and_add(orm.Data(), expected_db_statistics) store_and_add(orm.Dict(), expected_db_statistics) store_and_add(orm.Dict(), expected_db_statistics) store_and_add(orm.CalculationNode(), expected_db_statistics) new_db_statistics = qmanager.get_creation_statistics() # I only check a few fields new_db_statistics = {k: v for k, v in new_db_statistics.items() if k in expected_db_statistics} expected_db_statistics = { k: dict(v) if isinstance(v, defaultdict) else v for k, v in expected_db_statistics.items() } self.assertEqual(new_db_statistics, expected_db_statistics)
[docs] def test_statistics_default_class(self): """ Test if the statistics query works properly. I try to implement it in a way that does not depend on the past state. """ from collections import defaultdict def store_and_add(n, statistics): statistics['total'] += 1 statistics['types'][n._plugin_type_string] += 1 # pylint: disable=no-member,protected-access statistics['ctime_by_day'][n.ctime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] += 1 current_db_statistics = self.backend.query_manager.get_creation_statistics() types = defaultdict(int) types.update(current_db_statistics['types']) ctime_by_day = defaultdict(int) ctime_by_day.update(current_db_statistics['ctime_by_day']) expected_db_statistics = {'total': current_db_statistics['total'], 'types': types, 'ctime_by_day': ctime_by_day} store_and_add(orm.Data(), expected_db_statistics) store_and_add(orm.Dict(), expected_db_statistics) store_and_add(orm.Dict(), expected_db_statistics) store_and_add(orm.CalculationNode(), expected_db_statistics) new_db_statistics = self.backend.query_manager.get_creation_statistics() # I only check a few fields new_db_statistics = {k: v for k, v in new_db_statistics.items() if k in expected_db_statistics} expected_db_statistics = { k: dict(v) if isinstance(v, defaultdict) else v for k, v in expected_db_statistics.items() } self.assertEqual(new_db_statistics, expected_db_statistics)