Source code for aiida.cmdline.utils.daemon

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""Utility functions for command line commands related to the daemon."""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import click
from tabulate import tabulate

from aiida.cmdline.utils.common import format_local_time

[docs]def get_daemon_status(client): """ Print the status information of the daemon for a given profile through its DaemonClient :param client: the DaemonClient """ if not client.is_daemon_running: return 'The daemon is not running' status_response = client.get_status() if status_response['status'] == 'stopped': return 'The daemon is paused' if status_response['status'] == 'error': return 'The daemon is in an unexpected state, try verdi daemon restart --reset' if status_response['status'] == 'timeout': return 'The daemon is running but the call to the circus controller timed out' worker_response = client.get_worker_info() daemon_response = client.get_daemon_info() if 'info' not in worker_response or 'info' not in daemon_response: return 'Call to the circus controller timed out' workers = [['PID', 'MEM %', 'CPU %', 'started']] for worker_pid, worker_info in worker_response['info'].items(): worker_row = [worker_pid, worker_info['mem'], worker_info['cpu'], format_local_time(worker_info['create_time'])] workers.append(worker_row) if len(workers) > 1: workers_info = tabulate(workers, headers='firstrow', tablefmt='simple') else: workers_info = '--> No workers are running. Use verdi daemon incr to start some!\n' info = { 'pid': daemon_response['info']['pid'], 'time': format_local_time(daemon_response['info']['create_time']), 'nworkers': len(workers) - 1, 'workers': workers_info } template = ('Daemon is running as PID {pid} since {time}\nActive workers [{nworkers}]:\n{workers}\n' 'Use verdi daemon [incr | decr] [num] to increase / decrease the amount of workers') return template.format(**info)