Source code for aiida.engine.utils

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# pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Utilities for the workflow engine."""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import contextlib
import logging

from six.moves import range
import tornado.ioloop
from tornado import concurrent, gen

__all__ = ('RefObjectStore', 'interruptable_task', 'InterruptableFuture')

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
PROCESS_STATE_CHANGE_KEY = 'process|state_change|{}'
PROCESS_STATE_CHANGE_DESCRIPTION = 'The last time a process of type {}, changed state'

[docs]class InterruptableFuture(concurrent.Future): """A future that can be interrupted by calling `interrupt`."""
[docs] def interrupt(self, reason): """This method should be called to interrupt the coroutine represented by this InterruptableFuture.""" self.set_exception(reason)
[docs] @gen.coroutine def with_interrupt(self, yieldable): """ Yield a yieldable which will be interrupted if this future is interrupted :: from tornado import ioloop, gen loop = ioloop.IOLoop.current() interruptable = InterutableFuture() loop.add_callback(interruptable.interrupt, RuntimeError("STOP")) loop.run_sync(lambda: interruptable.with_interrupt(gen.sleep(2))) >>> RuntimeError: STOP :param yieldable: The yieldable :return: The result of the yieldable """ # Wait for one of the two to finish, if it's us that finishes we expect that it was # because of an exception that will have been raised automatically wait_iterator = gen.WaitIterator(yieldable, self) result = yield # pylint: disable=stop-iteration-return if not wait_iterator.current_index == 0: raise RuntimeError("This interruptible future had it's result set unexpectedly to {}".format(result)) result = yield [yieldable, self][0] raise gen.Return(result)
[docs]def interruptable_task(coro, loop=None): """ Turn the given coroutine into an interruptable task by turning it into an InterruptableFuture and returning it. :param coro: the coroutine that should be made interruptable :param loop: the event loop in which to run the coroutine, by default uses tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current() :return: an InterruptableFuture """ loop = loop or tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current() future = InterruptableFuture() @gen.coroutine def execute_coroutine(): """Coroutine that wraps the original coroutine and sets it result on the future only if not already set.""" try: result = yield coro(future) except Exception as exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except if not future.done(): future.set_exception(exception) else: # If the future has not been set elsewhere, i.e. by the interrupt call, by the time that the coroutine # is executed, set the future's result to the result of the coroutine if not future.done(): future.set_result(result) loop.add_callback(execute_coroutine) return future
def ensure_coroutine(fct): """ Ensure that the given function ``fct`` is a coroutine If the passed function is not already a coroutine, it will be made to be a coroutine :param fct: the function :returns: the coroutine """ if tornado.gen.is_coroutine_function(fct): return fct @tornado.gen.coroutine def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): raise tornado.gen.Return(fct(*args, **kwargs)) return wrapper @gen.coroutine def exponential_backoff_retry(fct, initial_interval=10.0, max_attempts=5, logger=None, ignore_exceptions=None): """ Coroutine to call a function, recalling it with an exponential backoff in the case of an exception This coroutine will loop ``max_attempts`` times, calling the ``fct`` function, breaking immediately when the call finished without raising an exception, at which point the returned result will be raised, wrapped in a ``tornado.gen.Result`` instance. If an exception is caught, the function will yield a ``tornado.gen.sleep`` with a time interval equal to the ``initial_interval`` multiplied by ``2*N`` where ``N`` is the number of excepted calls. :param fct: the function to call, which will be turned into a coroutine first if it is not already :param initial_interval: the time to wait after the first caught exception before calling the coroutine again :param max_attempts: the maximum number of times to call the coroutine before re-raising the exception :raises: ``tornado.gen.Result`` if the ``coro`` call completes within ``max_attempts`` retries without raising """ if logger is None: logger = LOGGER result = None coro = ensure_coroutine(fct) interval = initial_interval for iteration in range(max_attempts): try: result = yield coro() break # Finished successfully except Exception as exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # Re-raise exceptions that should be ignored if ignore_exceptions is not None and isinstance(exception, ignore_exceptions): raise if iteration == max_attempts - 1: logger.warning('maximum attempts %d of calling %s, exceeded', max_attempts, coro.__name__) raise else: logger.exception('iteration %d of %s excepted, retrying after %d seconds', iteration + 1, coro.__name__, interval) yield gen.sleep(interval) interval *= 2 raise gen.Return(result) def is_process_function(function): """ Return whether the given function is a process function :param function: a function :returns: True if the function is a wrapped process function, False otherwise """ try: return function.is_process_function except AttributeError: return False @contextlib.contextmanager def loop_scope(loop): """ Make an event loop current for the scope of the context :param loop: The event loop to make current for the duration of the scope :type loop: :class:`tornado.ioloop.IOLoop` """ current = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current() try: loop.make_current() yield finally: current.make_current() def set_process_state_change_timestamp(process): """ Set the global setting that reflects the last time a process changed state, for the process type of the given process, to the current timestamp. The process type will be determined based on the class of the calculation node it has as its database container. :param process: the Process instance that changed its state """ from aiida.backends.utils import set_global_setting from aiida.common.exceptions import UniquenessError from aiida.orm import ProcessNode, CalculationNode, WorkflowNode from aiida.common import timezone if isinstance(process.node, CalculationNode): process_type = 'calculation' elif isinstance(process.node, WorkflowNode): process_type = 'work' elif isinstance(process.node, ProcessNode): # This will only occur for testing, as in general users cannot launch plain Process classes return else: raise ValueError('unsupported calculation node type {}'.format(type(process.node))) key = PROCESS_STATE_CHANGE_KEY.format(process_type) description = PROCESS_STATE_CHANGE_DESCRIPTION.format(process_type) value = try: set_global_setting(key, value, description) except UniquenessError as exception: process.logger.debug('could not update the {} setting because of a UniquenessError: {}'.format(key, exception)) def get_process_state_change_timestamp(process_type=None): """ Get the global setting that reflects the last time a process of the given process type changed its state. The returned value will be the corresponding timestamp or None if the setting does not exist. :param process_type: optional process type for which to get the latest state change timestamp. Valid process types are either 'calculation' or 'work'. If not specified, last timestamp for all known process types will be returned. :return: a timestamp or None """ from aiida.backends.utils import get_global_setting valid_process_types = ['calculation', 'work'] if process_type is not None and process_type not in valid_process_types: raise ValueError("invalid value for process_type, valid values are {}".format(', '.join(valid_process_types))) if process_type is None: process_types = valid_process_types else: process_types = [process_type] timestamps = [] for process_type_key in process_types: key = PROCESS_STATE_CHANGE_KEY.format(process_type_key) try: timestamps.append(get_global_setting(key)) except KeyError: pass if not timestamps: return None return max(timestamps)
[docs]class RefObjectStore(object): # pylint: disable=useless-object-inheritance """ An object store that has a reference count based on a context manager. Basic usage:: store = RefObjectStore() with store.get('Martin', lambda: '') as email: with store.get('Martin') as email2: email is email2 # True The use case for this store is when you have an object can be used by multiple parts of the code simultaneously (nested or async code) and where there should be one instance that exists for the lifetime of these contexts. Once noone is using the object, it should be removed from the store (and therefore eventually garbage collected). """
[docs] class Reference(object): # pylint: disable=useless-object-inheritance """A reference to store the context reference count and the object itself."""
[docs] def __init__(self, obj): self._count = 0 self._obj = obj
@property def count(self): """ Get the reference count for the object :return: The reference count :rtype: int """ return self._count
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def get(self): """ Get the object itself, which will up the reference count for the duration of the context. :return: The object """ self._count += 1 try: yield self._obj finally: self._count -= 1
[docs] def __init__(self): self._objects = {}
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def get(self, identifier, constructor=None): """ Get or create an object. The internal reference count will be upped for the duration of the context. If the reference count drops to 0 the object will be automatically removed from the list. :param identifier: The key identifying the object :param constructor: An optional constructor that is called with no arguments if the object doesn't already exist in the store :return: The object corresponding to the identifier """ try: ref = self._objects[identifier] except KeyError: if constructor is None: raise ValueError("Object not found and no constructor given") ref = self.Reference(constructor()) self._objects[identifier] = ref try: with ref.get() as obj: yield obj finally: if ref.count == 0: self._objects.pop(identifier)