Source code for aiida.orm.implementation.groups

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""Backend group module"""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import abc
import six

from aiida.common import exceptions

from . import backends
from .nodes import BackendNode

__all__ = ('BackendGroup', 'BackendGroupCollection')

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class BackendGroup(backends.BackendEntity): """ An AiiDA ORM implementation of group of nodes. """ @abc.abstractproperty def label(self): """ :return: the name of the group as a string """ @abc.abstractproperty @label.setter def label(self, name): """ Attempt to change the name of the group instance. If the group is already stored and the another group of the same type already exists with the desired name, a UniquenessError will be raised :param name: the new group name :raises aiida.common.UniquenessError: if another group of same type and name already exists """ @abc.abstractproperty def description(self): """ :return: the description of the group as a string """ @description.setter @abc.abstractmethod def description(self, value): """ :return: the description of the group as a string """ @abc.abstractproperty def type_string(self): """ :return: the string defining the type of the group """ @abc.abstractproperty def user(self): """ :return: a backend user object, representing the user associated to this group. :rtype: :class:`aiida.orm.implementation.BackendUser` """ @abc.abstractproperty def id(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ :return: the principal key (the ID) as an integer, or None if the node was not stored yet """ @abc.abstractproperty def uuid(self): """ :return: a string with the uuid """
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Create and store a new group. Note: This method does not check for presence of the group. You may want to use get_or_create(). :return: group """ return cls(*args, **kwargs).store()
[docs] @classmethod def get_or_create(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Try to retrieve a group from the DB with the given arguments; create (and store) a new group if such a group was not present yet. :return: (group, created) where group is the group (new or existing, in any case already stored) and created is a boolean saying """ res = cls.query(name=kwargs.get("name"), type_string=kwargs.get("type_string")) if not res: return cls.create(*args, **kwargs), True if len(res) > 1: raise exceptions.MultipleObjectsError("More than one groups found in the database") return res[0], False
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __int__(self): """ Convert the class to an integer. This is needed to allow querying with Django. Be careful, though, not to pass it to a wrong field! This only returns the local DB principal key (pk) value. :return: the integer pk of the node or None if not stored. """
@abc.abstractproperty def is_stored(self): """ :return: True if the respective DbNode has been already saved in the DB, False otherwise """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def store(self): pass
@abc.abstractproperty def nodes(self): """ Return a generator/iterator that iterates over all nodes and returns the respective AiiDA subclasses of Node, and also allows to ask for the number of nodes in the group using len(). """ @abc.abstractproperty def count(self): """Return the number of entities in this group. :return: integer number of entities contained within the group """
[docs] def add_nodes(self, nodes, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Add a set of nodes to the group. :note: all the nodes *and* the group itself have to be stored. :param nodes: a list of `BackendNode` instances to be added to this group """ if not self.is_stored: raise ValueError('group has to be stored before nodes can be added') if not isinstance(nodes, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError('nodes has to be a list or tuple') if any([not isinstance(node, BackendNode) for node in nodes]): raise TypeError('nodes have to be of type {}'.format(BackendNode))
[docs] def remove_nodes(self, nodes): """Remove a set of nodes from the group. :note: all the nodes *and* the group itself have to be stored. :param nodes: a list of `BackendNode` instances to be removed from this group """ if not self.is_stored: raise ValueError('group has to be stored before nodes can be removed') if not isinstance(nodes, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError('nodes has to be a list or tuple') if any([not isinstance(node, BackendNode) for node in nodes]): raise TypeError('nodes have to be of type {}'.format(BackendNode))
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '<{}: {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self))
[docs] def __str__(self): if self.type_string: return '"{}" [type {}], of user {}'.format(self.label, self.type_string, return '"{}" [user-defined], of user {}'.format(self.label,
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class BackendGroupCollection(backends.BackendCollection[BackendGroup]): """The collection of Group entries.""" ENTITY_CLASS = BackendGroup
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def query(self, label=None, type_string=None, pk=None, uuid=None, nodes=None, user=None, node_attributes=None, past_days=None, label_filters=None, **kwargs): """ Query for groups. :note: By default, query for user-defined groups only (type_string==""). If you want to query for all type of groups, pass type_string=None. If you want to query for a specific type of groups, pass a specific string as the type_string argument. :param name: the name of the group :param nodes: a node or list of nodes that belongs to the group (alternatively, you can also pass a DbNode or list of DbNodes) :param pk: the pk of the group :param uuid: the uuid of the group :param type_string: the string for the type of node; by default, look only for user-defined groups (see note above). :param user: by default, query for groups of all users; if specified, must be a DbUser object, or a string for the user email. :param past_days: by default, query for all groups; if specified, query the groups created in the last past_days. Must be a datetime object. :param name_filters: dictionary that can contain 'startswith', 'endswith' or 'contains' as keys :param node_attributes: if not None, must be a dictionary with format {k: v}. It will filter and return only groups where there is at least a node with an attribute with key=k and value=v. Different keys of the dictionary are joined with AND (that is, the group should satisfy all requirements. v can be a base data type (str, bool, int, float, ...) If it is a list or iterable, that the condition is checked so that there should be at least a node in the group with key=k and value=each of the values of the iterable. :param kwargs: any other filter to be passed to DbGroup.objects.filter Example: if ``node_attributes = {'elements': ['Ba', 'Ti'], 'md5sum': 'xxx'}``, it will find groups that contain the node with md5sum = 'xxx', and moreover contain at least one node for element 'Ba' and one node for element 'Ti'. """
[docs] def get(self, **filters): """ Get the group matching the given filters :param filters: the attributes of the group to get :return: the group :rtype: :class:`aiida.orm.implementation.BackendGroup` """ results = self.query(**filters) if len(results) > 1: raise exceptions.MultipleObjectsError("Found multiple groups matching criteria '{}'".format(filters)) if not results: raise exceptions.NotExistent("No group bound matching criteria '{}'".format(filters)) return results[0]
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def delete(self, id): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin, invalid-name """ Delete a group with the given id :param id: the id of the group to delete """