Source code for aiida.orm.implementation.nodes

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"""Abstract BackendNode and BackendNodeCollection implementation."""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import abc
import six

from . import backends

__all__ = ('BackendNode', 'BackendNodeCollection')

[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class BackendNode(backends.BackendEntity): """Wrapper around a `DbNode` instance to set and retrieve data independent of the database implementation.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def clone(self): """Return an unstored clone of ourselves. :return: an unstored `BackendNode` with the exact same attributes and extras as self """
@property def uuid(self): """Return the node UUID. :return: the string representation of the UUID :rtype: str or None """ if self._dbmodel.uuid: return str(self._dbmodel.uuid) return None @property def node_type(self): """Return the node type. :return: the node type """ return self._dbmodel.node_type @property def process_type(self): """Return the node process type. :return: the process type """ return self._dbmodel.process_type @process_type.setter def process_type(self, value): """Set the process type. :param value: the new value to set """ self._dbmodel.process_type = value if self.is_stored: self._increment_version_number() @property def label(self): """Return the node label. :return: the label """ return self._dbmodel.label @label.setter def label(self, value): """Set the label. :param value: the new value to set """ self._dbmodel.label = value if self.is_stored: self._increment_version_number() @property def description(self): """Return the node description. :return: the description """ return self._dbmodel.description @description.setter def description(self, value): """Set the description. :param value: the new value to set """ self._dbmodel.description = value if self.is_stored: self._increment_version_number() @abc.abstractproperty def computer(self): """Return the computer of this node. :return: the computer or None :rtype: `BackendComputer` or None """ @computer.setter @abc.abstractmethod def computer(self, computer): """Set the computer of this node. :param computer: a `BackendComputer` """ @abc.abstractproperty def user(self): """Return the user of this node. :return: the user :rtype: `BackendUser` """ @user.setter @abc.abstractmethod def user(self, user): """Set the user of this node. :param user: a `BackendUser` """ @property def ctime(self): """Return the node ctime. :return: the ctime """ return self._dbmodel.ctime @property def mtime(self): """Return the node mtime. :return: the mtime """ return self._dbmodel.mtime @property def version(self): """Return the node version. :return: the version """ return self._dbmodel.nodeversion @property def public(self): """Return the node public attribute. :return: the public attribute """ return self._dbmodel.public @property def attributes(self): """Return the attributes dictionary. .. note:: This will fetch all the attributes from the database which can be a heavy operation. If you only need the keys or some values, use the iterators `attributes_keys` and `attributes_items`, or the getters `get_attribute` and `get_attributes` instead. :return: the attributes as a dictionary """ return dict(self.attributes_items())
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_attribute(self, key): """Return an attribute. :param key: name of the attribute :return: the value of the attribute :raises AttributeError: if the attribute does not exist """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_attributes(self, keys): """Return a set of attributes. :param keys: names of the attributes :return: the values of the attributes :raises AttributeError: if at least one attribute does not exist """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_attribute(self, key, value): """Set an attribute to the given value. :param key: name of the attribute :param value: value of the attribute """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_attributes(self, attributes): """Set attributes. .. note:: This will override any existing attributes that are present in the new dictionary. :param attributes: the new attributes to set """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def reset_attributes(self, attributes): """Reset the attributes. .. note:: This will completely reset any existing attributes and replace them with the new dictionary. :param attributes: the new attributes to set """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def delete_attribute(self, key): """Delete an attribute. :param key: name of the attribute :raises AttributeError: if the attribute does not exist """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def delete_attributes(self, keys): """Delete multiple attributes. .. note:: The implementation should guarantee that all the keys that are to be deleted actually exist or the entire operation should be canceled without any change and an ``AttributeError`` should be raised. :param keys: names of the attributes to delete :raises AttributeError: if at least on of the attribute does not exist """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def clear_attributes(self): """Delete all attributes."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def attributes_items(self): """Return an iterator over the attribute items. :return: an iterator with attribute key value pairs """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def attributes_keys(self): """Return an iterator over the attribute keys. :return: an iterator with attribute keys """
@property def extras(self): """Return the extras dictionary. .. note:: This will fetch all the extras from the database which can be a heavy operation. If you only need the keys or some values, use the iterators `extras_keys` and `extras_items`, or the getters `get_extra` and `get_extras` instead. :return: the extras as a dictionary """ return dict(self.extras_items())
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_extra(self, key): """Return an extra. :param key: name of the extra :return: the value of the extra :raises AttributeError: if the extra does not exist """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_extras(self, keys): """Return a set of extras. :param keys: names of the extras :return: the values of the extras :raises AttributeError: if at least one extra does not exist """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_extra(self, key, value, increase_version=True): """Set an extra to the given value. :param key: name of the extra :param value: value of the extra :param increase_version: boolean, if True will increase the node version upon successfully setting the extra """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_extras(self, extras): """Set extras. .. note:: This will override any existing extras that are present in the new dictionary. :param extras: the new extras to set """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def reset_extras(self, extras): """Reset the extras. .. note:: This will completely reset any existing extras and replace them with the new dictionary. :param extras: the new extras to set """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def delete_extra(self, key): """Delete an extra. :param key: name of the extra :raises AttributeError: if the extra does not exist """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def delete_extras(self, keys): """Delete multiple extras. .. note:: The implementation should guarantee that all the keys that are to be deleted actually exist or the entire operation should be canceled without any change and an ``AttributeError`` should be raised. :param keys: names of the extras to delete :raises AttributeError: if at least on of the extra does not exist """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def clear_extras(self): """Delete all extras."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def extras_items(self): """Return an iterator over the extra items. :return: an iterator with extra key value pairs """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def extras_keys(self): """Return an iterator over the attribute keys. :return: an iterator with attribute keys """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def add_incoming(self, source, link_type, link_label): """Add a link of the given type from a given node to ourself. :param source: the node from which the link is coming :param link_type: the link type :param link_label: the link label :return: True if the proposed link is allowed, False otherwise :raise TypeError: if `source` is not a Node instance or `link_type` is not a `LinkType` enum :raise ValueError: if the proposed link is invalid """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def store(self, attributes=None, links=None, with_transaction=True): """Store the node in the database. :param attributes: optional attributes to set before storing, will override any existing attributes :param links: optional links to add before storing :parameter with_transaction: if False, do not use a transaction because the caller will already have opened one. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def _increment_version_number(self): """Increment the node version number of this node by one directly in the database."""
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class BackendNodeCollection(backends.BackendCollection[BackendNode]): """The collection of `BackendNode` entries.""" # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods ENTITY_CLASS = BackendNode
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def delete(self, pk): """Remove a Node entry from the collection with the given id :param pk: id of the node to delete """