Source code for

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import copy
import six
from six.moves import range
import numpy as np

from aiida.common import exceptions

from ..orbital import OrbitalData
from .array import ArrayData
from .bands import BandsData

[docs]class ProjectionData(OrbitalData, ArrayData): """ A class to handle arrays of projected wavefunction data. That is projections of a orbitals, usually an atomic-hydrogen orbital, onto a given bloch wavefunction, the bloch wavefunction being indexed by s, n, and k. E.g. the elements are the projections described as < orbital | Bloch wavefunction (s,n,k) > """
[docs] def _check_projections_bands(self, projection_array): """ Checks to make sure that a reference bandsdata is already set, and that projection_array is of the same shape of the bands data :param projwfc_arrays: nk x nb x nwfc array, to be checked against bands :raise: AttributeError if energy is not already set :raise: AttributeError if input_array is not of same shape as dos_energy """ try: shape_bands = np.shape(self.get_reference_bandsdata()) except AttributeError: raise exceptions.ValidationError('Bands must be set first, then projwfc') # The [0:2] is so that each array, and not collection of arrays # is used to make the comparison if np.shape(projection_array) != shape_bands: raise AttributeError('These arrays are not the same shape as' ' the bands') return None
[docs] def set_reference_bandsdata(self, value): """ Sets a reference bandsdata, creates a uuid link between this data object and a bandsdata object, must be set before any projection arrays :param value: a BandsData instance, a uuid or a pk :raise: exceptions.NotExistent if there was no BandsData associated with uuid or pk """ from aiida.orm import load_node if isinstance(value, BandsData): uuid = value.uuid else: try: pk = int(value) bands = load_node(pk=pk, type=BandsData) uuid = bands.uuid except ValueError: uuid = str(value) try: bands = load_node(uuid=uuid, type=BandsData) uuid = bands.uuid except : raise exceptions.NotExistent("The value passed to " "set_reference_bandsdata was not " "associated to any bandsdata") self.set_attribute('reference_bandsdata_uuid', uuid)
[docs] def get_reference_bandsdata(self): """ Returns the reference BandsData, using the set uuid via set_reference_bandsdata :return: a BandsData instance :raise AttributeError: if the bandsdata has not been set yet :raise exceptions.NotExistent: if the bandsdata uuid did not retrieve bandsdata """ from aiida.orm import load_node try: uuid = self.get_attribute('reference_bandsdata_uuid') except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("BandsData has not been set for this instance") try: #bands = load_node(uuid=uuid, type=BandsData) bands = load_node(uuid=uuid) #TODO switch to above once type # has been implemented for load_node except exceptions.NotExistent: raise exceptions.NotExistent("The bands referenced to this class have not been " "found in this database.") return bands
[docs] def _find_orbitals_and_indices(self, **kwargs): """ Finds all the orbitals and their indicies associated with kwargs essential for retrieving the other indexed array parameters :param kwargs: kwargs that can call orbitals as in get_orbitals() :return: retrieve_indexes, list of indicicies of orbitals corresponding to the kwargs :return: all_orbitals, list of orbitals to which the indexes correspond """ # index_and_orbitals = self._get_orbitals_and_index() index_and_orbitals = [] selected_orbitals = self.get_orbitals(**kwargs) selected_orb_dicts = [orb.get_orbital_dict() for orb in selected_orbitals] all_orbitals = self.get_orbitals() all_orb_dicts = [orb.get_orbital_dict() for orb in all_orbitals] retrieve_indices = [i for i in range(len(all_orb_dicts)) if all_orb_dicts[i] in selected_orb_dicts] return retrieve_indices, all_orbitals
[docs] def get_pdos(self, **kwargs): """ Retrieves all the pdos arrays corresponding to the input kwargs :param kwargs: inputs describing the orbitals associated with the pdos arrays :return: a list of tuples containing the orbital, energy array and pdos array associated with all orbitals that correspond to kwargs """ retrieve_indices, all_orbitals = self._find_orbitals_and_indices(**kwargs) out_list = [(all_orbitals[i], self.get_array("pdos_{}".format( self._from_index_to_arrayname(i))), self.get_array("energy_{}".format( self._from_index_to_arrayname(i))) ) for i in retrieve_indices] return out_list
[docs] def get_projections(self, **kwargs): """ Retrieves all the pdos arrays corresponding to the input kwargs :param kwargs: inputs describing the orbitals associated with the pdos arrays :return: a list of tuples containing the orbital, and projection arrays associated with all orbitals that correspond to kwargs """ retrieve_indices, all_orbitals = self._find_orbitals_and_indices(**kwargs) out_list = [(all_orbitals[i], self.get_array("proj_{}".format( self._from_index_to_arrayname(i)))) for i in retrieve_indices] return out_list
[docs] def _from_index_to_arrayname(self, index): """ Used internally to determine the array names. """ return "array_{}".format(index)
[docs] def set_projectiondata(self,list_of_orbitals, list_of_projections=None, list_of_energy=None, list_of_pdos=None, tags = None, bands_check=True): """ Stores the projwfc_array using the projwfc_label, after validating both. :param list_of_orbitals: list of orbitals, of class orbital data. They should be the ones up on which the projection array corresponds with. :param list_of_projections: list of arrays of projections of a atomic wavefunctions onto bloch wavefunctions. Since the projection is for every bloch wavefunction which can be specified by its spin (if used), band, and kpoint the dimensions must be nspin x nbands x nkpoints for the projwfc array. Or nbands x nkpoints if spin is not used. :param energy_axis: list of energy axis for the list_of_pdos :param list_of_pdos: a list of projected density of states for the atomic wavefunctions, units in states/eV :param tags: A list of tags, not supported currently. :param bands_check: if false, skips checks of whether the bands has been already set, and whether the sizes match. For use in parsers, where the BandsData has not yet been stored and therefore get_reference_bandsdata cannot be called """ def single_to_list(item): """ Checks if the item is a list or tuple, and converts it to a list if it is not already a list or tuple :param item: an object which may or may not be a list or tuple :return: item_list: the input item unchanged if list or tuple and [item] otherwise """ if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): return item else: return [item] def array_list_checker(array_list, array_name, orb_length): """ Does basic checks over everything in the array_list. Makes sure that all the arrays are np.ndarray floats, that the length is same as required_length, raises exception using array_name if there is a failure """ if not all([isinstance(_,np.ndarray) for _ in array_list]): raise exceptions.ValidationError("{} was not composed " "entirely of ndarrays".format(array_name)) if len(array_list) != orb_length: raise exceptions.ValidationError("{} did not have the same length as the " "list of orbitals".format(array_name)) ############## list_of_orbitals = single_to_list(list_of_orbitals) list_of_orbitals = copy.deepcopy(list_of_orbitals) # validates the input data if not list_of_pdos and not list_of_projections: raise exceptions.ValidationError("Must set either pdos or projections") if bool(list_of_energy) != bool(list_of_pdos): raise exceptions.ValidationError("list_of_pdos and list_of_energy must always " "be set together") orb_length = len(list_of_orbitals) # verifies and sets the orbital dicts list_of_orbital_dicts = [] for i in range(len(list_of_orbitals)): this_orbital = list_of_orbitals[i] orbital_dict = this_orbital.get_orbital_dict() OrbitalClass = self._get_orbital_class_from_orbital_dict( orbital_dict) test_orbital = OrbitalClass() try: test_orbital.set_orbital_dict(orbital_dict) except exceptions.ValidationError: raise ValueError("The orbital with dict {} " "failed.".format(orbital_dict)) list_of_orbital_dicts.append(test_orbital.get_orbital_dict()) self.set_attribute('orbital_dicts', list_of_orbital_dicts) # verifies and sets the projections if list_of_projections: list_of_projections = single_to_list(list_of_projections) array_list_checker(list_of_projections, "projections", orb_length) for i in range(len(list_of_projections)): this_projection = list_of_projections[i] array_name = self._from_index_to_arrayname(i) if bands_check: self._check_projections_bands(this_projection) self.set_array("proj_{}".format(array_name), this_projection) # verifies and sets both pdos and energy if list_of_pdos: list_of_pdos = single_to_list(list_of_pdos) list_of_energy = single_to_list(list_of_energy) array_list_checker(list_of_pdos, "pdos", orb_length) array_list_checker(list_of_energy, "energy", orb_length) for i in range(len(list_of_pdos)): this_pdos = list_of_pdos[i] this_energy = list_of_energy[i] array_name = self._from_index_to_arrayname(i) if bands_check: self._check_projections_bands(this_projection) self.set_array("pdos_{}".format(array_name), this_pdos) self.set_array("energy_{}".format(array_name), this_energy) # verifies and sets the tags if tags is not None: try: if len(tags) != len(list_of_orbitals): raise exceptions.ValidationError("must set as many tags as projections") except IndexError: return exceptions.ValidationError("tags must be a list") if not all([isinstance(_,six.string_types) for _ in tags]): raise exceptions.ValidationError("Tags must set a list of strings") self.set_attribute('tags', tags)
[docs] def set_orbitals(self, **kwargs): """ This method is inherited from OrbitalData, but is blocked here. If used will raise a NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError("You cannot set orbitals using this class!" " This class is for setting orbitals and " " projections only!")