Source code for aiida.orm.utils.serialize

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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Serialisation functions for AiiDA types

WARNING: Changing the representation of things here may break people's current saved e.g. things like
checkpoints and messages in the RabbitMQ queue so do so with caution.  It is fine to add representers
for new types though.
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

from functools import partial
import yaml

import plumpy
from plumpy.utils import AttributesFrozendict

from aiida import common, orm

_NODE_TAG = '!aiida_node'
_GROUP_TAG = '!aiida_group'
_COMPUTER_TAG = '!aiida_computer'
_ATTRIBUTE_DICT_TAG = '!aiida_attributedict'
_PLUMPY_ATTRIBUTES_FROZENDICT_TAG = '!plumpy:attributes_frozendict'
_PLUMPY_BUNDLE = '!plumpy:bundle'

[docs]def represent_node(dumper, node): """ Represent a node in YAML :param dumper: the dumper to use :param node: the node to represent :type node: :class:`aiida.orm.nodes.node.Node` :return: the representation """ if not node.is_stored: raise ValueError('node {}<{}> cannot be represented because it is not stored'.format(type(node), node.uuid)) return dumper.represent_scalar(_NODE_TAG, u'%s' % node.uuid)
[docs]def node_constructor(loader, node): """ Load an aiida node from the yaml representation :param loader: the yaml loader :param node: the yaml representation :return: the aiida node :rtype: :class:`aiida.orm.nodes.node.Node` """ yaml_node = loader.construct_scalar(node) return orm.load_node(uuid=yaml_node)
[docs]def represent_group(dumper, group): """ Represent a group in YAML :param dumper: the dumper to use :param group: the group to represent :type group: :class:`aiida.orm.Group` :return: the representation """ if not group.is_stored: raise ValueError('group {} cannot be represented because it is not stored'.format(group)) return dumper.represent_scalar(_GROUP_TAG, u'%s' % group.uuid)
[docs]def group_constructor(loader, group): """ Load an aiida group from the yaml representation :param loader: the yaml loader :param group: the yaml representation :return: the aiida group :rtype: :class:`aiida.orm.Group` """ yaml_node = loader.construct_scalar(group) return orm.load_group(uuid=yaml_node)
[docs]def represent_computer(dumper, computer): """ Represent a group in YAML :param dumper: the dumper to use :param computer: the computer to represent :type computer: :class:`aiida.orm.Computer` :return: the representation """ if not computer.is_stored: raise ValueError('computer {} cannot be represented because it is not stored'.format(computer)) return dumper.represent_scalar(_COMPUTER_TAG, u'%s' % computer.uuid)
[docs]def computer_constructor(loader, computer): """ Load an aiida computer from the yaml representation :param loader: the yaml loader :param computer: the yaml representation :return: the aiida computer :rtype: :class:`aiida.orm.Computer` """ yaml_node = loader.construct_scalar(computer) return orm.Computer.get(uuid=yaml_node)
[docs]class AiiDADumper(yaml.Dumper): """ Custom AiiDA YAML dumper. Needed so that we don't have to encode each type in the AiiDA graph hierarchy separately using a custom representer. """
[docs] def represent_data(self, data): if isinstance(data, orm.Node): return represent_node(self, data) if isinstance(data, orm.Computer): return represent_computer(self, data) if isinstance(data, orm.Group): return represent_group(self, data) return super(AiiDADumper, self).represent_data(data)
[docs]class AiiDALoader(yaml.Loader): """AiiDA specific YAML loader"""
[docs]def represent_mapping(tag, dumper, mapping): """ Represent an AttributeDict in YAML :param tag: the yaml tag to use :param dumper: the dumper to use :type dumper: :class:`yaml.dumper.Dumper` :param mapping: the attribute dict to represent :return: the representation """ return dumper.represent_mapping(tag, mapping)
[docs]def mapping_constructor(mapping_type, loader, mapping): """ Construct an AttributeDict from the representation :param mapping_type: the class of the mapping to construct, must accept a dictionary as a sole constructor argument to be compatible :param loader: the yaml loader :type loader: :class:`yaml.loader.Loader` :param mapping: the attribute dict representation :return: the mapping type """ yaml_node = loader.construct_mapping(mapping) return mapping_type(yaml_node)
# All the mapping types: yaml.add_representer( common.extendeddicts.AttributeDict, partial(represent_mapping, _ATTRIBUTE_DICT_TAG), Dumper=AiiDADumper) yaml.add_constructor( _ATTRIBUTE_DICT_TAG, partial(mapping_constructor, common.extendeddicts.AttributeDict), Loader=AiiDALoader) yaml.add_representer( AttributesFrozendict, partial(represent_mapping, _PLUMPY_ATTRIBUTES_FROZENDICT_TAG), Dumper=AiiDADumper) yaml.add_constructor( _PLUMPY_ATTRIBUTES_FROZENDICT_TAG, partial(mapping_constructor, AttributesFrozendict), Loader=AiiDALoader)
[docs]def represent_bundle(dumper, bundle): """ Represent an AttributeDict in YAML :param tag: the yaml tag to use :param dumper: the dumper to use :type dumper: :class:`yaml.dumper.Dumper` :param bundle: the attribute dict to represent :return: the representation """ as_dict = dict(bundle) return dumper.represent_mapping(_PLUMPY_BUNDLE, as_dict)
[docs]def bundle_constructor(loader, mapping): """ Construct an AttributeDict from the representation :param mapping: the class of the mapping to construct, must accept a dictionary as a sole constructor argument to be compatible :param loader: the yaml loader :type loader: :class:`yaml.loader.Loader` :param mapping: the attribute dict representation :return: the mapping type """ yaml_node = loader.construct_mapping(mapping) bundle = plumpy.Bundle.__new__(plumpy.Bundle) bundle.update(yaml_node) return bundle
yaml.add_representer(plumpy.Bundle, represent_bundle, Dumper=AiiDADumper) yaml.add_constructor(_PLUMPY_BUNDLE, bundle_constructor, Loader=AiiDALoader) yaml.add_constructor(_NODE_TAG, node_constructor, Loader=AiiDALoader) yaml.add_constructor(_GROUP_TAG, group_constructor, Loader=AiiDALoader) yaml.add_constructor(_COMPUTER_TAG, computer_constructor, Loader=AiiDALoader)
[docs]def serialize(data, encoding=None): """ Serialize the given data structure into a string The function supports standard data containers such as maps and lists as well as AiiDA nodes which will be serialized into strings, before the whole data structure is dumped into a string using YAML. :param data: the general data to serialize :param encoding: optional encoding for the serialized string :return: string representation of the serialized data structure or byte array if specific encoding is specified """ if encoding is not None: serialized = yaml.dump(data, encoding=encoding, Dumper=AiiDADumper) else: serialized = yaml.dump(data, Dumper=AiiDADumper) return serialized
[docs]def deserialize(serialized): """ Deserialize a string that represents a serialized data structure :param serialized: the string representation of serialized data :return: the deserialized data structure """ return yaml.load(serialized, Loader=AiiDALoader)