Source code for

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Utilities for high-level querying of available plugins.

These tools read information from the cached registry.
The plugin registry (in cache) is expected to be a dict where
the keys are base entry point names of plugins (unique for registered plugins)

example registry::

    registry = {
        'quantumespresso': {
            'name': 'aiida-quantumespresso',
            'package_name': 'aiida_quantumespresso',
            'pip_url': 'git+https://...',
            'other_key': 'other_value'
        'vasp': {
            'name': aiida-vasp',
            'package_name': 'aiida_vasp',
            '...': '...'


from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
[docs]def entry_point_from_tpstr(typestring): if typestring.startswith('calculation.job.'): typestring = typestring.split('.', 2)[-1] elif typestring.startswith('calculation.'): typestring = typestring.split('.', 1)[-1] elif typestring.startswith('data.'): typestring = typestring.split('.', 1)[-1] else: raise ValueError('weird typestring') return typestring.split('.', 1)[0]
[docs]def plugin_ep_iterator(): """ return an iterator over the plugin entrypoint base strings """ from aiida.plugins.registry import load_cached plugins = load_cached() return iter(plugins.keys())
[docs]def find_by_name(plugin_key): """ returns the pickled RegistryEntry object for a given plugin_key """ from aiida.plugins.utils import unpickle_from_registry_cache_folder return unpickle_from_registry_cache_folder(plugin_key)
[docs]def find_for_typestring(typestring): """ find the plugin with the base entry point name of the given typestring :return: dict with plugin keys if found, None if not found """ from aiida.plugins.registry import load_cached plugins = load_cached() entry_point = entry_point_from_tpstr(typestring) return plugins.get(entry_point, None)
[docs]def find_by_pattern(pattern, ranking=False): """ returns a list of RegistryEntry objects for all matches """ allplugs = plugin_ep_iterator() matching = [] for plug in allplugs: append = 0 entry = find_by_name(plug) if not ranking: if append += 1 elif append += 1 elif append += 1 elif append += 1 elif append += 1 else: append += bool( and 1 or 0 append += bool( and 1 or 0 append += bool( and 1 or 0 append += bool( and 0.5 or 0 append += bool( and 1 or 0 if append: matching.append((append, entry)) matching.sort() return [i[1] for i in matching]