Source code for aiida.plugins.registry

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Utilities for low-level querying of plugins.

Interface for operations that have to connect the
registry online and that operate on the cache folder.

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

[docs]def registry_cache_file_name(): """ return the name of the registry cache file """ return 'plugins'
[docs]def registry_cache_file_path(): """ return the path to the cache file """ from aiida.plugins.utils import registry_cache_folder_path from os import path as osp cache_name = registry_cache_file_name() cache_dir = registry_cache_folder_path() return osp.join(cache_dir, cache_name)
[docs]def registry_cache_exists(): """ check if the registry cache exists :return bool: True if exists, False if not """ from os import path as osp return osp.exists(registry_cache_file_path())
[docs]def registry_cache_openable(): """ return true if the registry cache file can be opened """ from aiida.plugins.utils import registry_cache_folder_exists if not registry_cache_folder_exists(): return False elif not registry_cache_exists(): return False else: try: with open(registry_cache_file_path()): return True except Exception as e: return False
[docs]def registry_file_url(): """ return the url for the plugins.json file """ return ''
[docs]def load_online(errorhandler=None): """ loads the registry file and returns the list of plugins """ from aiida.plugins.utils import load_json_from_url import requests url = registry_file_url() return load_json_from_url(url, errorhandler=errorhandler)
[docs]def update(with_info=True, registry_err_handler=None, info_err_handler=None): """ Load the registry from its online location and pickle it. Creates the cache file if necessary. By default updates the entry details cache for each entry as well. :param with_info: default: True, update info cache for each entry as well :param registry_err_handler: callable(exception) -> dict. Must either raise or return a registry dict :param info_err_handler: callable(exception, plugin, data) -> None. Can raise or just print an error / warning. If none of the error handlers are given, the function will stop execution if any broken links are encountered. """ from aiida.plugins.utils import pickle_to_registry_cache_folder cache_fname = registry_cache_file_name() pluginlist = load_online(errorhandler=registry_err_handler) pickle_to_registry_cache_folder(pluginlist, cache_fname) if with_info: cleanup_info(pluginlist) update_info(pluginlist, errorhandler=info_err_handler)
[docs]def load_cached(): """ load the registry from the local cache if the local cache is not readable, create or update it """ from six.moves.cPickle import load as pload from aiida.plugins.utils import unpickle_from_registry_cache_folder cache_fname = registry_cache_file_name() if not registry_cache_openable(): update() return unpickle_from_registry_cache_folder(cache_fname)
[docs]def update_info(registry=None, errorhandler=None): """ iterate through plugins, download setup info and return as dict """ from aiida.plugins.utils import pickle_to_registry_cache_folder from aiida.plugins.entry import RegistryEntry as Entry if not registry: registry = load_cached() for plugin, data in registry.items(): try: entry = Entry(**data) pickle_to_registry_cache_folder(entry, plugin) except Exception as e: if errorhandler: errorhandler(e, plugin, data) else: raise e
[docs]def cleanup_info(registry=None): """ delete any plugin info files that do not correspond to a registry entry """ from os import remove, listdir from os import path as osp from aiida.plugins.utils import registry_cache_folder_path if not registry: registry = load_cached() all_cache_files = listdir(registry_cache_folder_path()) all_cache_files.remove(registry_cache_file_name()) plugin_cache_files = all_cache_files cache_dir = registry_cache_folder_path() for cache_file in plugin_cache_files: if cache_file not in registry: remove(osp.join(cache_dir, cache_file))