Source code for aiida.plugins.utils

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utilities for:

* managing the registry cache folder
* downloading json files
* pickling to the registry cache folder
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import io

[docs]def registry_cache_folder_name(): """ return the name of the subfolder of aiida_dir where registry caches are stored. """ return 'plugin_registry_cache'
[docs]def registry_cache_folder_path(): """ return the fully resolved path to the cache folder """ from os import path as osp from aiida.manage.configuration import get_config config = get_config() cache_dir = registry_cache_folder_name() return osp.join(config.dirpath, cache_dir)
[docs]def registry_cache_folder_exists(): """ return True if the cache folder exists, False if not """ from os import path as osp cache_dir = registry_cache_folder_path() return osp.isdir(cache_dir)
[docs]def safe_create_registry_cache_folder(): """ creates the registry cache folder if it does not exist """ from os import mkdir if not registry_cache_folder_exists(): cache_dir = registry_cache_folder_path() mkdir(cache_dir)
[docs]def pickle_to_registry_cache_folder(obj, fname): """ pickles a python object to the registry cache folder """ from six.moves.cPickle import dump as pdump from os import path as osp safe_create_registry_cache_folder() cache_dir = registry_cache_folder_path() fpath = osp.join(cache_dir, fname) with, 'w', encoding='utf8') as cache_file: pdump(obj, cache_file)
[docs]def unpickle_from_registry_cache_folder(fname): """ looks for fname in the registry cache folder and tries to unpickle from it """ from six.moves.cPickle import load as pload from os import path as osp cache_dir = registry_cache_folder_path() fpath = osp.join(cache_dir, fname) with, 'r', encoding='utf8') as cache: return pload(cache)
[docs]def load_json_from_url(url, errorhandler=None): """ downloads a json file and returns the corresponding python dict """ import requests reply = requests.get(url) res = None try: res = reply.json() except Exception as e: if errorhandler: res = errorhandler(e) else: raise e return res
[docs]def value_error_msg(e): msg = 'The AiiDA plugin registry seems to be temporarily unavailable.' msg += ' Please try again later. If the problem persists,' msg += ' look at and file an issue' msg += ' if there is none yet.' return msg