Source code for aiida.schedulers.plugins.test_pbspro

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
# For further information please visit               #

from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import unittest
import uuid
from aiida.schedulers.plugins.pbspro import *
from aiida.schedulers.datastructures import JobState

text_qstat_f_to_test = """Job Id: 68350.mycluster
    Job_Name = cell-Qnormal
    Job_Owner = usernum1@mycluster.cluster
    job_state = Q
    queue = Q_express
    server = mycluster
    Checkpoint = u
    ctime = Tue Apr  9 15:01:47 2013
    Error_Path = mycluster.cluster:/home/usernum1/scratch/cptest/scaletest/PTOs
    Hold_Types = n
    Join_Path = n
    Keep_Files = n
    Mail_Points = a
    mtime = Mon Apr 22 13:13:53 2013
    Output_Path = mycluster.cluster:/home/usernum1/scratch/cptest/scaletest/PTO
    Priority = 0
    qtime = Tue Apr  9 18:26:32 2013
    Rerunable = False
    Resource_List.mpiprocs = 15
    Resource_List.ncpus = 240
    Resource_List.nodect = 15 = free = 15:ncpus=16
    Resource_List.walltime = 01:00:00
    substate = 10
    Variable_List = PBS_O_SYSTEM=Linux,PBS_O_SHELL=/bin/bash,
    comment = Not Running: Node is in an ineligible state: offline
    etime = Tue Apr  9 18:26:32 2013
    Submit_arguments = job-PTO64cell-Qnormal.
    project = _pbs_project_default

Job Id: 68351.mycluster
    Job_Name = cell-Qnormal
    Job_Owner = usernum1@mycluster.cluster
    job_state = Q
    queue = Q_express
    server = mycluster
    Checkpoint = u
    ctime = Tue Apr  9 15:01:47 2013
    Error_Path = mycluster.cluster:/home/usernum1/scratch/cptest/scaletest/PTOs
    Hold_Types = n
    Join_Path = n
    Keep_Files = n
    Mail_Points = a
    mtime = Mon Apr 22 13:13:53 2013
    Output_Path = mycluster.cluster:/home/usernum1/scratch/cptest/scaletest/PTO
    Priority = 0
    qtime = Tue Apr  9 18:26:32 2013
    Rerunable = False
    Resource_List.mpiprocs = 15
    Resource_List.ncpus = 240
    Resource_List.nodect = 15 = free = 15:ncpus=16
    Resource_List.walltime = 01:00:00
    substate = 10
    Variable_List = PBS_O_SYSTEM=Linux,PBS_O_SHELL=/bin/bash,
    comment = Not Running: Node is in an ineligible state: offline
    etime = Tue Apr  9 18:26:32 2013
    Submit_arguments = job-PTO64cell-Qnormal.
    project = _pbs_project_default

Job Id: 69301.mycluster
    Job_Name = Cu-dbp
    Job_Owner = user02@mycluster.cluster
    resources_used.cpupercent = 6384
    resources_used.cput = 4090:56:03
    resources_used.mem = 13378420kb
    resources_used.ncpus = 64
    resources_used.vmem = 9866188kb
    resources_used.walltime = 64:26:16
    job_state = R
    queue = P_lsu
    server = mycluster
    Account_Name = lsu
    Checkpoint = u
    ctime = Wed Apr 10 17:10:29 2013
    depend = afterok:69299.mycluster@mycluster.cluster,
    Error_Path = mycluster.cluster:/scratch/user02/QMMM-CuPhens/dbp/NOSE/RUN7/C
    exec_host = b141/0*16+b142/0*16+b143/0*16+b144/0*16
    exec_vnode = (b141:ncpus=16)+(b142:ncpus=16)+(b143:ncpus=16)+(b144:ncpus=16
    Hold_Types = n
    Join_Path = oe
    Keep_Files = n
    Mail_Points = a
    mtime = Sat Apr 20 01:37:01 2013
    Output_Path = mycluster.cluster:/scratch/user02/QMMM-CuPhens/dbp/NOSE/RUN7/
    Priority = 0
    qtime = Wed Apr 10 17:10:29 2013
    Rerunable = False
    Resource_List.mpiprocs = 4
    Resource_List.ncpus = 64
    Resource_List.nodect = 4 = excl = 4:ncpus=16
    Resource_List.walltime = 72:00:00
    stime = Sat Apr 20 01:36:59 2013
    session_id = 118473
    Shell_Path_List = /bin/tcsh
    jobdir = /home/user02
    substate = 42
    Variable_List = SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass,
\tmodule=() {  eval `/usr/bin/modulecmd bash $*`,},
\tLESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/ %s,PBS_O_LOGNAME=user02,
\tSSH_CLIENT= 46714 22,CVS_RSH=ssh,PBS_O_LANG=C,USER=user02,
\tMSM_HOME=/usr/local/MegaRAID Storage Manager,LOGNAME=user02,
    comment = Job run at Sat Apr 20 at 01:36 on (b141:ncpus=16)+(b142:ncpus=16)
    etime = Sat Apr 20 01:36:59 2013
    Submit_arguments =
    project = _pbs_project_default

Job Id: 69302.mycluster
    Job_Name = Cu-dbp
    Job_Owner = user02@mycluster.cluster
    job_state = H
    queue = P_lsu
    server = mycluster
    Account_Name = lsu
    Checkpoint = u
    ctime = Wed Apr 10 17:11:21 2013
    depend = afterok:69301.mycluster@mycluster.cluster
    Error_Path = mycluster.cluster:/scratch/user02/QMMM-CuPhens/dbp/NOSE/RUN8/C
    Hold_Types = s
    Join_Path = oe
    Keep_Files = n
    Mail_Points = a
    mtime = Wed Apr 10 17:11:21 2013
    Output_Path = mycluster.cluster:/scratch/user02/QMMM-CuPhens/dbp/NOSE/RUN8/
    Priority = 0
    qtime = Wed Apr 10 17:11:21 2013
    Rerunable = False
    Resource_List.mpiprocs = 4
    Resource_List.ncpus = 64
    Resource_List.nodect = 4 = excl = 4:ncpus=16
    Resource_List.walltime = 72:00:00
    Shell_Path_List = /bin/tcsh
    substate = 22
    Variable_List = SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/libexec/openssh/gnome-ssh-askpass,
\tmodule=() {  eval `/usr/bin/modulecmd bash $*`,},
\tLESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/ %s,PBS_O_LOGNAME=user02,
\tSSH_CLIENT= 46714 22,CVS_RSH=ssh,PBS_O_LANG=C,USER=user02,
\tMSM_HOME=/usr/local/MegaRAID Storage Manager,LOGNAME=user02,
    Submit_arguments =
    project = _pbs_project_default

Job Id: 74164.mycluster
    Job_Name = u-100-l-96.job
    Job_Owner = user3@mycluster.cluster
    resources_used.cpupercent = 3889
    resources_used.cput = 343:11:42
    resources_used.mem = 1824176kb
    resources_used.ncpus = 32
    resources_used.vmem = 3796376kb
    resources_used.walltime = 10:45:13
    job_state = R
    queue = Q_normal
    server = mycluster
    Checkpoint = u
    ctime = Fri Apr 12 15:21:55 2013
    depend = afterany:74163.mycluster@mycluster.cluster,
    Error_Path = mycluster.cluster:/scratch/user3/ubiquitin/100gL/starting-from
    exec_host = b270/0*16+b275/0*16
    exec_vnode = (b270:ncpus=16)+(b275:ncpus=16)
    Hold_Types = n
    Join_Path = oe
    Keep_Files = n
    Mail_Points = abe
    Mail_Users =
    mtime = Mon Apr 22 07:17:36 2013
    Output_Path = mycluster.cluster:/scratch/user3/ubiquitin/100gL/starting-fro
    Priority = 0
    qtime = Fri Apr 12 15:21:55 2013
    Rerunable = False
    Resource_List.mpiprocs = 32
    Resource_List.ncpus = 32
    Resource_List.nodect = 2 = excl = 2:ncpus=16:mpiprocs=16
    Resource_List.walltime = 24:00:00
    stime = Mon Apr 22 07:17:36 2013
    session_id = 14147
    jobdir = /home/user3
    substate = 42
    Variable_List = PBS_O_SYSTEM=Linux,PBS_O_SHELL=/bin/bash,
    comment = Job run at Mon Apr 22 at 07:17 on (b270:ncpus=16)+(b275:ncpus=16)

    etime = Mon Apr 22 07:17:34 2013
    Submit_arguments = -W depend=afterany:74163 u-100-l-96.job
    project = _pbs_project_default

Job Id: 74165.mycluster
    Job_Name = u-100-l-97.job
    Job_Owner = user3@mycluster.cluster
    job_state = H
    queue = Q_normal
    server = mycluster
    Checkpoint = u
    ctime = Fri Apr 12 15:22:01 2013
    depend = afterany:74164.mycluster@mycluster.cluster,
    Error_Path = mycluster.cluster:/scratch/user3/ubiquitin/100gL/starting-from
    Hold_Types = s
    Join_Path = oe
    Keep_Files = n
    Mail_Points = abe
    Mail_Users =
    mtime = Fri Apr 12 15:22:07 2013
    Output_Path = mycluster.cluster:/scratch/user3/ubiquitin/100gL/starting-fro
    Priority = 0
    qtime = Fri Apr 12 15:22:01 2013
    Rerunable = False
    Resource_List.mpiprocs = 32
    Resource_List.ncpus = 32
    Resource_List.nodect = 2 = excl = 2:ncpus=16:mpiprocs=16
    Resource_List.walltime = 24:00:00
    substate = 22
    Variable_List = PBS_O_SYSTEM=Linux,PBS_O_SHELL=/bin/bash,
    Submit_arguments = -W depend=afterany:74164 u-100-l-97.job
    project = _pbs_project_default


## This contains in the 10-th job unexpected newlines
## in the sched_hint field. Still, it should parse correctly.
text_qstat_f_to_test_with_unexpected_newlines = """Job Id: 549159
    Job_Name = somejob
    Job_Owner = user_549159
    job_state = H
    queue = ShortQ
    server = service1
    Account_Name = account_549159
    Checkpoint = u
    ctime = Sun Jun 21 07:09:41 2015
    depend =
    Error_Path = host.domain:/some/path/to/sth/ASSP
    Hold_Types = s
    Join_Path = oe
    Keep_Files = n
    Mail_Points = bea
    Mail_Users = usermail@domain1
    mtime = Sun Jun 21 07:09:41 2015
    Output_Path = host.domain:/some/path/to/sth/GL
    Priority = 0
    qtime = Sun Jun 21 07:09:41 2015
    Rerunable = False
    Resource_List.nodect = 4
    Resource_List.nodes = 4:ppn=24
    Resource_List.walltime = 09:00:00
    euser = user_549159
    egroup = users
    queue_type = E
    submit_args = -W depend=afterok:549158 somejob.pbs
    fault_tolerant = False
    job_radix = 0
    submit_host = host.domain1

Job Id: 555716
    Job_Name = ini_J2
    Job_Owner = somebody@host.domain
    resources_used.cput = 500:13:39
    resources_used.energy_used = 0
    resources_used.mem = 20716400kb
    resources_used.vmem = 23534576kb
    resources_used.walltime = 41:45:13
    job_state = R
    queue = ProdQ
    server = service1
    Account_Name = dias01
    Checkpoint = u
    ctime = Fri Jun 26 14:04:56 2015
    Error_Path = host:/down/the/path/test
    exec_host = r2i4n13/0-23+r1i2n12/0-23+r1i2n11/0-23+r1i1n15/0-23
    Hold_Types = n
    Join_Path = oe
    Keep_Files = n
    Mail_Points = bea
    Mail_Users = usermail@mail.domain
    mtime = Sun Jun 28 23:20:51 2015
    Output_Path = host:/down/the/path/tes
    Priority = 0
    qtime = Fri Jun 26 14:04:56 2015
    Rerunable = False
    Resource_List.nodect = 4
    Resource_List.nodes = 4:ppn=24
    Resource_List.walltime = 70:00:00
    session_id = 21190
    euser = somebody
    egroup = users
    queue_type = E
    etime = Fri Jun 26 14:04:56 2015
    submit_args = runmem_CB_E
    start_time = Sun Jun 28 23:20:51 2015
    Walltime.Remaining = 101627
    start_count = 1
    fault_tolerant = False
    job_radix = 0
    submit_host = host.domain

Job Id: 556491
    Job_Name = somejob010
    Job_Owner = user_556491
    resources_used.cput = 1850:10:45
    resources_used.energy_used = 0
    resources_used.mem = 50392860kb
    resources_used.vmem = 77507412kb
    resources_used.walltime = 78:21:43
    job_state = R
    queue = LongQ
    server = service1
    Account_Name = some432472
    Checkpoint = u
    ctime = Sat Jun 27 10:44:32 2015
    Error_Path = host:/down/teh/path/ATc
    exec_host = r3i1n2/0-23
    Hold_Types = n
    Join_Path = n
    Keep_Files = n
    Mail_Points = ea
    Mail_Users = user@mail
    mtime = Sat Jun 27 10:45:06 2015
    Output_Path = host;/down/the/path/AT
    Priority = 0
    qtime = Sat Jun 27 10:44:32 2015
    Rerunable = False
    Resource_List.nodect = 1
    Resource_List.nodes = 1:ppn=24
    Resource_List.walltime = 144:00:00
    session_id = 28668
    euser = user_556491
    egroup = users
    queue_type = E
    etime = Sat Jun 27 10:44:32 2015
    submit_args = scriptname.pbs
    start_time = Sat Jun 27 10:45:06 2015
    Walltime.Remaining = 236282
    start_count = 1
    fault_tolerant = False
    job_radix = 0
    submit_host = host.domain

Job Id: 546437
    Job_Name = job_546437
    Job_Owner = user_546437
    resources_used.cput = 146:03:05
    resources_used.energy_used = 0
    resources_used.mem = 4199416kb
    resources_used.vmem = 10804052kb
    resources_used.walltime = 06:12:22
    job_state = C
    queue = ShortQ
    server = server.service.546437
    Account_Name = account_546437
    Checkpoint = u
    ctime = Thu Jun 18 16:10:46 2015
    depend = beforeok:546438@service1
    Error_Path = server.domain:/path/to/error/file
    exec_host = r2i7n16/0-23+r2i6n14/0-23+r2i6n1/0-23+r1i7n8/0-23
    Hold_Types = n
    Join_Path = oe
    Keep_Files = n
    Mail_Points = bea
    Mail_Users = usermail_546437@domain.546437
    mtime = Thu Jun 18 22:36:03 2015
    Output_Path = server.domain:/path/to/output/file
    Priority = 0
    qtime = Thu Jun 18 16:10:46 2015
    Rerunable = False
    Resource_List.nodect = 4
    Resource_List.nodes = 4:ppn=24
    Resource_List.walltime = 08:00:00
    session_id = 7054
    euser = user_546437
    egroup = group_546437
    queue_type = E
    etime = Thu Jun 18 16:10:46 2015
    exit_status = 271
    submit_args = args_546437.ext
    start_time = Thu Jun 18 16:23:35 2015
    start_count = 1
    fault_tolerant = False
    job_radix = 0
    submit_host = host_546437.domain

Job Id: 547637
    Job_Name = job_546437
    Job_Owner = user_546437
    job_state = Q
    queue = ShortQ
    server = server.service.546437
    Account_Name = account_546437
    Checkpoint = u
    ctime = Fri Jun 19 14:00:43 2015
    Error_Path = server.domain:/path/to/error/file

    Hold_Types = n
    Join_Path = oe
    Keep_Files = n
    Mail_Points = bea
    Mail_Users = usermail_546437@domain.546437
    mtime = Fri Jun 19 14:00:43 2015
    Output_Path = server.domain:/path/to/output/file
    Priority = 0
    qtime = Fri Jun 19 14:00:43 2015
    Rerunable = False
    Resource_List.nodect = 1
    Resource_List.nodes = 1:ppn=24
    Resource_List.walltime = 24:00:00
    euser = user_546437
    egroup = group_546437
    queue_type = E
    etime = Fri Jun 19 14:00:43 2015
    submit_args = args_546437.ext
    fault_tolerant = False
    job_radix = 0
    submit_host = host_546437.domain

Job Id: 547683
    Job_Name = job_547683
    Job_Owner = user_547683
    job_state = Q
    queue = ShortQ
    server = server.service.547683
    Account_Name = account_547683
    Checkpoint = u
    ctime = Fri Jun 19 14:58:08 2015
    Error_Path = server.domain:/path/to/error/file
    Hold_Types = n
    Join_Path = oe
    Keep_Files = n
    Mail_Points = ea
    Mail_Users = usermail_547683@domain.547683
    mtime = Fri Jun 19 14:58:08 2015
    Output_Path = server.domain:/path/to/output/file
    Priority = 0
    qtime = Fri Jun 19 14:58:08 2015
    Rerunable = False
    Resource_List.nodect = 1
    Resource_List.nodes = 1:ppn=24
    Resource_List.walltime = 23:30:00
    euser = user_547683
    egroup = group_547683
    queue_type = E
    etime = Fri Jun 19 14:58:08 2015
    submit_args = args_547683.ext
    fault_tolerant = False
    job_radix = 0
    submit_host = host_547683.domain

Job Id: 549004
    Job_Name = job_549004
    Job_Owner = user_549004
    job_state = Q
    queue = ProdQ
    server = server.service.549004
    Account_Name = account_549004
    Checkpoint = u
    ctime = Sat Jun 20 21:25:20 2015
    Error_Path = server.domain:/path/to/error/file
    Hold_Types = n
    Join_Path = oe
    Keep_Files = n
    Mail_Points = bea
    mtime = Sat Jun 20 21:25:20 2015
    Output_Path = server.domain:/path/to/output/file
    Priority = 0
    qtime = Sat Jun 20 21:25:20 2015
    Rerunable = False
    Resource_List.nodect = 1
    Resource_List.nodes = 1:ppn=24
    Resource_List.walltime = 48:00:00
    euser = user_549004
    egroup = group_549004
    queue_type = E
    etime = Sat Jun 20 21:25:20 2015
    submit_args = args_549004ext
    fault_tolerant = False
    job_radix = 0
    submit_host = host_549004.domain

Job Id: 549005
    Job_Name = job_549004
    Job_Owner = user_549004
    job_state = Q
    queue = ProdQ
    server = server.service.549004
    Account_Name = account_549004
    Checkpoint = u
    ctime = Sat Jun 20 21:25:24 2015
    Error_Path = server.domain:/path/to/error/file
    Hold_Types = n
    Join_Path = oe
    Keep_Files = n
    Mail_Points = bea
    mtime = Sat Jun 20 21:25:24 2015
    Output_Path = server.domain:/path/to/output/file
    Priority = 0
    qtime = Sat Jun 20 21:25:24 2015
    Rerunable = False
    Resource_List.nodect = 1
    Resource_List.nodes = 1:ppn=24
    Resource_List.walltime = 48:00:00
    euser = user_549004
    egroup = group_549004
    queue_type = E
    etime = Sat Jun 20 21:25:24 2015
    submit_args = args_549004.ext
    fault_tolerant = False
    job_radix = 0
    submit_host = host_549004.domain

Job Id: 549008
    Job_Name = job_549008
    Job_Owner = user_549008
    job_state = Q
    queue = ProdQ
    server = server.service.549008
    Account_Name = account_549008
    Checkpoint = u
    ctime = Sat Jun 20 21:25:39 2015
    Error_Path = server.domain:/path/to/error/file
    Hold_Types = n
    Join_Path = oe
    Keep_Files = n
    Mail_Points = bea
    mtime = Sat Jun 20 21:25:39 2015
    Output_Path = server.domain:/path/to/output/file
    Priority = 0
    qtime = Sat Jun 20 21:25:39 2015
    Rerunable = False
    Resource_List.nodect = 1
    Resource_List.nodes = 1:ppn=24
    Resource_List.walltime = 48:00:00
    euser = user_549008
    egroup = group_549008
    queue_type = E
    etime = Sat Jun 20 21:25:39 2015
    submit_args = args_549008.ext
    fault_tolerant = False
    job_radix = 0
    submit_host = host_549008.domain

Job Id: 543984
    Job_Name = job_543984
    Job_Owner = user_543984
    resources_used.cput = 641:36:16
    resources_used.energy_used = 0
    resources_used.mem = 3815752kb
    resources_used.vmem = 12122136kb
    resources_used.walltime = 35:47:31
    job_state = C
    queue = ProdQ
    server = server.service.543984
    Account_Name = account_543984
    Checkpoint = u
    ctime = Wed Jun 17 09:16:05 2015
    depend = beforeany:545943@service1
    Error_Path = server.domain:/path/to/error/file
    exec_host = r2i7n17/0-23+r2i0n11/0-23+r2i6n17/0-23+r2i0n5/0-23+r2i7n1/0-23
    Hold_Types = n
    Join_Path = n
    Keep_Files = n
    Mail_Points = n
    Mail_Users = usermail_543984@domain.543984
    mtime = Thu Jun 18 22:36:12 2015
    Output_Path = server.domain:/path/to/output/file
    Priority = 0
    qtime = Wed Jun 17 09:16:05 2015
    Rerunable = False
    Resource_List.nodect = 32
    Resource_List.nodes = 32:ppn=24
    Resource_List.walltime = 71:59:59
    session_id = 47630
    euser = user_543984
    egroup = group_543984
    queue_type = E
    sched_hint = Post job file processing error; job 543984 on host r2i7n17

\tnable to copy file 543984.OU to /some/path/on/the/cluster/MHD
\t error 1
*** error from copy
/bin/cp: cannot stat `543984.OU': No suc
\th file or directory
*** end error output

Unable to copy file 543984.E
\tR to /some/path/on/the/cluster/something_Mp=318.,
\t error 1
*** error from copy
/bin/cp: cannot stat `543984.ER': No suc
\th file or directory
*** end error output
    etime = Wed Jun 17 09:16:05 2015
    exit_status = 271
    submit_args = args_XX.ext
\txyz -l nodes=32:ppn=24,walltime=71:59:59 -v RESUME=true,SMP=24,
\tNOPFS=false -d /some/path/ /some/other/pa
    start_time = Wed Jun 17 10:48:24 2015
    start_count = 1
    fault_tolerant = False
    job_radix = 0
    submit_host = host_XX.domain

[docs]class TestParserQstat(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests to verify if teh function _parse_joblist_output behave correctly The tests is done parsing a string defined above, to be used offline """
[docs] def test_parse_common_joblist_output(self): """ Test whether _parse_joblist can parse the qstat -f output """ scheduler = PbsproScheduler() retval = 0 stdout = text_qstat_f_to_test stderr = '' job_list = scheduler._parse_joblist_output(retval, stdout, stderr) # The parameters are hard coded in the text to parse job_on_cluster = 6 job_parsed = len(job_list) self.assertEquals(job_parsed, job_on_cluster) job_running = 2 job_running_parsed = len([j for j in job_list if j.job_state \ and j.job_state == JobState.RUNNING]) self.assertEquals(job_running, job_running_parsed) job_held = 2 job_held_parsed = len([j for j in job_list if j.job_state \ and j.job_state == JobState.QUEUED_HELD]) self.assertEquals(job_held, job_held_parsed) job_queued = 2 job_queued_parsed = len([j for j in job_list if j.job_state \ and j.job_state == JobState.QUEUED]) self.assertEquals(job_queued, job_queued_parsed) running_users = ['user02', 'user3'] parsed_running_users = [j.job_owner for j in job_list if j.job_state \ and j.job_state == JobState.RUNNING] self.assertEquals(set(running_users), set(parsed_running_users)) running_jobs = ['69301.mycluster', '74164.mycluster'] parsed_running_jobs = [j.job_id for j in job_list if j.job_state \ and j.job_state == JobState.RUNNING] self.assertEquals(set(running_jobs), set(parsed_running_jobs)) for j in job_list: if j.allocated_machines: num_machines = 0 num_cpus = 0 for n in j.allocated_machines: num_machines += 1 num_cpus += n.num_cpus self.assertTrue(j.num_machines == num_machines) self.assertTrue(j.num_cpus == num_cpus)
# TODO : parse the env_vars
[docs] def test_parse_with_unexpected_newlines(self): """ Test whether _parse_joblist can parse the qstat -f output also when there are unexpected newlines """ scheduler = PbsproScheduler() retval = 0 stdout = text_qstat_f_to_test_with_unexpected_newlines stderr = '' job_list = scheduler._parse_joblist_output(retval, stdout, stderr) # The parameters are hard coded in the text to parse job_on_cluster = 10 job_parsed = len(job_list) self.assertEquals(job_parsed, job_on_cluster) job_running = 2 job_running_parsed = len([j for j in job_list if j.job_state \ and j.job_state == JobState.RUNNING]) self.assertEquals(job_running, job_running_parsed) job_held = 1 job_held_parsed = len([j for j in job_list if j.job_state \ and j.job_state == JobState.QUEUED_HELD]) self.assertEquals(job_held, job_held_parsed) job_queued = 5 job_queued_parsed = len([j for j in job_list if j.job_state \ and j.job_state == JobState.QUEUED]) self.assertEquals(job_queued, job_queued_parsed) running_users = ['somebody', 'user_556491'] parsed_running_users = [j.job_owner for j in job_list if j.job_state \ and j.job_state == JobState.RUNNING] self.assertEquals(set(running_users), set(parsed_running_users)) running_jobs = ['555716', '556491'] parsed_running_jobs = [j.job_id for j in job_list if j.job_state \ and j.job_state == JobState.RUNNING] self.assertEquals(set(running_jobs), set(parsed_running_jobs)) for j in job_list: if j.allocated_machines: num_machines = 0 num_cpus = 0 for n in j.allocated_machines: num_machines += 1 num_cpus += n.num_cpus self.assertTrue(j.num_machines == num_machines) self.assertTrue(j.num_cpus == num_cpus)
# TODO : parse the env_vars # TODO: WHEN WE USE THE CORRECT ERROR MANAGEMENT, REIMPLEMENT THIS TEST # def test_parse_with_error_retval(self): # """ # The qstat -f command has received a retval != 0 # """ # s = PbsproScheduler() # retval = 1 # stdout = text_qstat_f_to_test # stderr = '' # # Disable logging to avoid excessive output during test # logging.disable(logging.ERROR) # with self.assertRaises(SchedulerError): # job_list = s._parse_joblist_output(retval, stdout, stderr) # # Reset logging level # logging.disable(logging.NOTSET) # def test_parse_with_error_stderr(self): # """ # The qstat -f command has received a stderr # """ # s = PbsproScheduler() # retval = 0 # stdout = text_qstat_f_to_test # stderr = 'A non empty error message' # # TODO : catch the logging error # job_list = s._parse_joblist_output(retval, stdout, stderr) # # print s._logger._log, dir(s._logger._log),'!!!!'
[docs]class TestSubmitScript(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_submit_script(self): """ Test to verify if scripts works fine with default options """ from aiida.schedulers.datastructures import JobTemplate from aiida.common.datastructures import CodeInfo, CodeRunMode scheduler = PbsproScheduler() job_tmpl = JobTemplate() job_tmpl.shebang = '#!/bin/bash -l' job_tmpl.job_resource = scheduler.create_job_resource(num_machines=1, num_mpiprocs_per_machine=1) job_tmpl.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) job_tmpl.max_wallclock_seconds = 24 * 3600 code_info = CodeInfo() code_info.cmdline_params = ["mpirun", "-np", "23", "pw.x", "-npool", "1"] code_info.stdin_name = '' job_tmpl.codes_info = [code_info] job_tmpl.codes_run_mode = CodeRunMode.SERIAL submit_script_text = scheduler.get_submit_script(job_tmpl) self.assertTrue('#PBS -r n' in submit_script_text) self.assertTrue(submit_script_text.startswith('#!/bin/bash -l')) self.assertTrue('#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00' in submit_script_text) self.assertTrue('#PBS -l select=1' in submit_script_text) self.assertTrue("'mpirun' '-np' '23' 'pw.x' '-npool' '1'" + \ " < ''" in submit_script_text)
[docs] def test_submit_script_bad_shebang(self): """ Test to verify if scripts works fine with default options """ from aiida.schedulers.datastructures import JobTemplate from aiida.common.datastructures import CodeInfo, CodeRunMode scheduler = PbsproScheduler() code_info = CodeInfo() code_info.cmdline_params = ["mpirun", "-np", "23", "pw.x", "-npool", "1"] code_info.stdin_name = '' for (shebang, expected_first_line) in ((None, '#!/bin/bash'), ("", ""), ("NOSET", '#!/bin/bash')): job_tmpl = JobTemplate() if shebang == "NOSET": pass else: job_tmpl.shebang = shebang job_tmpl.job_resource = scheduler.create_job_resource(num_machines=1, num_mpiprocs_per_machine=1) job_tmpl.codes_info = [code_info] job_tmpl.codes_run_mode = CodeRunMode.SERIAL submit_script_text = scheduler.get_submit_script(job_tmpl) # This tests if the implementation correctly chooses the default: self.assertEquals(submit_script_text.split('\n')[0], expected_first_line)
[docs] def test_submit_script_with_num_cores_per_machine(self): """ Test to verify if script works fine if we specify only num_cores_per_machine value. """ from aiida.schedulers.datastructures import JobTemplate from aiida.common.datastructures import CodeInfo, CodeRunMode scheduler = PbsproScheduler() job_tmpl = JobTemplate() job_tmpl.shebang = '#!/bin/bash' job_tmpl.job_resource = scheduler.create_job_resource( num_machines=1, num_mpiprocs_per_machine=2, num_cores_per_machine=24) job_tmpl.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) job_tmpl.max_wallclock_seconds = 24 * 3600 code_info = CodeInfo() code_info.cmdline_params = ["mpirun", "-np", "23", "pw.x", "-npool", "1"] code_info.stdin_name = '' job_tmpl.codes_info = [code_info] job_tmpl.codes_run_mode = CodeRunMode.SERIAL submit_script_text = scheduler.get_submit_script(job_tmpl) self.assertTrue('#PBS -r n' in submit_script_text) self.assertTrue(submit_script_text.startswith('#!/bin/bash')) self.assertTrue('#PBS -l select=1:mpiprocs=2' in submit_script_text) # Note: here 'num_cores_per_machine' should NOT override the mpiprocs self.assertTrue("'mpirun' '-np' '23' 'pw.x' '-npool' '1'" + " < ''" in submit_script_text)
[docs] def test_submit_script_with_num_cores_per_mpiproc(self): """ Test to verify if scripts works fine if we pass only num_cores_per_mpiproc value """ from aiida.schedulers.datastructures import JobTemplate from aiida.common.datastructures import CodeInfo, CodeRunMode scheduler = PbsproScheduler() job_tmpl = JobTemplate() job_tmpl.shebang = '#!/bin/bash' job_tmpl.job_resource = scheduler.create_job_resource( num_machines=1, num_mpiprocs_per_machine=1, num_cores_per_mpiproc=24) job_tmpl.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) job_tmpl.max_wallclock_seconds = 24 * 3600 code_info = CodeInfo() code_info.cmdline_params = ["mpirun", "-np", "23", "pw.x", "-npool", "1"] code_info.stdin_name = '' job_tmpl.codes_info = [code_info] job_tmpl.codes_run_mode = CodeRunMode.SERIAL submit_script_text = scheduler.get_submit_script(job_tmpl) self.assertTrue('#PBS -r n' in submit_script_text) self.assertTrue(submit_script_text.startswith('#!/bin/bash')) self.assertTrue('#PBS -l select=1:mpiprocs=1:ppn=24' in submit_script_text) # Note: here 'num_cores_per_machine' should NOT override the mpiprocs self.assertTrue("'mpirun' '-np' '23' 'pw.x' '-npool' '1'" + " < ''" in submit_script_text)
[docs] def test_submit_script_with_num_cores_per_machine_and_mpiproc1(self): """ Test to verify if scripts works fine if we pass both num_cores_per_machine and num_cores_per_mpiproc correct values. It should pass in check: res.num_cores_per_mpiproc * res.num_mpiprocs_per_machine = res.num_cores_per_machine """ from aiida.schedulers.datastructures import JobTemplate from aiida.common.datastructures import CodeInfo, CodeRunMode scheduler = PbsproScheduler() job_tmpl = JobTemplate() job_tmpl.shebang = '#!/bin/bash' job_tmpl.job_resource = scheduler.create_job_resource( num_machines=1, num_mpiprocs_per_machine=1, num_cores_per_machine=24, num_cores_per_mpiproc=24) job_tmpl.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) job_tmpl.max_wallclock_seconds = 24 * 3600 code_info = CodeInfo() code_info.cmdline_params = ["mpirun", "-np", "23", "pw.x", "-npool", "1"] code_info.stdin_name = '' job_tmpl.codes_info = [code_info] job_tmpl.codes_run_mode = CodeRunMode.SERIAL submit_script_text = scheduler.get_submit_script(job_tmpl) self.assertTrue('#PBS -r n' in submit_script_text) self.assertTrue(submit_script_text.startswith('#!/bin/bash')) self.assertTrue('#PBS -l select=1:mpiprocs=1:ppn=24' in submit_script_text) # Note: here 'num_cores_per_machine' should NOT override the mpiprocs self.assertTrue("'mpirun' '-np' '23' 'pw.x' '-npool' '1'" + " < ''" in submit_script_text)
[docs] def test_submit_script_with_num_cores_per_machine_and_mpiproc2(self): """ Test to verify if scripts works fine if we pass num_cores_per_machine and num_cores_per_mpiproc wrong values. It should fail in check: res.num_cores_per_mpiproc * res.num_mpiprocs_per_machine = res.num_cores_per_machine """ from aiida.schedulers.datastructures import JobTemplate scheduler = PbsproScheduler() job_tmpl = JobTemplate() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): job_tmpl.job_resource = scheduler.create_job_resource( num_machines=1, num_mpiprocs_per_machine=1, num_cores_per_machine=24, num_cores_per_mpiproc=23)