Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
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from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import copy
import re

from six.moves import zip
import numpy as np

from aiida.common.constants import elements
from import Kind, Site, StructureData
from aiida.engine import calcfunction

__all__ = ('structure_to_spglib_tuple', 'spglib_tuple_to_structure')

def _get_cif_ase_inline(struct, parameters):
    Creates :py:class:`` using ASE.

    .. note:: requires ASE module.
    from aiida.orm import CifData

    kwargs = {}
    if parameters is not None:
        kwargs = parameters.get_dict()
    cif = CifData(ase=struct.get_ase(**kwargs))
    formula = struct.get_formula(mode='hill', separator=' ')
    for i in cif.values.keys():
        cif.values[i]['_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M'] = 'P 1'
        cif.values[i]['_symmetry_space_group_name_Hall'] = 'P 1'
        cif.values[i]['_symmetry_Int_Tables_number'] = 1
        cif.values[i]['_cell_formula_units_Z'] = 1
        cif.values[i]['_chemical_formula_sum'] = formula
    return {'cif': cif}

[docs]def structure_to_spglib_tuple(structure): """ Convert an AiiDA structure to a tuple of the format (cell, scaled_positions, element_numbers). :param structure: the AiiDA structure :return: (structure_tuple, kind_info, kinds) where structure_tuple is a tuple of format (cell, scaled_positions, element_numbers); kind_info is a dictionary mapping the kind_names to the numbers used in element_numbers. When possible, it uses the Z number of the element, otherwise it uses numbers > 1000; kinds is a list of the kinds of the structure. """ def get_new_number(the_list, start_from): """ Get the first integer >= start_from not yet in the list """ retval = start_from comp_list = sorted(_ for _ in the_list if _ >= start_from) current_pos = 0 found = False while not found: if len(comp_list) <= current_pos: return retval if retval == comp_list[current_pos]: current_pos += 1 retval += 1 else: found = True return retval Z = {v['symbol']: k for k, v in elements.items()} cell = np.array(structure.cell) abs_pos = np.array([_.position for _ in structure.sites]) rel_pos =, np.linalg.inv(cell)) kinds = { k for k in structure.kinds} kind_numbers = {} for kind in structure.kinds: if len(kind.symbols) == 1: realnumber = Z[kind.symbols[0]] if realnumber in kind_numbers.values(): number = get_new_number( list(kind_numbers.values()), start_from=realnumber * 1000) else: number = realnumber kind_numbers[] = number else: number = get_new_number(list(kind_numbers.values()), start_from=200000) kind_numbers[] = number numbers = [kind_numbers[s.kind_name] for s in structure.sites] return ((cell, rel_pos, numbers), kind_numbers, list(structure.kinds))
[docs]def spglib_tuple_to_structure(structure_tuple, kind_info=None, kinds=None): """ Convert a tuple of the format (cell, scaled_positions, element_numbers) to an AiiDA structure. Unless the element_numbers are identical to the Z number of the atoms, you should pass both kind_info and kinds, with the same format as returned by get_tuple_from_aiida_structure. :param structure_tuple: the structure in format (structure_tuple, kind_info) :param kind_info: a dictionary mapping the kind_names to the numbers used in element_numbers. If not provided, assumes {element_name: element_Z} :param kinds: a list of the kinds of the structure. """ if kind_info is None and kinds is not None: raise ValueError("If you pass kind_info, you should also pass kinds") if kinds is None and kind_info is not None: raise ValueError("If you pass kinds, you should also pass kind_info") Z = {v['symbol']: k for k, v in elements.items()} cell, rel_pos, numbers = structure_tuple if kind_info: _kind_info = copy.copy(kind_info) _kinds = copy.copy(kinds) else: try: # For each site symbols = [elements[num]['symbol'] for num in numbers] except KeyError as exc: raise ValueError("You did not pass kind_info, but at least one number " "is not a valid Z number: {}".format(exc.args[0])) _kind_info = {elements[num]['symbol']: num for num in set(numbers)} # Get the default kinds _kinds = [Kind(symbols=sym) for sym in set(symbols)] _kinds_dict = { k for k in _kinds} # Now I will use in any case _kinds and _kind_info if len(_kind_info) != len(set(_kind_info.values())): raise ValueError( "There is at least a number repeated twice in kind_info!") # Invert the mapping mapping_num_kindname = {v: k for k, v in _kind_info.items()} # Create the actual mapping try: mapping_to_kinds = {num: _kinds_dict[kindname] for num, kindname in mapping_num_kindname.items()} except KeyError as exc: raise ValueError( "Unable to find '{}' in the kinds list".format(exc.args[0])) try: site_kinds = [mapping_to_kinds[num] for num in numbers] except KeyError as exc: raise ValueError("Unable to find kind in kind_info for number {}".format(exc.args[0])) structure = StructureData(cell=cell) for k in _kinds: structure.append_kind(k) abs_pos =, cell) if len(abs_pos) != len(site_kinds): raise ValueError("The length of the positions array is different from the " "length of the element numbers") for kind, pos in zip(site_kinds, abs_pos): structure.append_site(Site(, position=pos)) return structure
def xyz_parser_iterator(xyz_string): """ Yields a tuple `(natoms, comment, atomiter)`for each frame in a XYZ file where `atomiter` is an iterator yielding a nested tuple `(symbol, (x, y, z))` for each entry. :param xyz_string: a string containing XYZ-structured text """ class BlockIterator(object): """ An iterator for wrapping the iterator returned by `match.finditer` to extract the required fields directly from the match object """ def __init__(self, it, natoms): self._it = it self._natoms = natoms self._catom = 0 def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring try: match = next(self._it) except StopIteration: # if we reached the number of atoms declared, everything is well # and we re-raise the StopIteration exception if self._catom == self._natoms: raise else: # otherwise we got too less entries raise TypeError("Number of atom entries ({}) is smaller than the number of atoms ({})".format( self._catom, self._natoms)) self._catom += 1 if self._catom > self._natoms: raise TypeError("Number of atom entries ({}) is larger than the number of atoms ({})".format( self._catom, self._natoms)) return ('sym'), (float('x')), float('y')), float('z')))) def next(self): """ The iterator method expected by python 2.x, implemented as python 3.x style method. """ return self.__next__() pos_regex = re.compile( r""" ^ # Linestart [ \t]* # Optional white space (?P<sym>[A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9]*)\s+ # get the symbol (?P<x> [\+\-]? ( \d*[\.]\d+ | \d+[\.]?\d* ) ([Ee][\+\-]?\d+)? ) [ \t]+ # Get x (?P<y> [\+\-]? ( \d*[\.]\d+ | \d+[\.]?\d* ) ([Ee][\+\-]?\d+)? ) [ \t]+ # Get y (?P<z> [\+\-]? ( \d*[\.]\d+ | \d+[\.]?\d* ) ([Ee][\+\-]?\d+)? ) # Get z """, re.X | re.M) pos_block_regex = re.compile( r""" # First line contains an integer # and only an integer: the number of atoms ^[ \t]* (?P<natoms> [0-9]+) [ \t]*[\n] # End first line (?P<comment>.*) [\n] # The second line is a comment (?P<positions> # This is the block of positions ( ( \s* # White space in front of the element spec is ok ( [A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9]* # Element spec ( \s+ # White space in front of the number [\+\-]? # Plus or minus in front of the number (optional) ( ( \d* # optional decimal in the beginning .0001 is ok, for example [\.] # There has to be a dot followed by \d+ # at least one decimal ) | # OR ( \d+ # at least one decimal, followed by [\.]? # an optional dot \d* # followed by optional decimals ) ) ([Ee][\+\-]?\d+)? # optional exponents E+03, e-05 ){3} # I expect three float values | \# # If a line is commented out, that is also ok ) .* # ignore what is after the comment or the position spec | # OR \s* # A line only containing white space ) [\n] # line break at the end )+ ) # A positions block should be one or more lines """, re.X | re.M) for block in pos_block_regex.finditer(xyz_string): natoms = int('natoms')) yield (natoms,'comment'), BlockIterator(pos_regex.finditer('positions')), natoms))