Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
# For further information please visit               #

from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division

from six import int2byte
from six.moves import range

import io

from aiida.engine import calcfunction
from aiida.orm import Dict
from aiida.plugins import DataFactory

aiida_executable_name = ''
inline_executable_name = ''

tcod_loops = {
    '_tcod_file': [
    '_tcod_computation': [
    '_tcod_content_encoding': [
    '_audit_conform': [
    '_dft_atom_basisset': [
    '_tcod_atom_site_resid_force_Cartn_': [
    '_dft_pseudopotential_': [

conforming_dictionaries = [
        'name': 'cif_tcod.dic',
        'version': '0.010',
        'url': ''
        'name': 'cif_dft.dic',
        'version': '0.020',
        'url': ''

default_options = {
    'code': 'cif_cod_deposit',
    'dump_aiida_database': True,
    'exclude_external_contents': False,
    'gzip': False,
    'gzip_threshold': 1024,
    'reduce_symmetry': True,

[docs]def cif_encode_contents(content, gzip=False, gzip_threshold=1024): """ Encodes data for usage in CIF text field in a *best possible* way: binary data is encoded using Base64 encoding; text with non-ASCII symbols, too long lines or lines starting with semicolons (';') is encoded using Quoted-printable encoding. The encoding is performed byte-by-byte, so Unicode code points spanning more than one byte will be split and encoded separately. :param content: the content to be encoded in bytes :return content: encoded content in bytes :return encoding: a string specifying used encoding (None, 'base64', 'ncr', 'quoted-printable', 'gzip+base64') """ import re method = None if len(content) == 0: # content is empty method = None elif gzip and len(content) >= gzip_threshold: # content is larger than some arbitrary value and should be gzipped method = 'gzip+base64' elif len(re.findall(b'[^\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E]', content))/len(content) > 0.25: # contents are assumed to be binary method = 'base64' elif'^\s*data_',content) is not None or \'\n\s*data_',content) is not None: # contents have CIF datablock header-like lines, that may be # dangerous when parsed with primitive parsers method = 'base64' elif'.{2048}.',content) is not None: # lines are too long method = 'quoted-printable' elif len(re.findall(b'[^\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E]', content)) > 0: # contents have non-ASCII symbols method = 'quoted-printable' elif'^;', content) is not None or'\n;', content) is not None: # content has lines starting with semicolon (';') method = 'quoted-printable' elif'\t', content) is not None: # content has TAB symbols, which may be lost during the # parsing of TCOD CIF file method = 'quoted-printable' elif content == b'.' or content == b'?': method = 'quoted-printable' else: method = None if method == 'base64': content = encode_textfield_base64(content) elif method == 'quoted-printable': content = encode_textfield_quoted_printable(content) elif method == 'ncr': content = encode_textfield_ncr(content) elif method == 'gzip+base64': content = encode_textfield_gzip_base64(content) return content, method
[docs]def encode_textfield_base64(content, foldwidth=76): """ Encodes the contents for CIF textfield in Base64 using standard Python implementation (``base64.standard_b64encode()``). :param content: contents as bytes :param foldwidth: maximum width of line (default is 76) :return: encoded string as bytes """ import base64 content = base64.standard_b64encode(content) content = b"\n".join(list(content[i:i + foldwidth] for i in range(0, len(content), foldwidth))) return content
[docs]def decode_textfield_base64(content): """ Decodes the contents for CIF textfield from Base64 using standard Python implementation (``base64.standard_b64decode()``) :param content: contents as bytes :return: decoded string as bytes """ import base64 return base64.standard_b64decode(content)
[docs]def encode_textfield_quoted_printable(content): """ Encodes the contents for CIF textfield in quoted-printable encoding. In addition to non-ASCII characters, that are encoded by Python function ``quopri.encodestring()``, following characters are encoded: * '``;``', if encountered on the beginning of the line; * '``\\t``' and '``\\r``'; * '``.``' and '``?``', if comprise the entire textfield. :param content: contents as bytes :return: encoded string as bytes """ import re import quopri content = quopri.encodestring(content) def match2qp(m): prefix = b'' if 'prefix' in m.groupdict().keys(): prefix ='prefix') h = hex(ord('chr')))[2:].upper() if len(h) == 1: h = "0{}".format(h) return b"%s=%s" % (prefix, h.encode('utf-8')) content = re.sub(b'^(?P<chr>;)', match2qp, content) content = re.sub(b'(?P<chr>[\t\r])', match2qp, content) content = re.sub(b'(?P<prefix>\n)(?P<chr>;)', match2qp, content) content = re.sub(b'^(?P<chr>[\.\?])$', match2qp, content) return content
[docs]def decode_textfield_quoted_printable(content): """ Decodes the contents for CIF textfield from quoted-printable encoding. :param content: contents as bytes :return: decoded string as bytes """ import quopri return quopri.decodestring(content)
[docs]def encode_textfield_ncr(content): """ Encodes the contents for CIF textfield in Numeric Character Reference. Encoded characters: * ``\\x09``, ``\\x0A``, ``\\x0D``, ``\\x20``--``\\x7E``; * '``;``', if encountered on the beginning of the line; * '``\\t``' * '``.``' and '``?``', if comprise the entire textfield. :param content: contents as bytes :return: encoded string as bytes """ import re def match2ncr(m): prefix = b'' if 'prefix' in m.groupdict().keys(): prefix ='prefix') return prefix + b'&#' + str(ord('chr'))).encode('utf-8') + b';' content = re.sub(b'(?P<chr>[&\t])', match2ncr, content) content = re.sub(b'(?P<chr>[^\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E])', match2ncr, content) content = re.sub(b'^(?P<chr>;)', match2ncr, content) content = re.sub(b'(?P<prefix>\n)(?P<chr>;)', match2ncr, content) content = re.sub(b'^(?P<chr>[\.\?])$', match2ncr, content) return content
[docs]def decode_textfield_ncr(content): """ Decodes the contents for CIF textfield from Numeric Character Reference. :param content: contents as bytes :return: decoded string as bytes """ import re def match2str(m): """ Function returns a byte with a value of the first group of regular expression. :param match: match result of re.sub :return: a single byte having a value of the first group in re.sub """ byte_value = int( return int2byte(byte_value) return re.sub(b'&#(\d+);', match2str, content)
[docs]def encode_textfield_gzip_base64(content, **kwargs): """ Gzips the given string and encodes it in Base64. :param content: contents as bytes :return: encoded string as bytes """ import gzip import tempfile with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fhandle: with, 'wb') as zipfile: zipfile.write(content) return encode_textfield_base64(, **kwargs)
[docs]def decode_textfield_gzip_base64(content): """ Decodes the contents for CIF textfield from Base64 and decompresses them with gzip. :param content: contents as bytes :return: decoded string as bytes """ import gzip import tempfile with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fhandle: fhandle.write(decode_textfield_base64(content)) fhandle.flush() with, 'rb') as zipfile: return
[docs]def decode_textfield(content, method): """ Decodes the contents of encoded CIF textfield. :param content: the content to be decoded as bytes :param method: method, which was used for encoding the contents (None, 'base64', 'ncr', 'quoted-printable', 'gzip+base64') :return: decoded content as bytes :raises ValueError: if the encoding method is unknown """ if method == 'base64': content = decode_textfield_base64(content) elif method == 'quoted-printable': content = decode_textfield_quoted_printable(content) elif method == 'ncr': content = decode_textfield_ncr(content) elif method == 'gzip+base64': content = decode_textfield_gzip_base64(content) elif method is not None: raise ValueError("Unknown content encoding: '{}'".format(method)) return content
[docs]def _get_calculation(node): """ Gets the parent (immediate) calculation, attached as the input of the node. :param node: an instance of subclass of :py:class:`aiida.orm.nodes.node.Node` :return: an instance of subclass of :py:class:`aiida.orm.nodes.process.process.ProcessNode` :raises aiida.common.MultipleObjectsError: if the node has more than one calculation attached. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import MultipleObjectsError from aiida.common.links import LinkType from aiida.orm import ProcessNode parent_calculations = node.get_incoming(node_class=ProcessNode, link_type=LinkType.CREATE).all() if len(parent_calculations) == 1: return parent_calculations[0].node elif len(parent_calculations) == 0: return None else: raise MultipleObjectsError("Node {} seems to have more than one " "parent (immediate) calculation -- " "exporter does not know which one of " "them produced the node".format(node))
[docs]def _assert_same_parents(a, b): """ Checks whether two supplied nodes have the same immediate parent. Can be used to check whether two data nodes originate from the same calculation. :param a: an instance of subclass of :py:class:`aiida.orm.nodes.node.Node` :param b: an instance of subclass of :py:class:`aiida.orm.nodes.node.Node` :raises ValueError: if the condition is not met. """ if a is None or b is None: return if _get_calculation(a) is None or _get_calculation(b) is None: raise ValueError("Either the exported node or parameters does " "not originate from a calculation -- this is " "not allowed, as the proper relation between " "these two objects can not be traced") if _get_calculation(a).pk != _get_calculation(b).pk: raise ValueError("Exported node and parameters must " "originate from the same calculation")
[docs]def _inline_to_standalone_script(calc): """ Create executable Python script for execution of inline script. .. note:: the output bash script may not always be correct, since it is simply formed from: * contents of the file, which contains the original ``\*_inline`` function; * call of the original ``\*_inline`` function with input nodes; * storing of the output nodes. Execution of generated bash script should result in ModificationNotAllowed exception, since the nodes, that are created by the ``\*_inline`` function, are already stored. """ args = ["{}=load_node('{}')".format(entry.link_label, entry.node.uuid) for entry in calc.get_incoming()] args_string = ',\n '.join(sorted(args)) function_name = calc.function_name function_namespace = calc.function_namespace if function_name is None: function_name = 'f' if function_namespace is None: function_namespace = '__main__' code_string = calc.get_function_source_code() if function_namespace.startswith('aiida.'): code_string = "from {} import {}".format(function_namespace, function_name) return """#!/usr/bin/env runaiida {} for key, value in {}( {} ).items(): """.format(code_string, function_name, args_string)
[docs]def _collect_calculation_data(calc): """ Recursively collects calculations from the tree, starting at given calculation. """ from aiida.common.links import LinkType from aiida.orm import Data, CalculationNode, CalcJobNode, CalcFunctionNode, WorkflowNode import hashlib import os calcs_now = [] for d in calc.get_incoming(node_class=Data, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC): for c in d.node.get_incoming(node_class=CalculationNode, link_type=LinkType.CREATE): calcs = _collect_calculation_data(c.node) calcs_now.extend(calcs) files_in = [] files_out = [] this_calc = { 'uuid' : calc.uuid, 'files': [], } if isinstance(calc, CalcJobNode): retrieved_abspath = calc.get_retrieved_node()._repository._get_base_folder().abspath files_in = _collect_files(calc._raw_input_folder.abspath) files_out = _collect_files(retrieved_abspath) this_calc['env'] = calc.get_option('environment_variables') stdout_name = '{}.out'.format(aiida_executable_name) while stdout_name in [files_in,files_out]: stdout_name = '_{}'.format(stdout_name) stderr_name = '{}.err'.format(aiida_executable_name) while stderr_name in [files_in,files_out]: stderr_name = '_{}'.format(stderr_name) # Output/error of schedulers are converted to bytes as file contents have to be bytes. if calc.get_scheduler_stdout() is not None: scheduler_output = calc.get_scheduler_stdout().encode('utf-8') files_out.append({ 'name' : stdout_name, 'contents': scheduler_output, 'md5' : hashlib.md5(scheduler_output).hexdigest(), 'sha1' : hashlib.sha1(scheduler_output).hexdigest(), 'role' : 'stdout', 'type' : 'file', }) this_calc['stdout'] = stdout_name if calc.get_scheduler_stderr() is not None: scheduler_error = calc.get_scheduler_stderr().encode('utf-8') files_out.append({ 'name' : stderr_name, 'contents': scheduler_error, 'md5' : hashlib.md5(scheduler_error).hexdigest(), 'sha1' : hashlib.sha1(scheduler_error).hexdigest(), 'role' : 'stderr', 'type' : 'file', }) this_calc['stderr'] = stderr_name elif isinstance(calc, CalcFunctionNode): # Calculation is CalcFunctionNode # Contents of scripts are converted to bytes as file contents have to be bytes. python_script = _inline_to_standalone_script(calc).encode('utf-8') files_in.append({ 'name' : inline_executable_name, 'contents': python_script, 'md5' : hashlib.md5(python_script).hexdigest(), 'sha1' : hashlib.sha1(python_script).hexdigest(), 'type' : 'file', }) shell_script = '#!/bin/bash\n\nverdi run {}\n'.format(inline_executable_name) shell_script = shell_script.encode('utf-8') files_in.append({ 'name' : aiida_executable_name, 'contents': shell_script, 'md5' : hashlib.md5(shell_script).hexdigest(), 'sha1' : hashlib.sha1(shell_script).hexdigest(), 'type' : 'file', }) elif isinstance(calc, WorkflowNode): # We do not know how to recreate a WorkflowNode so we pass pass else: raise ValueError('calculation is of an unexpected type {}'.format(type(calc))) for f in files_in: if os.path.basename(f['name']) == aiida_executable_name: f['role'] = 'script' else: f['role'] = 'input' this_calc['files'].append(f) for f in files_out: if os.path.basename(f['name']) != calc.get_option('scheduler_stdout') and \ os.path.basename(f['name']) != calc.get_option('scheduler_stderr'): if 'role' not in f.keys(): f['role'] = 'output' this_calc['files'].append(f) calcs_now.append(this_calc) return calcs_now
[docs]def _collect_files(base, path=''): """ Recursively collects files from the tree, starting at a given path. """ from aiida.common.folders import Folder from aiida.common.files import md5_file, sha1_file import os def get_dict(name, full_path): # note: we assume file is already utf8-encoded with, mode='rb') as f: the_dict = { 'name': path, 'contents':, 'md5': md5_file(full_path), 'sha1': sha1_file(full_path), 'type': 'file', } return the_dict def get_filename(file_dict): return file_dict['name'] if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base,path)): folder = Folder(os.path.join(base,path)) files_now = [] if path != '': if not path.endswith(os.sep): path = "{}{}".format(path,os.sep) if path != '': files_now.append({ 'name': path, 'type': 'folder', }) for f in folder.get_content_list(): files = _collect_files(base,path=os.path.join(path,f)) files_now.extend(files) return sorted(files_now,key=get_filename) elif path == '.aiida/calcinfo.json': files = [] files.append(get_dict(name=path, full_path=os.path.join(base, path))) from aiida.common import json with open(os.path.join(base,path)) as f: calcinfo = json.load(f) if 'local_copy_list' in calcinfo: for local_copy in calcinfo['local_copy_list']: files.append(get_dict(name=os.path.normpath(local_copy[1]), full_path=local_copy[0])) return files else: tmp = get_dict(name=path, full_path=os.path.join(base, path)) return [tmp]
[docs]def extend_with_cmdline_parameters(parser, expclass="Data"): """ Provides descriptions of command line options, that are used to control the process of exporting data to TCOD CIF files. :param parser: an argparse.Parser instance :param expclass: name of the exported class to be shown in help string for the command line options .. note:: This method must not set any default values for command line options in order not to clash with any other data export plugins. """ parser.add_argument('--reduce-symmetry', action='store_true', default=None, dest='reduce_symmetry', help="Perform symmetry reduction. " "Default option.") parser.add_argument('--no-reduce-symmetry', '--dont-reduce-symmetry', default=None, action='store_false', dest='reduce_symmetry', help="Do not perform symmetry reduction.") parser.add_argument('--parameter-data', type=int, default=None, help="ID of the Dict to be exported " "alongside the {} instance. " "By default, if {} originates from " "a calculation with single Dict " "in the output, aforementioned " "Dict is picked automatically. " "Instead, the option is used in the case " "the calculation produces more than a " "single instance of " "Dict.".format(expclass,expclass)) parser.add_argument('--dump-aiida-database', action='store_true', default=None, dest='dump_aiida_database', help="Export AiiDA database to the CIF file. " "Default option.") parser.add_argument('--no-dump-aiida-database', '--dont-dump-aiida-database', default=None, action='store_false', dest='dump_aiida_database', help="Do not export AiiDA database to the CIF " "file.") parser.add_argument('--exclude-external-contents', action='store_true', default=None, dest='exclude_external_contents', help="Do not save contents for external " "resources if URIs are provided. " "Default option.") parser.add_argument('--no-exclude-external-contents', '--dont-exclude-external-contents', default=None, action='store_false', dest='exclude_external_contents', help="Save contents for external resources " "even if URIs are provided.") parser.add_argument('--gzip', action='store_true', dest='gzip', default=None, help="Gzip large files.") parser.add_argument('--no-gzip', '--dont-gzip', action='store_false', default=None, dest='gzip', help="Do not gzip any files. Default option.") parser.add_argument('--gzip-threshold', type=int, default=None, help="Specify the minimum size of exported " "file which should be gzipped. " "Default {}.".format(default_options['gzip_threshold']))
[docs]def _collect_tags(node, calc,parameters=None, dump_aiida_database=default_options['dump_aiida_database'], exclude_external_contents=default_options['exclude_external_contents'], gzip=default_options['gzip'], gzip_threshold=default_options['gzip_threshold']): """ Retrieve metadata from attached calculation and pseudopotentials and prepare it to be saved in TCOD CIF. """ from aiida.common.links import LinkType import os import aiida from aiida.common import json tags = { '_audit_creation_method': "AiiDA version {}".format(aiida.__version__) } # Recording the dictionaries (if any) if len(conforming_dictionaries): for postfix in ['name', 'version', 'location']: key = '_audit_conform_dict_{}'.format(postfix) if key not in tags: tags[key] = [] for dictionary in conforming_dictionaries: tags['_audit_conform_dict_name'].append(dictionary['name']) tags['_audit_conform_dict_version'].append(dictionary['version']) tags['_audit_conform_dict_location'].append(dictionary['url']) # Collecting metadata from input files: calc_data = [] if calc is not None: calc_data = _collect_calculation_data(calc) for tag in tcod_loops['_tcod_computation'] + tcod_loops['_tcod_file']: tags[tag] = [] export_files = [] sn = 1 for step in calc_data: tags['_tcod_computation_step'].append(sn) tags['_tcod_computation_command'].append( 'cd {}; ./{}'.format(sn,aiida_executable_name)) tags['_tcod_computation_reference_uuid'].append(step['uuid']) if 'env' in step: tags['_tcod_computation_environment'].append( "\n".join(["{}={}".format(key, step['env'][key]) for key in sorted(step['env'])])) else: tags['_tcod_computation_environment'].append('') if 'stdout' in step and step['stdout'] is not None: tags['_tcod_computation_stdout'].append(step['stdout']) else: tags['_tcod_computation_stdout'].append('') if 'stderr' in step and step['stderr'] is not None: tags['_tcod_computation_stderr'].append(step['stderr']) else: tags['_tcod_computation_stderr'].append('') export_files.append( {'name': "{}{}".format(sn, os.sep), 'type': 'folder'} ) for f in step['files']: f['name'] = os.path.join(str(sn), f['name']) export_files.extend( step['files'] ) sn = sn + 1 # Creating importable AiiDA database dump in CIF tags if dump_aiida_database and node.is_stored: from aiida.common.exceptions import LicensingException from aiida.common.folders import SandboxFolder from aiida.orm.importexport import export_tree from aiida.common import json with SandboxFolder() as folder: try: export_tree([node], folder=folder, silent=True, allowed_licenses=['CC0']) except LicensingException as exc: raise LicensingException("{}. Only CC0 license is accepted.".format(exc)) files = _collect_files(folder.abspath) with open(folder.get_abs_path('data.json')) as f: data = json.loads( md5_to_url = {} if exclude_external_contents: for pk in data['node_attributes']: n = data['node_attributes'][pk] if 'md5' in n.keys() and 'source' in n.keys() and \ 'uri' in n['source'].keys(): md5_to_url[n['md5']] = n['source']['uri'] for f in files: f['name'] = os.path.join('aiida',f['name']) if f['type'] == 'file' and f['md5'] in md5_to_url.keys(): f['uri'] = md5_to_url[f['md5']] export_files.extend(files) # Describing seen files in _tcod_file_* loop encodings = list() fn = 0 for f in export_files: # ID and name tags['_tcod_file_id'].append(fn) tags['_tcod_file_name'].append(f['name']) # Checksums md5sum = None sha1sum = None if f['type'] == 'file': md5sum = f['md5'] sha1sum = f['sha1'] else: md5sum = '.' sha1sum = '.' tags['_tcod_file_md5sum'].append(md5sum) tags['_tcod_file_sha1sum'].append(sha1sum) # Content, encoding and URI contents = '?' encoding = None if 'uri' in f.keys(): contents = '.' tags['_tcod_file_URI'].append(f['uri']) else: tags['_tcod_file_URI'].append('?') if f['type'] == 'file': contents,encoding = \ cif_encode_contents(f['contents'], gzip=gzip, gzip_threshold=gzip_threshold) # PyCIFRW is not able to deal with bytes, therefore they have to # be converted to Unicode contents = contents.decode('utf-8') else: contents = '.' if encoding is None: encoding = '.' elif encoding not in encodings: encodings.append(encoding) tags['_tcod_file_contents'].append(contents) tags['_tcod_file_content_encoding'].append(encoding) # Role role = '?' if 'role' in f.keys(): role = f['role'] tags['_tcod_file_role'].append(role) fn = fn + 1 # Describing the encodings if encodings: for tag in tcod_loops['_tcod_content_encoding']: tags[tag] = [] for encoding in encodings: layers = encoding.split('+') for i in range(len(layers)): tags['_tcod_content_encoding_id'].append(encoding) tags['_tcod_content_encoding_layer_id'].append(i+1) tags['_tcod_content_encoding_layer_type'].append(layers[i]) # Describing Brillouin zone (if used) if calc is not None: from aiida.orm import KpointsData kpoints_list = calc.get_incoming(node_class=KpointsData, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC).all() # TODO: stop if more than one KpointsData is used? if len(kpoints_list) == 1: kpoints = kpoints_list[0] density, shift = kpoints.get_kpoints_mesh() tags['_dft_BZ_integration_grid_X'] = density[0] tags['_dft_BZ_integration_grid_Y'] = density[1] tags['_dft_BZ_integration_grid_Z'] = density[2] tags['_dft_BZ_integration_grid_shift_X'] = shift[0] tags['_dft_BZ_integration_grid_shift_Y'] = shift[1] tags['_dft_BZ_integration_grid_shift_Z'] = shift[2] from aiida.common.exceptions import MultipleObjectsError from aiida.plugins.entry_point import get_entry_point_names, load_entry_point group = '' plugins = list() if calc is not None: for entry_point in get_entry_point_names(group): plugin = load_entry_point(group, entry_point) if calc._plugin_type_string.endswith(plugin._plugin_type_string + '.'): plugins.append(plugin) if len(plugins) > 1: raise MultipleObjectsError('more than one plugin found for {}' .format(calc._plugin_type_string)) if len(plugins) == 1: plugin = plugins[0] translated_tags = translate_calculation_specific_values(calc, plugin) tags.update(translated_tags) return tags
[docs]@calcfunction def add_metadata_inline(what, node, parameters, args): """ Add metadata of original exported node to the produced TCOD CIF. :param what: an original exported node. :param node: a :py:class:`` instance. :param parameters: a :py:class:`` instance, produced by the same calculation as the original exported node. :param args: a :py:class:`` instance, containing parameters for the control of metadata collection and inclusion in the produced :py:class:``. :return: dict with :py:class:`` :raises ValueError: if tags present in ``args.get_dict()['additional_tags']`` are not valid CIF tags. .. note:: can be used as inline calculation. """ from import pycifrw_from_cif CifData = DataFactory('cif') if not node: node = what calc = _get_calculation(what) datablocks = [] loops = {} dataname = list(node.values.keys())[0] datablock = dict() for tag in node.values[dataname].keys(): datablock[tag] = node.values[dataname][tag] datablocks.append(datablock) for loop in node.values[dataname].loops.values(): loops[loop[0]] = loop # Unpacking the kwargs from Dict kwargs = {} additional_tags = {} datablock_names = None if args: kwargs = args.get_dict() additional_tags = kwargs.pop('additional_tags',{}) datablock_names = kwargs.pop('datablock_names',None) tags = _collect_tags(what, calc, parameters=parameters, **kwargs) loops.update(tcod_loops) tags.update(additional_tags) for datablock in datablocks: for k,v in tags.items(): if not k.startswith('_'): raise ValueError("Tag '{}' does not seem to start with " "an underscode ('_'): all CIF tags must " "start with underscores".format(k)) datablock[k] = v values = pycifrw_from_cif(datablocks, loops, names=datablock_names) cif = CifData(values=values) return {'cif': cif}
[docs]def export_cif(what, **kwargs): """ Exports given coordinate-containing \*Data node to string of CIF format. :return: string with contents of CIF file. """ cif = export_cifnode(what, **kwargs) return cif._exportcontent('cif')[0]
[docs]def export_values(what, **kwargs): """ Exports given coordinate-containing \*Data node to PyCIFRW CIF data structure. :return: CIF data structure. .. note:: Requires PyCIFRW. """ cif = export_cifnode(what,**kwargs) return cif.values
[docs]def export_cifnode(what, parameters=None, trajectory_index=None, store=False, reduce_symmetry=default_options['reduce_symmetry'], **kwargs): """ The main exporter function. Exports given coordinate-containing \*Data node to :py:class:`` node, ready to be exported to TCOD. All \*Data types, having method ``get_cif()``, are supported in addition to :py:class:``. :param what: data node to be exported. :param parameters: a :py:class:`` instance, produced by the same calculation as the original exported node. :param trajectory_index: a step to be converted and exported in case a :py:class:`` is exported. :param store: boolean indicating whether to store intermediate nodes or not. Default False. :param dump_aiida_database: boolean indicating whether to include the dump of AiiDA database (containing only transitive closure of the exported node). Default True. :param exclude_external_contents: boolean indicating whether to exclude nodes from AiiDA database dump, that are taken from external repositores and have a URL link allowing to refetch their contents. Default False. :param gzip: boolean indicating whether to Gzip large CIF text fields. Default False. :param gzip_threshold: integer indicating the maximum size (in bytes) of uncompressed CIF text fields when the **gzip** option is in action. Default 1024. :return: a :py:class:`` node. """ from aiida.common.links import LinkType from aiida.common.exceptions import MultipleObjectsError CifData = DataFactory('cif') StructureData = DataFactory('structure') TrajectoryData = DataFactory('array.trajectory') Dict = DataFactory('dict') calc = _get_calculation(what) if parameters is not None: if not isinstance(parameters, Dict): raise ValueError("Supplied parameters are not an " "instance of Dict") elif calc is not None: params = calc.get_outgoing(node_class=Dict, link_type=LinkType.CREATE).all() if len(params) == 1: parameters = params[0].node elif len(params) > 0: raise MultipleObjectsError("Calculation {} has more than " "one Dict output, please " "specify which one to use with " "an option parameters='' when " "calling export_cif()".format(calc)) if parameters is not None: _assert_same_parents(what, parameters) node = what # Convert node to CifData (if required) if not isinstance(node, CifData) and getattr(node, 'get_cif'): function_args = {'store': store} if trajectory_index is not None: function_args['index'] = trajectory_index node = node.get_cif(**function_args) if not isinstance(node,CifData): raise NotImplementedError("Exporter does not know how to " "export {}".format(type(node))) # Reduction of the symmetry if reduce_symmetry: from import refine_inline ret_dict = refine_inline(node=node, metadata={'store_provenance': store}) node = ret_dict['cif'] # Addition of the metadata args = Dict(dict=kwargs) function_args = {'what': what, 'args': args, 'metadata': {'store_provenance': store}} if node != what: function_args['node'] = node if parameters is not None: function_args['parameters'] = parameters else: function_args['parameters'] = Dict(dict={}) ret_dict = add_metadata_inline(**function_args) return ret_dict['cif']
[docs]def deposit(what, type, author_name=None, author_email=None, url=None, title=None, username=None, password=False, user_email=None, code=None, computer=None, replace=None, message=None, **kwargs): """ Launches a :py:class:`aiida.orm.nodes.process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode` to deposit data node to \*COD-type database. :return: launched :py:class:`aiida.orm.nodes.process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode` instance. :raises ValueError: if any of the required parameters are not given. """ from aiida.manage.configuration import get_config config = get_config() parameters = {} if not what: raise ValueError("Node to be deposited is not supplied") if not type: raise ValueError("Deposition type is not supplied. Should be " "one of the following: 'published', " "'prepublication' or 'personal'") if not username: username = config.option_get('tcod.depositor_username') if not username: raise ValueError("Depositor username is not supplied") if not password: parameters['password'] = config.option_get('tcod.depositor_password') if not parameters['password']: raise ValueError("Depositor password is not supplied") if not user_email: user_email = config.option_get('tcod.depositor_email') if not user_email: raise ValueError("Depositor email is not supplied") parameters['deposition-type'] = type parameters['username'] = username parameters['user_email'] = user_email if type == 'published': pass elif type in ['prepublication', 'personal']: if not author_name: author_name = config.option_get('tcod.depositor_author_name') if not author_name: raise ValueError("Author name is not supplied") if not author_email: author_email = config.option_get('tcod.depositor_author_email') if not author_email: raise ValueError("Author email is not supplied") if not title: raise ValueError("Publication title is not supplied") else: raise ValueError("Unknown deposition type '{}' -- should be " "one of the following: 'published', " "'prepublication' or 'personal'".format(type)) if replace: if str(int(replace)) != replace or int(replace) < 10000000 \ or int(replace) > 99999999: raise ValueError("ID of the replaced structure ({}) does not " "seem to be valid TCOD ID: must be in " "range [10000000,99999999]".format(replace)) elif message: raise ValueError("Message is given while the structure is not " "redeposited -- log message is relevant to " "redeposition only") kwargs['additional_tags'] = {} if title: kwargs['additional_tags']['_publ_section_title'] = title if author_name: kwargs['additional_tags']['_publ_author_name'] = author_name if replace: kwargs['additional_tags']['_tcod_database_code'] = replace kwargs['datablock_names'] = [replace] cif = export_cifnode(what, store=True, **kwargs) calc = code.new_calc(computer=computer) calc.set_option('resources', {'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1}) if password: import getpass parameters['password'] = getpass.getpass("Password: ") if author_name: parameters['author_name'] = author_name if author_email: parameters['author_email'] = author_email if url: parameters['url'] = url if replace: parameters['replace'] = True if message: parameters['log-message'] = str(message) pd = Dict(dict=parameters) calc.use_cif(cif) calc.use_parameters(pd) calc.store_all() calc.submit() return calc
[docs]def deposition_cmdline_parameters(parser, expclass="Data"): """ Provides descriptions of command line options, that are used to control the process of deposition to TCOD. :param parser: an argparse.Parser instance :param expclass: name of the exported class to be shown in help string for the command line options .. note:: This method must not set any default values for command line options in order not to clash with any other data deposition plugins. """ parser.add_argument('--type', '--deposition-type', type=str, choices=['published','prepublication','personal'], help="Type of the deposition.") parser.add_argument('-u', '--username', type=str, default=None, dest='username', help="Depositor's username.") parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', action='store_true', dest='password', default=None, help="Depositor's password.") parser.add_argument('--user-email', type=str, default=None, help="Depositor's e-mail address.") parser.add_argument('--title', type=str, default=None, help="Title of the publication.") parser.add_argument('--author-name', type=str, default=None, help="Full name of the publication author.") parser.add_argument('--author-email', type=str, default=None, help="E-mail address of the publication author.") parser.add_argument('--url', type=str, help="URL of the deposition API.") parser.add_argument('--code', type=str, dest='code_label', default=None, help="Label of the code to be used for the " "deposition. Default: cif_cod_deposit.") parser.add_argument('--computer', type=str, dest='computer_name', help="Name of the computer to be used for " "deposition. Default computer is used if " "not specified.") parser.add_argument('--replace', type=str, dest='replace', help="ID of the structure to be redeposited " "(replaced), if any.") parser.add_argument('-m', '--message', type=str, dest='message', help="Description of the change (relevant for " "redepositions only.")
[docs]def translate_calculation_specific_values(calc, translator, **kwargs): """ Translates calculation-specific values from :py:class:`aiida.orm.nodes.process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode` subclass to appropriate TCOD CIF tags. :param calc: an instance of :py:class:`aiida.orm.nodes.process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode` subclass. :param translator: class, derived from :py:class:``. :raises ValueError: if **translator** is not derived from proper class. """ from import BaseTcodtranslator if not issubclass(translator, BaseTcodtranslator): raise ValueError("supplied translator is of class {}, while it " "must be derived from {} class".format(translator.__class__, BaseTcodtranslator.__class__)) translation_map = { '_tcod_software_package': 'get_software_package', '_tcod_software_package_version': 'get_software_package_version', '_tcod_software_package_compilation_date': 'get_software_package_compilation_timestamp', '_tcod_software_executable_path': 'get_software_executable_path', '_tcod_total_energy': 'get_total_energy', '_dft_1e_energy': 'get_one_electron_energy', '_dft_correlation_energy': 'get_exchange_correlation_energy', '_dft_ewald_energy': 'get_ewald_energy', '_dft_hartree_energy': 'get_hartree_energy', '_dft_fermi_energy': 'get_fermi_energy', '_dft_cell_valence_electrons': 'get_number_of_electrons', '_tcod_computation_wallclock_time': 'get_computation_wallclock_time', '_atom_type_symbol': 'get_atom_type_symbol', '_dft_atom_type_valence_configuration': 'get_atom_type_valence_configuration', '_dft_atom_basisset': 'get_atom_type_basisset', '_dft_BZ_integration_smearing_method': 'get_integration_smearing_method', '_dft_BZ_integration_smearing_method_other': 'get_integration_smearing_method_other', '_dft_BZ_integration_MP_order': 'get_integration_Methfessel_Paxton_order', '_dft_BZ_integration_grid_X': 'get_BZ_integration_grid_X', '_dft_BZ_integration_grid_Y': 'get_BZ_integration_grid_Y', '_dft_BZ_integration_grid_Z': 'get_BZ_integration_grid_Z', '_dft_BZ_integration_grid_shift_X': 'get_BZ_integration_grid_shift_X', '_dft_BZ_integration_grid_shift_Y': 'get_BZ_integration_grid_shift_Y', '_dft_BZ_integration_grid_shift_Z': 'get_BZ_integration_grid_shift_Z', '_dft_kinetic_energy_cutoff_wavefunctions': 'get_kinetic_energy_cutoff_wavefunctions', '_dft_kinetic_energy_cutoff_charge_density': 'get_kinetic_energy_cutoff_charge_density', '_dft_kinetic_energy_cutoff_EEX': 'get_kinetic_energy_cutoff_EEX', '_dft_pseudopotential_atom_type': 'get_pseudopotential_atom_type', '_dft_pseudopotential_type': 'get_pseudopotential_type', '_dft_pseudopotential_type_other_name': 'get_pseudopotential_type_other_name', ## Residual forces are no longer produced, as they should ## be in the same CIF loop with coordinates -- to be ## implemented later, since it's not yet clear how. # '_tcod_atom_site_resid_force_Cartn_x': 'get_atom_site_residual_force_Cartesian_x', # '_tcod_atom_site_resid_force_Cartn_y': 'get_atom_site_residual_force_Cartesian_y', # '_tcod_atom_site_resid_force_Cartn_z': 'get_atom_site_residual_force_Cartesian_z', } tags = dict() for tag, function in translation_map.items(): value = None try: value = getattr(translator, function)(calc, **kwargs) except NotImplementedError as e: pass if value is not None: if isinstance(value,list): for i in range(len(value)): if value[i] is None: value[i] = '?' tags[tag] = value return tags