Source code for aiida.orm.comments

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""Comment objects and functions"""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

from aiida.manage.manager import get_manager
from . import entities
from . import users

__all__ = ('Comment',)

[docs]class Comment(entities.Entity): """Base class to map a DbComment that represents a comment attached to a certain Node."""
[docs] class Collection(entities.Collection): """The collection of Comment entries."""
[docs] def delete(self, comment_id): """ Remove a Comment from the collection with the given id :param comment_id: the id of the comment to delete """ self._backend.comments.delete(comment_id)
[docs] def __init__(self, node, user, content=None, backend=None): """ Create a Comment for a given node and user :param node: a Node instance :param user: a User instance :param content: the comment content :return: a Comment object associated to the given node and user """ backend = backend or get_manager().get_backend() model = backend.comments.create(node=node.backend_entity, user=user.backend_entity, content=content) super(Comment, self).__init__(model)
[docs] def __str__(self): arguments = [self.uuid,,, self.content] return 'Comment<{}> for node<{}> and user<{}>: {}'.format(*arguments)
@property def ctime(self): return self._backend_entity.ctime @property def mtime(self): return self._backend_entity.mtime
[docs] def set_mtime(self, value): return self._backend_entity.set_mtime(value)
@property def node(self): return self._backend_entity.node @property def user(self): return users.User.from_backend_entity(self._backend_entity.user)
[docs] def set_user(self, value): self._backend_entity.user = value.backend_entity
@property def content(self): return self._backend_entity.content
[docs] def set_content(self, value): return self._backend_entity.set_content(value)