aiida.manage package

Managing an AiiDA instance:

  • configuration file
  • profiles
  • databases
  • repositories
  • external components (such as Postgres, RabbitMQ)


Modules in this sub package may require the database environment to be loaded


Definition of caching mechanism and configuration for calculations.

aiida.manage.caching.get_use_cache(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Return whether the caching mechanism should be used for the given node class according to the configuration.

Parameters:node_class – the Node class or sub class to check if enabled for caching
Returns:boolean, True if caching is enabled, False otherwise
Raises:ValueError – if the configuration is invalid by defining the class both enabled and disabled
aiida.manage.caching.enable_caching(*args, **kwds)[source]

Context manager to enable caching, either for a specific node class, or globally. Note that this does not affect the behavior of the daemon, only the local Python instance.

Parameters:node_class – Node class for which caching should be enabled.
aiida.manage.caching.disable_caching(*args, **kwds)[source]

Context manager to disable caching, either for a specific node class, or globally. Note that this does not affect the behavior of the daemon, only the local Python instance.

Parameters:node_class – Node class for which caching should be disabled.

Testing tools for related projects like plugins.

Fixtures (pytest) and specific test classes & test runners (unittest) that set up a complete temporary AiiDA environment for plugin tests.


  • temporary config (.aiida) folder
  • temporary repository folder


  • temporary database cluster via the pgtest package
  • with aiida database user
  • with aiida_db database


  • set to use the temporary config folder
  • create and configure a profile
exception aiida.manage.fixtures.FixtureError(msg)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Raised by FixtureManager, when it encounters a situation in which consistent behaviour can not be guaranteed


x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

__module__ = 'aiida.manage.fixtures'
__str__() <==> str(x)[source]

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class aiida.manage.fixtures.FixtureManager[source]

Bases: object

Manage the life cycle of a completely separated and temporary AiiDA environment

  • No previously created database of profile is required to run tests using this environment
  • Tests using this environment will never pollute the user’s work environment


fixtures = FixtureManager()
fixtures.create_aiida_db()  # set up only the database
fixtures.create_profile()  # set up a profile (creates the db too if necessary)

# ready for testing

# run test 1

# database ready for independent test 2

# run test 2

# everything cleaned up

Usage (unittest): See the PluginTestCase and the TestRunner.

Usage (pytest):

import pytest

def aiida_profile():
    # set up a test profile for the duration of the tests
    with aiida.manage.fixtures.fixture_manager() as fixture_manager:
        yield fixture_manager

def new_database(aiida_profile):
    # clear the database after each test
    yield aiida_profile

def test_my_stuff(new_database):
    # run a test
__dict__ = dict_proxy({'profile': <property object>, '__module__': 'aiida.manage.fixtures', 'create_aiida_db': <function create_aiida_db>, 'root_dir': <property object>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'FixtureManager' objects>, 'config_dir_ok': <property object>, 'create_db_cluster': <function create_db_cluster>, 'repo': <property object>, 'db_pass': <property object>, 'last_name': <property object>, 'create_profile': <function create_profile>, 'db_port': <property object>, 'config_dir': <property object>, 'institution': <property object>, '__init__': <function __init__>, 'backend': <property object>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'FixtureManager' objects>, 'first_name': <property object>, 'has_profile_open': <function has_profile_open>, 'db_user': <property object>, 'init_db': <staticmethod object>, 'repo_ok': <function repo_ok>, '_backend': <property object>, '_create_test_case': <function _create_test_case>, '__doc__': "\n Manage the life cycle of a completely separated and temporary AiiDA environment\n\n * No previously created database of profile is required to run tests using this environment\n * Tests using this environment will never pollute the user's work environment\n\n Example::\n\n fixtures = FixtureManager()\n fixtures.create_aiida_db() # set up only the database\n fixtures.create_profile() # set up a profile (creates the db too if necessary)\n\n # ready for testing\n\n # run test 1\n\n fixtures.reset_db()\n # database ready for independent test 2\n\n # run test 2\n\n fixtures.destroy_all()\n # everything cleaned up\n\n Usage (unittest): See the :py:class:`PluginTestCase` and the :py:class:`TestRunner`.\n\n\n Usage (pytest)::\n\n import pytest\n\n @pytest.fixture(scope='session')\n def aiida_profile():\n # set up a test profile for the duration of the tests\n with aiida.manage.fixtures.fixture_manager() as fixture_manager:\n yield fixture_manager\n\n @pytest.fixture(scope='function')\n def new_database(aiida_profile):\n # clear the database after each test\n yield aiida_profile\n aiida_profile.reset_db()\n\n def test_my_stuff(new_database):\n # run a test\n\n ", 'db_name': <property object>, '_test_case': None, 'destroy_all': <function destroy_all>, 'reset_db': <function reset_db>, 'db_host': <property object>, 'root_dir_ok': <property object>, 'email': <property object>, '_return_dir': <function _return_dir>})

x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

__module__ = 'aiida.manage.fixtures'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Get the backend


Create the test case for the correct backend which will be used to clean up


Return a path to a directory from the fs environment

_test_case = None

Create the necessary database on the temporary postgres instance


Set AiiDA to use the test config dir and create a default profile there

Warning: the AiiDA dbenv must not be loaded when this is called!


Remove all traces of the test run

static init_db()[source]

Initialise the database state


Profile parameters


Cleans all data from the database between tests

class aiida.manage.fixtures.PluginTestCase(methodName='runTest')[source]


Set up a complete temporary AiiDA environment for plugin tests.

Note: This test class needs to be run through the TestRunner and will not work simply with python -m unittest discover.

Usage example:


    def setUp(self):
        # load my test data

    # optionally extend setUpClass / tearDownClass / tearDown if needed

    def test_my_plugin(self):
        # execute tests
__module__ = 'aiida.manage.fixtures'
backend = None
classmethod setUpClass()[source]

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.


Hook method for deconstructing the test fixture after testing it.

class aiida.manage.fixtures.TestRunner(stream=<open file '<stderr>', mode 'w'>, descriptions=True, verbosity=1, failfast=False, buffer=False, resultclass=None)[source]

Bases: unittest.runner.TextTestRunner

Testrunner for unit tests using the fixture manager.

Usage example:

import unittest
from aiida.manage.fixtures import TestRunner

tests ='.')
__module__ = 'aiida.manage.fixtures'
run(suite, backend='django')[source]

Run tests using fixture manager for specified backend.

  • tests – A suite of tests, as returned e.g. by
  • backend – Database backend to be used.
aiida.manage.fixtures.fixture_manager(*args, **kwds)[source]

Context manager for FixtureManager objects

Example test runner (unittest):

with fixture_manager(backend) as fixture_mgr:
    # ready for tests
# everything cleaned up

Example fixture (pytest):

def aiida_profile():
    with fixture_manager(backend) as fixture_mgr:
        yield fixture_mgr
Parameters:backend – database backend, either BACKEND_SQLA or BACKEND_DJANGO

AiiDA manager for global settings
